Welcome to 4GW & 5GW Warfare – The Auxiliary

I enjoyed reading John Hurth’s article titled Moving Forward yesterday. Upfront, I consider it to be spot on. Which got me thinking about The Auxiliary again in the concept of Fourth-generation warfare (4GW) and Fifth-generation warfare (5GW).


As I wrote in an earlier article titled, 2021-Americas Future, it really doesn’t matter who wins the Presidential election, the shit storm is coming. It will get here a little faster if Trump wins then Biden, but it is coming. Whatever happens in the courts is immaterial at this point. Personally, I would rather the festivities come sooner than later hence I would like Trump and his team to expose the traitors within the system but whatever. What you and I have control over is our own AO today. Use the time wisely.


We all need to understand that we are in the beginning of the winter of the ‘fourth turning’. Patriotman, did an excellent article on this titled THE FOURTH TURNING & THE FUTURE, AS I SEE IT back in January 2019. Well worth your time to reread or read for the first time.

The Auxiliary

With 4GW being a blurring of the lines between war and politics and 5GW as outlined by NC Scout in his article titled, The Ongoing 5th Generation of War,

a vortex of violence, a free-for-all of surprise destruction motivated more by frustration than by any coherent plans for the future. 5GW is what happens when the world’s disaffected direct their desperation at the most obvious symbol of everything they lack.”

Bottom-line, warfare that we have become use to, firefights between team A and team B, will not be replaced but certainly reduced in lieu of mob violence against the machine and people on the opposite sides of the drama de jour of the day. Where do you fit in?

I wrote about this back in December 2019 with an article called The AuxiliaryIf you are not of the age to be running up hills with 40-pounds of gear The Auxiliary is where you fit in. Think of being the support for the folks who will be taking on the ‘trigger pulling’ role. Some areas are – Intelligence gathering, communications, food & shelter, and others. As an example, many IRA sympathizers left their back doors unlocked for fleeing IRA soldiers to hide after a military operation. Would you leave your back door unlocked? Report on enemy movements? Help with communications?

Are you ready to join The Auxiliary ranks?

Freedom Through Self-Reliance

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About the Author: johnyMac


  1. Luke November 9, 2020 at 13:46

    Sorry for going around your very fine post Johnny Mac. I am curious to know what Patriots think of this latest news. Trump just canned Esper. Seems like smoke signals to me, but what do I know lol.

    • NC Scout November 9, 2020 at 13:47

      Yes it is.

    • johnyMac November 9, 2020 at 16:18

      We were batting this development around last week. I wonder who else is on the chopping block in the coming days/weeks. Director Wray? AG Barr? A General or two? All or none who may have been plotting to try there hands at a old fashion military coup.

      Lets wait and see \”/

      73 & God Bless Brother.

      • Johnny Paratrooper November 9, 2020 at 16:40

        Barr is currently rounding up some of the bad guys.
        Barr has family who have to live on planet Earth with the rest of us.
        He knows what the future holds if we lose, and he doesn’t want his grandkids to live in a nightmare.
        Wray is gonna get replaced by someone like Sidney Powell, and maybe Sidney Powell herself.
        We have great Generals, minus a few duds. Not all soldiers, of any rank, are pure gold.

        FYI, Lots of Generals and retired military didn’t give up. They have MUCH more options outside of the military than in.

        Johnny and Scout, You should have seen the birds flying around Baltimore today.
        I have never seen a Coast Guard Blackhawk with that many dishes and domes on it. Flying low orbits, right over an enclave of commies and crackheads. Looks like some new toys…

        Focus on training guys, not the same old lamentations of last week, also, I really enjoy the wargaming and tabletop exercises.
        FYI, the 4th turning and 4GW also includes the 4IR=4th Industrial Revolution=Robots, AI, and 5G

        Perhaps we should have a Tabletop Friday. You write a scenario, and we try to break it down in the comments.
        Warnos and SALUTES and course of action, follow ons are the standard. Trashcan any off topic/Nonsense comments. You can use a high def photo for the SALUTE report. Just an idea.

        Something to get our minds off of the “BLAH BLAH” election nonsense. Rudy and company are handling the Election.

        Plus… We have Hunter Biden laptop.
        Remember… We ALWAYS have the laptop…

    • Johnny Paratrooper November 9, 2020 at 16:23

      He isn’t the only rat to pack his desk.
      And two others.

      FYI, We are tracking them using Spaceforce, and the New Cybersecurity Agency (CISA)
      You think we don’t have a plan?
      You ain’t seen nothing yet.

      • boss21 November 9, 2020 at 19:59

        Nice themes there JP. Who can watch a movie ever again? This is the greatest show on earth.

  2. Boat Guy November 9, 2020 at 18:26

    I need my own “BLM” sticker for “Biden’s Laptop Matters”.
    Spent some good time at the loading bench, have new newbies sked for Friday. Fortunately the stock’s of training ammo are OK.
    Even as an Auxiliarist, I just put the plates back in my carrier.
    Boat Guy

  3. Anonymous November 11, 2020 at 07:11


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