Escalating East-West Trade War
The US is considering executive action that would restrict some Chinese companies’ ability to sell telecommunications equipment in the U.S., based on national-security concerns. As the WSJ points out, this move “would represent a significant escalation of a growing feud between the U.S. and China over tech and telecommunications.”
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The headline over at ZH is “China Warns Trump “We Will Outlast You”.
If, by you, the Chicoms mean Trump, then yes at 100%. If by you they mean the US’ ability to sustain a serious escalating tit for tat then I would say 90%. Trump, in my opinion is gone after one term anyway. And in the later case the American people are fat, doughy, puffy, helpless, kept creatures. So either way…
The problem is real however. The Chicoms are stealing US intellectual property, making products with it and selling them world wide. That’s one thing but on balance china also pays around 22 cents less for the same category of product and many products we would export are banned for import by them outright. I’m not a fan of Trump’s reneging on Pro Life and Gun Rights but in this one case he is correct, so credit where it’s due. “The word is Reciprocal.” – DJT
But, and the bottom line: The American people simply must have that junk from China made of plastic for the babies new play room. They would literally die without it. All joking aside, they won’t tolerate rising prices for useless throw-away items that they don’t actually need. Between credit cards and a flood of easy fiat ‘currency’ there is a whole generation that has not really wanted for much. Anybody remember inflation? I do. You think the snowflakes and big cities are a problem now? Nah, these are the good old days.
Interesting article. Read it for yourself.