Fall 2018 Open Enrollment Class Dates: The American Redoubt Region and NC
The RTO Course is coming to Ravalli County Fairgrounds in Hamilton, Montana to service the Redoubt Region. There’s three back to back dates to take advantage of:
- 8-9 September
- 15-16 September
- Advanced Class: 13-14 September
Class cost is $300 in advance, $350 at the door. The advance cost requires a $50 deposit sent before 15 August:
The Order of the White Rose
610 N. 1st St., Ste. 5-209
The last NC dates for 2018:
- RTO: 14-15 July
- RTO: 11-12 August
- First Line Course: 29-30 September
- RTO: 13-14 October
- Advanced RTO: 27-28 October
A description of the the RTO and First Line Courses can be found here. The Advanced Course picks up where the RTO Basic Course leaves off, with training focused on:
- Advanced SOI/CEOI Planning
- Planning & Coordinating Transmitting Sites/Directional Transmitting
- Uses of Resistors and Constructing Directional Wire Antennas
- Data Bursts
- Advanced HF techniques
- Basic Signals Mapping and Communications Intelligence
Barring any more private training dates, this is it for 2018. There *may* be a couple one day workshops added at a reduced cost, focusing on observation skills and intermediate range (0-500) marksmanship, mission planning, defensive considerations and coordinating teams in the field, and basic signals collection/intelligence. Feel free to contact me for more details.
Again, this is it for 2018. Things appear to be ramping up as far as rhetoric and action goes from an increasingly unhinged Left. What are you doing today to be better tomorrow?