NY Man Builds Bomb For Election Day
A New York man has apparently built a bomb for election day, which he planned to kill himself with on the National Mall. Paul Rosenfeld, 56, was arrested after an anonymous tip that he had not only the intent but had gathered the materials and was constructing a crude bomb from 200lbs of black powder. The FBI claims Rosenfeld wanted to draw attention to his belief in “sortition”, which is a type of direct democracy that chooses officials from a pool of elected candidates. So it shouldn’t take much to see where his political beliefs lay; if this guy was a conservative they’d never let us forget it. Since there’s also another hurricane this one will get buried just like all of the other open acts of Leftist violence. Chances are high you’ve already forgot James T. Hodgkinson. If no media outlet is willing to label this guy for what he is, then this one will. He’s a Communist. And he’s likely not alone.
What do any of you think is going to happen when the world doesn’t turn out ‘their way’? The only logical conclusion is violence- Leftists, both Communists and Anarchists, believe in the politics of the bomb. Revolutionary praxis is a real thing and they will bring the war home. There must be a logical end state. Two sides with irreconcilable political differences and one that just got beat at its own game of placing too much power in the Judicial Branch. How do you think it’ll work out?
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Thanks for the heads up, that’s something to add to the intelligence pool. I will add however that you may want to clarify the word “Anarchist”, not all Anarchists fall into the same category as the Communists who have co-opted the term. In reality the majority of “Anarchists” are far right leaning akin to Libertarians, but their die-hards are for the removal of government from their lives, but by non-violent means. This does not mean revolution per say, but more so volunteerism and choice in how they spend their money and their own freedoms, unlike the current system we have. The Founding Fathers were Libertarian, but some had some strong leanings toward Anarchism according to their writings. I suggest you research into the ideology of Anarcho-Capitalism and writers like Lysander Spooner who competed successfully against the US Postal Service until the Feds made laws against it, and Murray Rothbard. The Mises Institute is a great resource, many people like the great Judge Andrew Napolitano and Ron Paul are Anarcho-Capitalists (Ron Paul uses Libertarian to lessen the blow) by the way. Most adhere to the Non-Aggression Principle (not to be confused with pacifism). A suggestion at the very least.
Anarchism is an offshoot of Communism. Always has been, in every form.
Read Mikhail Bakunin’s “Statism and Anarchy”. Read his exchanges with Marx.
Then read Kropotkin’s “The Conquest of Bread.”
I’m well aware of the others; Spooner is cliche and retreads the same ground previously covered, while entirely missing many of the logical conclusions. Tucker is better but usually overlooked. You start with the ones I’ve mentioned.
My problem here is “FBI claims”,really do not trust a lot of their actions/claims as time shows them many times just plain wrong or a setup initiated by them ,that said,if true glad they stopped the guy but just because others may have been hurt,you want to blow yourself up in protest of something do it on your own property with no others around.