In the Congo, Ebola is spreading to Urban Areas
The current Ebola flare-up is cause for more serious concern than first thought. According to Medicines Sans Frontieres, the containment zone for the latest infections appears spreading to north Kivu, including the urban areas of Butembo and Kalenguta. While the number of cases reported was low, the infections are expected to rise rapidly, creating a potential health crisis crossing the border into Uganda and Rwanda. Currently 440 have reported ebola-like symptoms with 392 confirmed cases.
“We are very concerned by the epidemiological situation in the Butembo area. We now know that this outbreak will last and that we must increase our efforts to get it under control,” says John Johnson, MSF project coordinator in Butembo.
Complicating the efforts of medical aid workers is the ongoing strife on the ground. Being historically unstable, the most recent civil unrest sliding in to small scale warfare is the refusal of current president Joseph Kabila to leave office. The conflict has led to the recruitment and use of child soldiers, a common practice in that part of the world. This level of instability and brutality obviously has negative consequences for competent aid workers, just as concerned about their safety as they are treating the afflicted areas, especially among females.
While the MSF is optimistic, the potential spread rate to neighboring nations is alarming- and with those nations being nearly as unstable as the Congo, presents a potential humanitarian crisis worse than that of the 2014-2016 west African outbreak. As my source from the Red Cross noted, we’re only seeing the tip of the iceberg. I pray he’s wrong but its something to keep an eye on nonetheless.
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nothing to see here, move along….we are just one or two plane loads away from a serious contagion outbreak here in CONUS…
We are already seeing diseases that we eradicated decades ago, show up in the unwashed migrants of third world [censored] countries and taking root.
What’s one more hemorrhagic fever, ebola virus or marburg virus gonna hurt.
I suggest folks read: for an eye opening and terrifying true story of what happened in Reston VA..
Along with describing the history of the diseases caused by these two Central African diseases, Ebola virus disease and Marburg virus disease, Preston described a 1989 incident in which a relative of Ebola virus, named Reston virus, was discovered at a primate quarantine facility in Reston, Virginia, less than 15 miles (24 km) away from Washington, D.C. The virus found at the facility was a mutated form of the original Ebola virus and was initially mistaken for Simian hemorrhagic fever.
The US does not take quarantine seriously at all. During the last ebola outbreak, I remember talking to a guy who came to our factory from Texas for our annual training. He told us, “Yeah, I just got off a plane that came from Nigeria.” This was during the height of the outbreak, mind you. The CDC ran some models that told them quarantines don’t work in a global environment with air travel. I say this modeling is a form of GIGO. The Japanese have IR cameras at the exits of all international flights and they route you immediately to a quarantine if you’re too hot. During the last outbreak, I remember there was a doctor from “Doctors without Borders” who came back sick and was running around New York crapping his pants before he was whisked-off somewhere for treatment. Pestilence always seems to end eras of globalism.
I’m highly interested in an article that teaches you how to quarantine a sick family member and quarantine your family when the outside world is sick.
Suburban Dude – 3 years ago the US was one (1) bed away from saturation. There were/are 11 high-isolation zone beds in CONUS. The Liberian dude who came here to Dallas seeking treatment managed to infect BOTH RN’s who were trained to handle this scenario.
The #TransnationalProgressiveLeftGlobalists & GreenieGaiaHumpers want nothing more than some sort of contagion to take out the DeplorableDregs as they see us.
Like Ole Remus says:
Avoid crowds
Find more hard-hearted friends
I sense things are gog to get frisky this coming new year.
Ehhh, why should Americans care?
We have the internet, free porn, legal drugs and plenty of booze. Oh, and a new found love of Socialism/Communism ad lgbtzxwpqbg9371.
We can be tree’s, marry cars, and have sex with dolls.
Merca is Geeeee-Rate!
Why are your statistics different from those reported by Aesop?
Mine came from an official with the Red Cross.
the WHO site posts about every week- check the link-
When you look at the headliner, the numbers there are a few days more recent than the weekly update.
Most recent example (as of this post)- 19 December 560 cases, but the most recent weekly report shows data as of 16 December, 539 cases.
The numbers are not what is important, because they are not accurate anyway. Estimates I have read state that only between half and a quarter of the actual cases get counted. What IS important is where the new cases that are being reported are located. New locations of cases are a BAD THING. New locations of cases closer to the border with Uganda, or in urban or suburban population centers are a VERY BAD THING.