Political Warfare, Part One: You Need To Know It, by Derek Collins

The start of the new year always brings the same things. Congress and State Legislatures go back into session and the first thing that happens is that some legislator files a bill to continue the never ending erosion of our second amendment rights and immediately the word goes out on Facebook/Instagram/YouTube that the end of the world is nigh and it is now time to panic buy all the guns, parts, ammo, braces, binary triggers, etc. as quickly as possible. The government has failed the people and the gun rights group of your choice has betrayed us all.

I watch as everyone throws up their hands because the government is too far gone and trying to stop the latest grab is pointless. I watch as Professor Tacticool rants against the NRA on their YouTube channel while begging you to support their Patreon page because they are the only true advocates for freedom. I watch as Instructor Super Beard tells you to hurry to their mountain training course to brush up on your magazine quick change drills so when they take your 30rd magazines you will be able to change 10 rounders faster. I watch as friends nod their heads sagely and start talking about soon it will be time to head for the bunker and lock the door. I watch all of this and try to insert some sanity and practical knowledge on how to slow this madness down and maybe start pushing back on this nonsense. I beg the Facebook alarmist, the YouTube hysterics and the Instagram worriers to add a much-needed skill to their bag of tricks. I give step by step instructions on what they need to start doing to slow the assault. In return I get nothing but silence. The silence, as the saying goes, is deafening.

That skill I beg people to learn and use is Political Warfare. It is a skill that those that are after our rights (not just the 2nd Amendment but the entire Bill of Rights) are highly trained in from the highest political office to the college snowflake. It is a skill that side used to wield like a scalpel but now uses like a hammer because our side for the most part refuses to do what is needed to learn it and employ it effectively. Those on the side of freedom are not getting beaten in these political fights. We are just not showing up to the fight and lose by default. Just like becoming an expert marksman or a master of fieldcraft, political warfare must be learned and put into practice. Failure to do so will leave you at the mercy of a highly motivated enemy who sees your belief in freedom as an obstacle to their goals and they will not hesitate to do whatever is needed to remove you.

In a future article I am going to explain why those on our side do not take the concept of Political Warfare seriously or see a need for engaging in this arena. Trust me, as a political activist by trade, I have heard just about every excuse in the book. What I want to communicate is to why it is important for you to start right now adding this skillset just like you would when it comes to all the tactical skills you already have. Below are three solid reasons:

  1. It will buy you and those you love more time to prepare.

I fully believe that our government is severely broken and may not be repairable. I understand that most view politics as a rigged game. However, a rigged game still has rules and right now those running the game are playing by them. Learning and engaging in those rules delays the inevitable. Engaging the enemy as far out as possible keeps you from having to fight them at the bunker door. Even if you believe your preps are squared away you can always use more time to work on them. Political Warfare will help buy that time for you and your loved ones to get ready. We all understand the value of a delaying action in combat. The same thing works for political combat. Delay the enemy and you buy valuable time.

  1. It will give you insight into how the enemy works.

The old saying goes that insight leads to foresight. When you know how the enemy tactics work you can plan. It allows you to see what is coming. Sure, you can fight your way out of an ambush but isn’t it always better to not fall for one in the first place?

  1. It is your duty as a citizen.

Yeah, I know that sounds a bit trite in this day and age. Most of your fellow Americans think the extent of their civic duty is to hit the polls and vote for the lesser evil. I want everyone to understand that the nation our founders gave us was meant to be participatory. People showed up to town halls. They were educated on the issues of the day. Everyone from the college professor to the humble farmer could knowledgably engage in a debate. Many of our founding fathers knew how to wield words as well as they did a sword. It is a skill that we once had but allowed to atrophy over the decades while those that oppose us kept working on it.

The good news is that Political Warfare is a skill that is relatively easy to acquire the basics of and once you apply it you can teach it others. It is a skill that even once life as we know it falls apart you will need in what comes next. The question is, are you willing to put the effort into finally getting into this fight and start pushing back against those that want your freedom?

I am willing and already engaged. Join the fight.


Derek is a US Marine Corps Veteran, Father, Conservative Christian and Political Organizer for an organization that fights for veterans. He works full time on the front lines to preserve liberty and teach others how they can do the same.

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  1. The Tactical Hermit January 23, 2019 at 07:15

    100% agree.
    Knowledge, Understanding and Practical application of Political Warfare has been part of the Guerilla’s ‘repertoire’ for over 200 years. Looking forward to the next installment.

  2. John Leyzorek January 23, 2019 at 10:19

    Very good points, Derek. All reading this should know that there is a plan and a group putting this good idea into practice, peacefully and lawfully working around the broken political process to restore the Republic. Please consider being part of the solution!

  3. Anonymous January 23, 2019 at 15:53


  4. Devin S January 23, 2019 at 16:00

    Very much agreed. From the Christian perspective I’ve been trying to explain this to my fellow Christians who think it’s akin to sin to get involved too much other than chanting for the Fox News Loser Pick Of The Election (This time around it was Trump). I’m a Christian Libertarian, which is very much the most compatible political view, and very Biblical. Look into old time Francis Wayland and the contemporary Laurence M. Vance. I also appreciate Pastor Chuck Baldwins regular crying in the wilderness for Christians to wake up and stop bowing at the alter of the flag, government in general, politicians, and laziness. Often, as a Libertarian, I find both sides, leftists and “Conservatives” (which most don’t know what that means anymore) are just plain mentally lazy. They don’t even try to look up the mot basic information about a politician or their history of swampy friendships and business partners. Just read some of Chuck Baldwins columns and get at least vaguely educated.

    • Derek February 4, 2019 at 15:42

      I have had fellow Christians use Paul’s commands to the Believers in the book of Romans about being subject to governing authorities to tell me I am wrong to criticize or work hard to change our government. I always counter that if they believe that God ordained our current government and that our Constitution established and encouraged mechanisms to criticize as well as effect change in government then i am in fact engaged in the Lord’s work.

      • Devin S February 5, 2019 at 10:27

        Yep, good point. Not to mention resist and overthrow our government according to our Founder’s writings. If we followed their model we would need to bow to the Brittish crown, the Revolution was illegal. Besides, there is a clause in Romans 13 when corrupt governments are involved, virtually everything our current government does now violates the Constitution and Bill of Rights, they also don’t uphold their responsibilities. Chuck Baldwin has written about this extensively, along with Laurnce M Vance, John Whitehead, Lew Rockwell, and Ron Paul.

  5. Frank Pinelander January 24, 2019 at 06:20

    A good synopsis of tactics is Alinky’s Rules for Radicals. He took COMINTERN strategies and condensed them down.

    As to what to expect from the Bolshevik opposition, read The Gulag Archipelago. It details the psychosis that is Bolshevism.

    • Derek February 4, 2019 at 15:36

      Another good book is Andrew Brietbart’s Righteous Indignation that details how what he learned about Alinsky and building the Huffington Post went into the creation of his own website.

  6. Sum Dude February 1, 2019 at 12:10

    MOAR! This is what we need.

  7. 50cal February 5, 2019 at 16:17

    This is all very good. Does Derek Collins, have any more articles or a website ?

    • Derek February 6, 2019 at 10:12

      Part 2 is up now. Currently American Partisan is the only place that is hosting my content.

  8. Anonymous April 30, 2019 at 21:24


  9. doug1943 February 22, 2020 at 10:47

    Yes, yes, yes.

    There are two sets of reasons to be actively involved in politics: one of them is summarized above. People who say, “It’s no use, the government is controlled by [ BOGEYMAN OF CHOICE] sound like far-out Marxists, and are just as wrong. At a minimum, it buys us time.

    There is another reason: there are many people who are conservative, but whose view of the ‘militia’ movement and similar groups, is still conditioned by the MSM. They remember the 90s, and some of the crazy people who were around, if not in, the ‘militia’ movement of time, one Timothy McVeigh being the poster boy for that group. The only way they’ll change their mind is by meeting people who are in the militia movement, in joint political work. It’s vital to have as many people as possible who are supportive of the movement, even if only passively, because …..

    …. there may be a legal attack coming our way. There has already been an article posted comparing the militia to illegal ‘private armies’, which are already outlawed in many states. In fact, there have been several such articles in several Leftist publications, but the one that should set off alarm bells, is this one: https://www.lawfareblog.com/armed-militias-are-taking-trumps-civil-war-tweets-seriously

    I believe this may be a straw in the wind, for a future legal assault against the militia movement. Note that the author is

    “currently Legal Director and Visiting Professor of Law at the Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection at Georgetown University Law School. She is the former Acting Assistant Attorney General and Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General for National Security at the U.S. Department of Justice and was a long-time federal prosecutor in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia.”

    This attack probably won’t be launched if there is a big win for pro-2A candidates next November. But if there is not, then we oguht to expect it. The Southern Poverty Law Center does its best to link the militia movement to the Far Right, to the Klan, to neo-Nazis, and similar types. Since most conservatives shun these people, we need to make sure they know that the SPLC is lying about us.

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