Prelude To War? Amid Clashes With Protestors for Liberty, Venezuela Ramps Up Tensions

Venezuela is well on its way to civil war- and the sides are galvanizing. With the widespread anti-Socialist protests in Caracas becoming a show of force for Maduro’s police state, the resolve of those fed up with the failures of the Maduro regime will become left with few other options. The US has stated public support behind the leader of the opposition, Juan Guaido, and as a result the socialist regime has declared all US diplomatic personnel PNG- personas non gratas. Diplomats are only expelled once all other options are broken down…which usually leads to military action. As Reuters is reporting:

Speaking to supporters outside the Miraflores presidential palace in Caracas, socialist leader Maduro said he would give U.S. diplomatic personnel 72 hours to leave Venezuela, which is suffering from a hyperinflationary economic collapse.

The protests in Caracas are heating up as of this writing. The first day of organized civil disobedience on part of the opposition is being held today, with clashes potentially turning violent. Reuters is reporting that police forces are firing tear gas at the protestors. It is unclear however what the effect has been, and if the protests will extend into nightfall. I predict they likely will, and will only become more widespread as the larger revolt against failures of socialism continue. Several of the nations of the region, most notably Colombia and the newly elected Balsonaro presidency in Brazil, are backing the transfer of power from Maduro to Guaido. The struggle represents a much larger power struggle however- both Russia and China have deep interests in Venezuela and it supports a much broader long term strategy for the region both economically and militarily. China has made major inroads in the Carribean and Central American regions and is looking to exploit the mineral and oil wealth. Russia has deepened military ties with Venezuela and CubaThere’s strong evidence Venezuelan intelligence is at least in some part organizing these “caravans” of so-called migrants. And their Kalashnikov factory, turning out 50,000 AK-103s in 7.62×39, is now at full capacity.

Those weapons are going somewhere. The threat is very real and it’s about to be on our doorstep. Buckle up folks.



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  1. Reasonable Rascal January 24, 2019 at 00:22

    “Those weapons are going somewhere. The threat is very real and it’s about to be on our doorstep. Buckle up folks.”

    I gave up chasing conspiracies years ago. That leaves me determining for myself what is rational vs. fantasy. Based on what I am seeing elsewhere and in conjunction with the reports I see here I am faced with a growing conclusion that the concept of an actual invasion from the south is no longer just the product of a fiction author’s imagination.

    The implied threat by the repeated and growing caravan assaults on our southern border and the availability of those arms portends ill for our future.

  2. Mr. Prepper January 24, 2019 at 09:27

    This is not the first time an invasion of the US southern border looked eminent. During WW II, the Axis powers were planning on arming Mexicans & Central Americans for an invasion of the Southwest & Southern California. Quite obvious why. Major military/naval installations, a high concentration of defense, mostly aircraft related industries in that part & the lifeblood of the economy, oil production. Also, capturing the Panama Canal was to be part of the overall plan. As we know, it never materialized, but would have changed the course of the war had it been executed. Keep in mind, many Japanese attending U.S. universities during those pre-war years were not only students, but were also spies. Sound familiar in 2019?

  3. Anonymous January 24, 2019 at 12:58


  4. Devin S January 24, 2019 at 13:05

    I read that Juan Guaido is a Socialist too. I mean obviously one is worse than the other, currently, but we know how these types always get a taste for power and move towards Communism. I don’t believe our government has any reason or authorization to meddle in the affairs of another nation. But if they’re going to they need to back someone who isn’t Socialist or we will be right back (as we ALWAYS are) at this same situation in a few to several years. Interventionists don’t seem to get it, after over 100 years of failed interventions we still have all the same crap. Ron and Rand Paul (as well as all the people at the Mises Institute) have the answer no one wants to hear… Sad. Yes, I understand the Russian and Chinese threat, but we need to stabilize our own country and economy by removing our own Socialist government, before we can hope to ADVISE and set an example for others, PEACEFULLY with trade. The coups we pushed are part of the border hoards crises anyway.

    • NC Scout January 24, 2019 at 15:20

      Where did you read that he was a socialist? I would think living under it and seeing its results would change the minds of anyone with an IQ above room temp.

      • Devin S January 24, 2019 at 15:51

        I tried finding it, not sure where it was, I read a lot of stuff all over the place on a daily basis. If I’m wrong I’m wrong though. Yeah, I don’t see how anyone can put up with Socialism, but Europe has been under it for over 100 years to varying degrees. One thing I tell my wife, because she is afraid of the USA going that way, is that Europe has been under some form of Socialism or the Feudal System for thousands of years, they have a tendency to want a master, a hand to lick. The people who immigrated to the US are the rebels and freethinkers who wanted to get away from those systems. So there is a lot more resistance here at least, but mostly by those outside the decadent cities. Socialism can be extended for quite some time, same for Communism if they allow their economies to be more Capitalist/free market. China is an example, they have manipulated things just enough but allowed free trade zones, also artificially deflated their currency. Russia was propped up by the USA.

        • NC Scout January 24, 2019 at 16:09

          Socialism has a two generation life cycle. France flirted with it first with the Jacobins (which failed) and again in the post-colonial era, which is now failing. Both Russia and China were built by Wall Street but in differing ways and at different times. The Russian Federation, for example, was bailed out by austerity measures when the post-USSR ruble was rubble. China is nothing more than centralized human management of an otherwise capitalist entity.

          All that aside, Venezuela represents the potential flashpoint for a collision between the east and west. Both Putin and Jingping need an ally in South America. They cannot afford to let the power change hands.

          • Devin S January 24, 2019 at 16:10

            Very true, good discussion. ;-)

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