American Redoubt Courses: RTO Basic 15-16 June, Signals Intelligence 22-23 June

At long last we have confirmation on the venue- the RTO Basic Course will be returning to Hamilton, Montana at the Commercial Building of the Ravalli County Fairgrounds in the American Redoubt, 15-16 June. Whether you’re new to survivalist/prepper/small group communications or you’re a 50 year Amateur Extra, this class will give you the foundations of creating infrastructure where there would otherwise be none. And it’s anything but a ham radio class- its hands on, down and dirty, focused on what’s relevant and why. The following weekend I’ll be holding my Signals Intelligence & Low Level Voice Intercept Course, which is designed to take basic signals information collection skills and instruct the students on not just how to create a competent listening post, but turn it into a product to be exploited against an opposing force. If you’re looking to add a new dimension to your skills package or push skills you have outside the box, these are the classes for you. There’s no required equipment for either course except for a notebook, pen and a will to learn.

Each course cost is $300 with advance deposit, $350 at the door. Email me at for specifics.


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About the Author: admin


  1. Anonymous February 27, 2019 at 12:42


  2. Devin S February 27, 2019 at 12:43

    GREAT! I’ll be at the Signals Intelligence course for sure!

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