Armed Human Smugglers On US Border

Armed human smugglers with what appears to be AK-type weapons have been spotted near Lukeville, AZ according to Fox News. Eric Holder could not be reached for comment.

There should be no doubt at this point that the border is completely lawless, with a Border Patrol overwhelmed and far removed politicians more concerned with pushing their socialist vision on one side or displaying moral cowardice on the other. Open borders is a Marxist idea to undermine a nation’s identity. Anyone who supports it is a supporter of Communism, no matter what they claim to the contrary. Communists are organizing the movement while their allies in the government are emboldening them. And meanwhile we have an FBI that cares more about going after citizens actually doing something versus laying down and taking it. Given that even the Mexican Army defies our national boundary, it is only a matter of time before this becomes incredibly, and uncontrollably, violent.

Trump was elected to fix this yet the obstruction in that goal continues. 2020 is the last stop, American. International Communism is at the door. Top down, bottom up, inside out.

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About the Author: admin


  1. Anonymous April 24, 2019 at 12:38


  2. Devin S April 24, 2019 at 12:44

    I think “the wall” is an idiotic idea at best. We can’t afford it for one, we cant even afford our to pay the interest payments on the national debt, let alone our current expenses. Besides that, how about bringing the troops home from all the pointless proxy wars we fight for Israel and for resources. Not to mention the fact the wars are illegal and immoral, based on lies. Bring the troops home, put them on the board, if it’s an invasion than the military should be involved. There problem solved. If we removed “Wellfare” and other illegal, immoral, and wasteful programs that would cut the attraction for illegals as well. As well as enforcing the already strict immigration laws. Spending more isn’t going to help, and the wall is going to cost FAR more than we are being told, it always does, and don’t forget ongoing upkeep and manning for however long. Yeah, sure, Mexico is paying for it, LOL, what a liar that Trump is. Just like Obama, Clinton, Bushes, no change.

    • NC Scout April 24, 2019 at 13:46

      The money from El Chapo would do well to building a wall. As would eliminating entitlement spending.

      • Devin S April 24, 2019 at 14:28

        Yeah, for the initial projected costs of the wall, maybe. But not the continued cost to upkeep it and man it, you know the illegals will constantly destroy sections of it or dig tunnels, sensors and drones or not. I don’t have much confidence in the ability of our government to do anything other than spend more money, waste it, remove freedoms, and then take more. Since we know Welfare isn’t going anywhere unless there is a major moral and political change in this country, then that means it’s just one more cost, which is idiotic. The military would be much better used on the boarder instead of pointlessly invading other countries, bombing civilians (121 a day, way more than Obamov), and fighting a war that is designed never to be won, especially with the CIA involved in creating the enemies in the first place. I know illegals are a problem, I don’t deny that, but a wall isn’t going to fix the issue. Cut spending, fine countries of origin, wean off Welfare, and use troops imo.

        • NC Scout April 24, 2019 at 20:26

          So let’s see, “one more cost”.

          – Expense of investigations into murders, drug smuggling and gang activity coming from one place- Mexico.
          – Expense of illegals having to be treated in ERs for the results related activities, costs passed onto to the taxpayer
          – Illegals failing to obey literally any State Traffic Law (including notoriously driving drunk) and being responsible for what cost per year? Please tell me.

          Oh and let’s not forget the fact that a Nation must have rule of law in order to be a nation. A people must be the same. If we have neither, then we are neither. And the Communists have long since been the ones clamoring for open borders and erasure of nations- after all, why should you enjoy what you have when someone else is entitled to it? At some point the foot must come down and recognize that “yes, this is mine, not yours, and you are no longer welcome.” And I can’t think of a better first step that building the highest wall the foundation will allow.

          In case you missed it, the military actually is on the border (I was there for a bit as well). In fact, the whole 1st Armored Division is there down at Ft. Bliss. And if you check some of the links I embedded, the Mexican Army, who’s part and parcel of the whole scheme, doesn’t care, because they know our forces are hamstrung by the same Marxist-run ACLU that dictated what I could and couldn’t do overseas. That’s why they were bold enough to disarm our guys and because of the corruption in thinking, they never considered fighting back. So do not lecture me on the realities of the border, warfare, or any other bumper sticker logic.

          • Devin S April 24, 2019 at 22:06

            I agree, I don’t want open borders. All I’m saying is that we don’t have the money and don’t pretend that some programs are going to be cut to pay for it. The national debt is the biggest threat to our nation and people keep cheering on further debt via the wall and military spending. All further military spending has got us is more war, more crony capitalism, and more enemies.

            As for the military being on the border, I know, I saw the news, but I’m extremely skeptical of the numbers and their deployment locations. From my understand that was more so in response to the caravan. But that’s also a far cry from bring the troops home from a pointless war, massive waste and bloat, and putting multiple bases on the border tasked with patrolling. If they want, they can use it for training. To man a wall going the entire border you will have to have the army there or an army worth of border agents, cost the same. I would rather my country not be any more of a prison than it already is.

          • NC Scout April 25, 2019 at 06:46

            The entire 1st Armored Division is stationed at Fort Bliss. Are you aware of how large a Division is?

            You either have clearly defined border, or you don’t.

            They’re either enforced, or they’re not.

            You either stand up to the Marxist cancer, or you allow it.

          • Devin S April 25, 2019 at 10:41

            Yeah, I’m just skeptical of how much “patrolling” they’re doing. You know they aren’t patrolling the entire boarder, 10,000-20,000 or not, they most like are staying close to their base. I think it’s great they’re there, but the feds, just the NRA have to justify their existence and their funding, they love to drag their feet then ask for more money.

            I agree the boarder needs to enforced. As for Marxism, it’s already here, has been for decades. We have a society, moral, and spiritual problem. It’s on both sides of the isle too, the Republicans are just as Socialist as the Democrats, and they seem like it’s for different things, but is obviously blending so much there is virtually no difference. Abortion is a great example, the Republicans have done squat over several decades even though they had full majorities on a few occasions. They also LOVE programs that remove freedoms, then it swings the other way and the Dems love to use those programs (NSA, CIA, DHS). The Feds are Commies.

          • Matt in Oklahoma May 2, 2019 at 13:50

            They patrolled enough to get taken at gunpoint by the Mexican Army on OUR side of the border. They were an issue that had to be contained for their movement.

        • Rogue 5 May 6, 2019 at 14:31

          Israel has a wall.. Seen it myself. And it works very well.

          • Devin S May 6, 2019 at 14:55

            Because it isn’t long (441 miles), compared to nearly 2,000 miles in the US. They heavily patrol it with the IBP and IDF patrol both sides of the wall, which catches virtually every incursion. There have also been numerous successful tunnels under the wall found over the decades. Also they receive $3.1 BILLION for the US every year and barrow $8 BILLION from the US. So they can’t even afford to maintain it without outside help. We also see a LOT more traffic and well financed drug cartels to deal with, not to mention a foreign military.

            I still say the only solution in the short term is to peranentally station our troops on the Southern border and make them patrol both sides of the border fully armed. These comments about the Mexican Army taking Border Patrol hostage only makes my point more valid, that is considered an invasion. This all can be done in months, not several years like the construction. Military presence and patrolling is what prevents border crossings.

          • NC Scout May 6, 2019 at 15:11

            1 Armored Division is already permanently stationed on the border at Ft Bliss. Border Patrol was not held by the Mexican Army, a group of National Guardsmen were. Having your army patrol the opposite side of a border would be invading their territory, no?

            So that’s three facts you’re wrong about.

          • Devin S May 6, 2019 at 16:50

            Honestly, I’m surprised you are making such basic arguments NCScout… The 1rst isn’t enough and you know it, not for 2,000 of border. Your second point was a poisoning the well fallacy, I just made a mistake, I thought it was Border Patrol. For the third point, that only strengthens my argument as I mentioned before, they invaded first and if they refuse to patrol their border or even keep their soldiers from working for the drug cartels then it’s our responsibility to patrol the border. Honestly, we don’t need to patrol their side if we just patrol our side, which we obviously aren’t or far more would be caught. According to the Military Times only 3,200 active duty and 2,000 National guard on the border, Israel has over 8,000 for a quarter of of the millage we have. Are you telling me 5,200 troops are patrolling all 2,000 miles around the clock, and how many are just support staff? Besides we invade other countries for nothing, why not invade one that has invaded us?

          • NC Scout May 6, 2019 at 20:33

            You still don’t know how large a Division is even after I told you.

            I’m making ‘basic’ arguments because I know what I’m talking about.

          • Devin S May 6, 2019 at 22:06

            I had to look it up, I’ll admit it, no big deal I don’t know military fun facts. But this isn’t about me, that’s a red herring. The important question is how many troops are actually on the ground on the Southern border ACTUALLY patrolling 24/7? If you disagree with the several sources, including the Military Times, about the numbers then that’s fine, but proof is what matters. The government releases those numbers, they also said from those recent articles I mentioned that they are going to “send an additional 320 troops” (still not enough). It looks like there are 18k to 21k Border Patrol agents on the southern border too. So all the numbers combined (not subtracting the people who don’t patrol and are just support) it’s about 6k short of the equivalent of what we would need to compare to Israel. They do that, plus have a wall, so to man the wall like it should be ends up being WAY more expensive than what is being projected, it should be manned properly, evenly.

          • NC Scout May 7, 2019 at 18:38

            The Military Times will not dispute that all four brigades of 1st Armored Division are stationed at Ft. Bliss Texas.

            You’re really great at proving you know jack shit about the situation on the border or have a realistic outlook. The arguments you’ve made are both circular and show no progression toward a solution. You either have a defined border, or not. It either accomplishes the purpose, or not.

            And that’s the bottom line.

          • Devin S May 7, 2019 at 19:07

            Again, you’re just arguing from your own authority and claim my arguments make no sense, yet you provide no facts. Prove all those troops are patrolling the border, prove they are patrolling the entire border, prove they are patrolling 24/7, you can’t.

            Also you claim my idea won’t accomplish anything, but that’s exactly what successful countries do with their borders, well proven.

            You keep implying I don’t want to secure the border, which is a total lie and poisoning the well. I want to secure the border, as most Americans do, solely because our government keeps handing out money to the illegals. Money stolen from us. Before WW2 we had open immigration and borders, no issues. Then our government manufactures wars and causes immigration and border issues via coups, “war on drugs”, and handouts. All you, like the others, know to do is steal more money, more debt, and redistribute it to a gov that created the problem in the first place. Don’t claim otherwise.

            Gov creates all crisis

          • NC Scout May 7, 2019 at 19:20

            You’ve argued here for open borders. I’ll pull up the quotes if you want. You’re arguing for something wildly unrealistic based on things you know nothing about.

            And all I know how to do is steal money? I guess that includes all the time I spend providing information at no cost to all of you. Don’t let the door hit you bud.

          • Devin S May 9, 2019 at 12:58

            NCScout, I want to apologize for taking the argument too far, I should have dropped it earlier on. Also I apologize for saying you just want to steal money, that doesn’t help in the way of convincing anyone and is insulting. These subjects set me off because of my views of the facts are very strong, but that is no reason to crap on your site. You and I agree on virtually everything, so no reason to alienate you.

            Also I ALWAYS appreciate your hard work on your articles, especially the radio related ones…

            OK, I will shut up now.

    • johnyMac April 24, 2019 at 19:34

      Devin, when ever I came in to manage a new company I always went out to the field to talk with the employees who made the company money. The boots on the ground sort of speak. Once I got back to Corp. HQ I would look into their complaints and move their suggestions to the top of the hopper. Last I would talk to the Sr. Team. Nine times out of ten the folks in the field got it and had some damn good suggestions much to the chagrin to some on the Sr. Team. LOL. I know several folks in the Border Patrol along the southern border. To a man, they all want a “wall”. Much better structure than what is along 60% of the southern border. Just some thoughts from a elder businessman. Peace Brother.

      • Devin S April 24, 2019 at 22:12

        Hey JohnyMac, were those companies in massive debt so bad that they couldn’t make their interest payments? Were they continuing to spend like drunken sailors? Were they basically burning the money they were spending on idiotic and pointless endeavors, let alone equipment designed to constant break down to justify parts and repair labor for their suppliers (F22)?

        I’m not trying to argue just to argue, I’m making the point we don’t have the money. I know we don’t have the money for the stuff illegals cause either. But I bet you that the wall, maintenance, and manning of it will cost FAR more than what the illegals cost us currently. Do you know why I’m so confident of this? Because government is leading the charge. They are a far cry from a private company who care about the bottom line and customer satisfaction. All they want is power, and when you give it to them they take more, I would prefer not to strength their prison powers and funding. It always costs more than they say.

        • johnyMac April 25, 2019 at 07:02

          Devin, I have known many people who complain and complain yet never offer a viable solution to an existing challenge. Since you do not like “open borders” either; what is your solution to combating our porous southern border?

          • Devin S April 25, 2019 at 16:46

            What I stated above, bring the troops home from the pointless wars designed to be never ending. Put those troops in bases evenly spaced along the border on a permanent basis. Make said troops patrol the border, detain, and engage foreign troops invading our border, as they are supposed to do. From there, a grass roots effort should be made to cut spending in dramatic ways, including the removal of DHS, TSA, NSA, BATF, DEA, and several other useless and illegal government agencies. Lower and or remove entirely corporate taxes to encourage US business growth. Remove the illegal income tax, if not possible then move to a national sales tax. Institute corporal punishment for crimes like theft. Legalize illegal drugs nationally and allow states (on their own dime) decide how they would like to proceed (bye war on drugs and drug cartels including the CIA). Allow more work visas and make them easier to obtain. Cut the stupid Space Force idea. I can go on, simple practical solutions.

          • NC Scout April 25, 2019 at 20:49

            Literally none of those are simple or practical.

            Armed coyotes are at your door, right now. You act or react. What’ll it be?

          • Devin S April 25, 2019 at 23:16

            So 2,000 miles (supposedly 700 of which has a barrier of some sort which they will want to rebuilt to match the rest) that will take an estimated 10 years to build. Yet somehow that’s faster than putting troops on the border? I mean they seem to move quick enough to invade a country and build entire cities in foreign countries but can’t seem to deploy to the border, I call BS, logistics or not. I KNOW there is a lot involved in deploying an army, but still, it is FAR faster than 10 years. Bases could be built in that time, temporary ones much sooner. Get them patrolling now in temporary bases and we will see an immediate improvement. Besides, that what Neocons always claim, “Security!”, “React!”, “War!” and damn the future consequences, I mean look what we got from Bush after his idiot’s war, more police state than ever. There is always a new issue they will use to grab more power and increase the police state, and most “Conservatives” just beg for more. Knee-jerk, it’s never good.

          • NC Scout April 26, 2019 at 05:37

            Contracts are interesting things in that where there’s a will, magically, it becomes done with a quickness.

            None of the political class wants it done. Any of it.

          • JohnyMac April 26, 2019 at 08:42

            Devin, I read your simple and practical solution and a Abraham Lincoln quote came to mind…”Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”

            I am done.
            73 & Peace

          • Devin S April 26, 2019 at 10:53

            Gee, big surprise a Neocon uses s quote from the worst anti-Constitution tyrant our nation ever saw. Just to cop out of an argument they were losing just to be snide. How Socialist of you.

            I present a far more practical and immediate solution of using the troops, even just the ones we have here in the states currently, and I’m called a fool. Wow. I mean a 10 year project to build a wall we can’t afford, or use what we already have that is already funded and already the responsibility for the security of our nation.

            Why do an feel like you will start calling me a Utopian then accuse me of being a racist? That is seriously the type of argument you just made. The same kind of shutdown tactics the left use, the Neocon Republicans (that means you’re not a an actual Conservative) make the same shutdown arguments just as much and pretend they’re different. It’s usually something along the lines of “unpatriotic”, “security”, “because I said so”, just lies to cover lack of argument.

          • NC Scout April 26, 2019 at 13:04

            Are you being serious?

          • Devin S April 26, 2019 at 12:57

            Hey guys, I don’t appreciate you dismal and insults of a very practical and immediately actionable plan for the border I presented, but I do want to say we can agree to disagree. I started this argument and I apologize for losing my cool. I’m quite sure we agree on 80%+ on most issues as liberty loving patriots. No hard feelings, I still love most of the content coming out of this blog and hope to still speak with all of you.

  3. Bryce Sharper April 24, 2019 at 20:55

    I think there are going to be fewer states in the Union by the end of the century, if we make it that long. The US southwest is reverting to Mexico along with its expensive government labs, test ranges, and military bases. Demography is destiny. The violence is definitely spilling over the border – very far over the border.

    Anyone remember the Minutemen? Back in the mid-Aughts they bolstered the border patrol. I think they weren’t carrying any weapons unless as allowed by local laws nor did they try to arrest anyone. The fundamental problem now is that the border already IS Mexico, so anyone showing up as an American gets painted as an invader. The pobrecitos on living on the border and trying to cross it are kin and look weak compared to Americans attempting to enforce it, and weakness and victimhood are real power in 4GW. Plus, they have the FBI on their side. What a hopeless situation for Americans trying to maintain their nation.

  4. Anonymous April 27, 2019 at 21:45


  5. […] now have at the U.S./Mexico border ARMED individuals escorting human cargo (ie, illegal aliens) across the border. Or to put it another way, […]

  6. Stealth Spaniel May 2, 2019 at 11:50

    Devin is a troll.
    Some of us have lived through the 60’s thru the 90’s & beyond in L.A. We had an illegal problem in 1969, when my mother drug me throughout the streets of the San Fernando Valley to get out votes for Ed Davis. It wasn’t just Mexicans then, and it isn’t now. My mom was a nurse, and saw the illegals in the maternity wards with “public assistance” to pay their hospital bills and the garages in nice neighborhoods being utilized as homes. We are literally steps from lawless dirt. The chaos in Congress is exacerbates it, and the Communists are out in full force. If it were in my power, I’d take the next set of Somalis and set them up on Pelosi’s wine ranch. The Elites think that they, like the Communist Proletariats, will be immune from suffering and diseases: I want to make sure that they are wallowing in it like the rest of us Deplorables. If this invasion cannot be stopped, then let the sea flow to all shores.

  7. Matt in Oklahoma May 2, 2019 at 13:54

    Armed BGs at the border are hardly anything new. They are just new to those who haven’t read books on former Border Patrol and Texas Rangers or haven’t live or worked down there. The wall shoulda been built 100 yrs ago or more. It’s about time it gets done.

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