Possible Digital Attack Underway Against Major Social Media Outlets

Down Detector is reporting several issues with social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp, among others. AT&T, CenturyLink and some banking sites are reporting issues as well. Yesterday there was a major reported outage along with other suspicious incidents, including an abrupt cancelling of Vice President Pence’s scheduled appearance in NH along with a reported emergency meeting a the Kremlin.

While cyber attacks and outages happen regularly and are rarely noteworthy, the frequency and intensity if these attacks may indicate a larger scheme of maneuver. At a minimum its something to be aware of. With everything, take it from a precautionary angle and have some cash on hand.

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About the Author: admin


  1. Matt in Oklahoma July 3, 2019 at 14:15

    Oh no whatever will the libs do without their propaganda machines? How ever will “they the nameless” gather data you willingly hand over to use against you now? I hope it takes all the social media offline. It certainly isn’t a better world with it.
    I hate to see anyone’s banking get messed up though.
    It’s the 4th, the perfect time for something to happen.

    • NC Scout July 3, 2019 at 14:17

      We’d be FAR better off without it.

  2. vyt1az July 4, 2019 at 18:58

    From what I understand there was an error in the border gateway protocol (BGP), along with Cloudflare having a software bug.


    The BGP was built on mutual “trust” and no, that’s not an error or a typo or an exaggeration.

    A cyber disaster should be at the top of most people’s list of preparedness scenarios.

  3. Anonymous July 5, 2019 at 12:28


  4. devin82m July 5, 2019 at 12:29

    This is especially interesting since I saw a report last week that our government was using cyber attacks against Russian electrical infrastructure, like it was no big deal.

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