Turkey Receives Shipment Of Russian S-400 System
Turkey, a nominal NATO ally, has received its first shipment of the Russian S-400 missile system despite the objections of the US and NATO, according to the New York Times. The system is the same in use in both Syria and Venezuela, as well as Iran.
The move is significant on two levels; first, the system itself is designed for air defense against western aircraft. No other nation in the region, aside from Israel, has an airforce capable of evading Turkey’s current systems, unless Turkey fears a future confrontation with the US. Second, its signals Russia’s intention to undercut already strained ties with Turkey. Like it or not, the Turkish government serves as a critical juncture into the southwest Asia and stronger ties with either power- east or west- is certainly a major hinge of power.
Erdogan is likely doing what he does best- creating his own path while recognizing the importance his nation plays. And while this move is a bad one towards his nominal allies, its likely the nation is looking long-term into forging others.
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We don’t really have any allies. It’s business and like any other business it sways to and fro to get the best deals.
We will do nothing but whine embarrassingly publicly. Whatever financial counter measures happen the kommies will backfill.
Even Britain will turn on us eventually.
Acceptance of this truth of no real allies will help tremendously but it goes against what we’ve been taught since childhood.
It’s interesting watching the global chess game. A multi-level chess game.
Well I waited a few days and nothing has happened. No response from POTUS. There’s no bluff in chess. Save that for poker.
The contracted shipment of F-35s has been cancelled as of now. We’ll see what else happens.
More and more are jumping ship. Sinking boat and all that. Look at Poland repatriating it’s gold from the UK recently too, the same UK whom has an economy so deeply ingrained with the US. Japan is another one and even they’ve been slowly pushing the US away, especially the US military.
No, Japan has not. If anything they’ve strengthened their ties. Poland has actively been seeking US aid and are convinced a Russian invasion will occur in the next decade.
Turkey has always been a ‘friend’ of convenience.
So it seems that the reply buttons don’t work below for me anymore. Needless to say I didn’t mean to imply that the Poland (and Hungary I forgot to mention) or Japan are cutting ties and siding with Russians or Chinese. But they are maneuvering their economies to be more independent from the US, this was proven by the Japanese and Chinese getting chumming at the recent G20 event. As for Japan, they have in fact on numerous occasions refused to allow US carriers to visit (my wife was on the Stennis back in 2012 when they were refused) and also there have been numerous protests to close those US bases there by Japanese and even comments by Japanese leaders about it. They also want to expand their “defense force”. There is definitely strengthening in some ways and things change from year to year and leader to leader, but it still shows they want to be independent of the US, will there get to that point, probably not, China will eventually swallow them up when the US military is too decrepit to do anything about it or not present all because of an economic collapse. The Euros who are begging for help are also disconnecting their economies, in the same manor Russia, China, and several BRICs nations have via gold/silver. Not to mention their alternative to the SWIFT system called SPFS to avoid VISA, Mastercard, and other US centric systems. In the Middle East most countries that switch to gold quickly become targets of the US “War on Terror” and get invaded or bombed into the stone age, it’s so predictable. Is this absolute proof or fact, not necessarily, but when you add it all up you see a pattern that shows no confidence in the US economic hegemony. Honestly, I love to see decentralization, too bad it has to be negative or from obviously corrupt governments (just like our own). What I’m most concerned with is Trumps recent comments against Crypto currencies and now I saw they are talking about banning encrypted messaging platforms because of “terrorist” and “pedophiles” aka control and tyranny.
The reply button is not working?
Yeah, there are a few things that changed in the last few weeks here. The Reply button doesn’t work for me, the character counter for comments is now gone (no limit from the looks of it), and some of the notification options for comments are now gone/different (only one check box to get notified it used to be two, one for getting notified of replies and one for getting notified of further comments in general). Also it used to show a preview of my comment and allowed me to edit it before it was approved, and show the comment as pending, now it reloads the page and shows no evidence of my comment until you approve it.
Looks like its an issue with the theme. I’ll see what we can do to fix it. We’ve had some hosting issues with WP here and there but they’ve been quick to fix it. Thank you for letting me know though.
You hit the reply button. It highlights but you still gotta leave a reply above in the comments section. It’s kinda odd
It looks like its an issue with the wordpress theme itself. I’ll see what can be done.
and just like clockwork the kommies step in and we whine publicly and embarrassingly