A Call For Aid: Arizona Border Recon

Somebody’s gotta do it.

That’s the attitude of Tim “Nailer” Foley and Arizona Border Recon, who’ve been on the front lines of the border crisis volunteering time and personal funds to what is a very real crisis. See for yourself:

We had a long discussion ranging from the Cartel’s countertracking techniques to communications to signals intelligence.  The cartels are running a sophisticated operation down there and have pushed into the mountains for the natural terrain masking, with Borer Patrol remaining limited to the valleys. Plain spoken and humble, Tim is doing the best he can with what he’s got, but like everything, stuff breaks and equipment wears out. Having been in direct contact with him, American Partisan is committed to aiding the mission of Arizona Border Recon however possible. Right now, that includes the following equipment:

While that’s the equipment request, donations are always welcome.

And, God willing, staff from American Partisan will be on the border this Fall.

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About the Author: admin


  1. Kilo August 2, 2019 at 15:48

    It is unfortunate that the previous administration prohibited the west coast SEALs from conducting training in vicinity of the border. Granted, it was only the CA portion of the border and this article is focused on the AZ portion, but holes are holes. That used to be a somewhat effective deterrent. It was hoped that the current administration would revoke that restriction, but unfortunately that has not happened and all we hear is ‘wall, wall, wall’. While a wall would definitely be better than what we currently have, someone needs to tell him him that when you emplace an obstacle, you also need to emplace over watch on said obstacle for it to be effective.

    • NC Scout August 3, 2019 at 10:39

      Yeah, agreed. My conversation with him paralleled the tactical issues we ran into on the Afghan-Paki border. Taliban’s arms funneling had pushed into the mountain goat trails where conventional forces wouldn’t go. Replace big Army Stryker Brigades with USCBP, and you get the idea. Terrain is similar. OPFOR TTPs are similar. And the solution is the same.

  2. Anonymous August 3, 2019 at 10:17


  3. Bryce Sharper August 3, 2019 at 17:11

    $700 billion per year – 7x peer nations not counting black programs – and our military isn’t used to defend our own borders.

  4. vyt1az August 4, 2019 at 06:04

    Could a cell signal booster help? It seems like there are some legitimate products out there with decent directional antennas that might work well if mounted on a high location. How far are the nearest cell towers from where they are? Just a thought since SatPhones seem to cost $$$.

    I have to say, I’m surprised PayPal hasn’t shut ABRP down. Unfortunately for me, anonymous debit cards and PayPal don’t get along and that means dealing with snail mail for donations.

    • NC Scout August 4, 2019 at 10:24

      It might help. Not having eyes on the terrain just yet I can’t say.

      AZBR does have a physical receiving address:

      Arizona Border Recon, PLLC
      PO Box 69
      Arivaca, AZ 85601

  5. […] In a follow up to our last request for aid, Arizona Border Recon has another urgent request. Batteries. […]

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