Chuck Schumer: FBI should “sign off” on body armor sales to civilians.
On August 11th, Chuck Schumer suggested that civilians should have to seek FBI approval to purchase body armor. This comes on the heels of the Dayton, Ohio shooting – a shooting which saw the assailant wearing body armor.
According to the New York Post:
Schumer said anyone can now buy a bulletproof vest for $185 and a tactical mask for $10 under current law, Schumer said at a press conference at his Midtown office.
“With the click of a mouse, scroll of a thumb, dialing of a phone, someone up to no good can get this,” he said. “What we have learned is that a good number of those intent on mass shootings buy body armor,” the Senate minority leader said. “They want to kill as many people as possible.”
Currently, body armor is legal in all 50 states to everyone except convicted criminals. They can be purchase online or in person everywhere except Connecticut, where it must be made in person. Given the current trends we see in America and the potential for body armor to be a sacrificial lamb a la bump stocks, I highly recommend that you pick up a set of plates and a plate carrier. Already, manufacturers are seeing an increased demand for their products. I highly recommend that you pick up a set of armor just in case the Republicans in the Senate get weak backbones and sign on to some type of ban or restrictions.
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Body armor did not save the Ohio shooter. I don’t follow this topic, but the only time I recall body armor working for domestic criminals was the Los Angeles bank robbery and those two were wearing so much armor they had limited movement. Is body armor that life saving in a domestic setting where multiple LE are targeting 1 or 2 criminals?
Not that facts affect Schumer’s rhetoric at all.
As I said in my other comment, I generally prefer more movement ability (as you pointed out) unless I was running a checkpoint.
Schumer and facts are like oil and water.
I’d make sure the rest of your house is in order on food, water etc but when you reach that point yeah it’s something to be considered.
Ordered an AR500 freeman set for $99 when they had it on sale. I’ve got some smaller frame folks it will suit.
Even a $60 plate in a sling bag that can be quickly and easily moved from your back to front in a single motion is affordable.
Just don’t get caught up in trying to hang a ton of stuff on it. If it don’t cure or kill it’s got no place unless it’s mission specific. That means ignorant morale patches, the trot line length of chemlights, the Christmas tree of IR illuminators etc. are all off the vest.
Also remember the idea is to not test your armor in the fight and to maintain good tactics.
Keep it real
I would normally agree about other stuff first, but I would have this jump up in priority if it looks like a ban is imminent. This is more of a “pay attention” post.
And I agree with your other points. Guerrillas are typical best served with lighter chest rigs except in certain circumstances such as at check points, vehicle operations, and CQB.
A credible vest can be made in about an hour with a piece of steel, a couple of yards of cordura, and a sewing machine.
An $850 Gucci handbag for your woman or the vest? Those prices should be illegal! Along with the $500 designer sunglasses, Mr. Schumer. But you get to pay big bucks for THE NAME, and that’s cool for Chuck. Taking advantage of materialistic dupes is okay but buy an armored vest and you must be some sort of criminal.
I’m buying the vest, Chuck! And one for each family member. You should be able to wear one to Walmart even though it might look so uncool. The cool people walk in and out of Versaci and Gucci stores, staring at their cell phones without noticing anything going on around them.
Vests don’t kill people, Chuck. People kill people, you moron.
So does this mean all those moms out there buying ballistic back packs for their kids need FBI approval?