Chaos in Ecuador from an Expat On the Ground
The same Venezuelan style chaos appears to be spreading across South America and into Ecuador. Unsurprisingly there’s a near complete media blackout in the US on it, but according to our contact on the ground the situation is going from bad to worse.
Yesterday he sends around midnight:
We have just called a national strike….. everything nationwide tomorrow is closed. Fuel price increases as part of an IMF loan agreement.From this Thursday, new fuel prices apply. Extra gasoline will go from 1.85 to 2.30 dollars; the Ecopaís, from $ 1.85 to $ 2.40; diesel doubles its value, from $ 1.03 to $ 2.17.——————————–“The elimination of subsidies is part of an agreement signed in March with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), through which the country will have loans for $ 4,209 million that will be made available within three years.Following the agreement with the IMF, Ecuador’s fiscal deficit for 2019, which exceeded $ 1.5 billion, fell to about $ 230 million.According to the Central Bank of Ecuador, the country’s public debt stood at 39,491 million dollars (36.2% of GDP) last July, growing by almost 47% in the Moreno administration, which began in May 2017.”———————————————————-No public transport, schools closed businesses closed highways blocked. I imagine if this goes like a lot of other stuff does the army will be out with armor tomorrow on the street in Quito and Guayaquil Possibly Ibarra as well but prbly not here. IMF here equated with the US of course. The rub on this is tha president, Lenin Moreno TODAY said that there would NOT be any increases and then tonight well lookie here what we got. Fear n Loathing.God Bless. More as it happens.
This comes as we’ve been in contact getting his communications for the local chapter of the Red Cross up to speed, which is almost completely in shambles. Having no HF capability due to neglect of equipment and not taking local off-grid communications seriously (including only relying on a repeater in Quito), ‘Expat Fred’ had been working mostly alone to get their comms up to speed. Since most of the people involved don’t take it seriously, its been an uphill battle and now they’re finding themselves cut off. This kind of thing is exactly what we train for in the RTO Course- building infrastructure where there otherwise would be none with whatever you have.
Gonna be fascinating. By this time next week bicycles, beans and burros may have tripled in value. What I like about it so far is its lots quieter, able to hear much farther down into the ambient than before. Like digital noise reduction for the ears…..First day, a number of highways nationwide are blocked. I think our connection to the Pan American highway is probably closed as well. Its easy enough to walk out of here if need be the terrain isnt that bad. Me personally– have adequate food for a week already, fresh water may be a concern as well as lights eventually so we will see.More in a bitGod Bless & Cheers. Great time to read Revolution in the Desert.
Back from town maybe 10% of the traffic you see there on a normal day. President declared a national state of emergency. almost no road traffic. No word on curfew if any. Various people, some gringos marooned from getting back to homes in this area because the Pana is closed and maybe our access road to it as well but thats no big deal its possible to walk out of here. Greengrocer said she would be closed by Monday or Tue if this isnt resolved, out of vegetables. Not a lot of anyone buying staples but if this continues that will change tomorrow I expect. One gringo couple I ran into near my neighborhood they had tried to go to Ibarra on a bus but no bus “Whats goin on, man” type of mystified expression…… from Canada and speak absolutely no Spanish. Many or most Ecuadorians I talked to today are angry of course and the majority want to get rid of Moreno. I asked a couple of them if they were thinking about forming a commando they said “not yet”.
–National State of emergency. Troops on the street. Vandalism and robbery in Guayaquil, Quito and some other places. All major and some minor highway closed. No word on whether there is going to be an enforced curfew here but I imagine there will be in the cities. This strike only for supposedly 24 hours but dont bet on that. Going to be interesting to see how far the ripples from this spread as we go forward.God BlessMore as it happens.
Already seeing people with arms in an arms prohibited culture emerge….. the criminals of course. What a surprise.for a look at whats happening if you are so interested. State of emergency declared for 60 days. International airport in Quito closed. Port of Guayaquil closed.Get your popcorn. This may be a long one. Teleamazonas has the best coverage here. Didnt know the disorder was as widespread as it evidently is until the 8PM cast on Teleamazonas. Ecuador doesnt have the problem with used tires the US does….they burn them in intersections LOL. Or around people’s necks. Buncha people running with 60″ flat scream teevees on the news. Everything is shut down. Public transport moves probably 60% of the country here for things like work. Depending on how this ends up going I may end up taking the land route out of here to Colombia. From there somewhere else by air. Backpack stays ready. Its a long ruc though about 60 miles in high and hard terrain to the border. Already things happening like vehicles running over news people on location when they are on the air. Lots of lessons to be learned by people in the US about whats going on here possibly. Prepare, train with your group get ready. What is developing here now may be there in 2020. Mob violence.God Bless.More as it happens.
Within 12 hours the national infrastructure has deteriorated into chaos. The very scenario he was preparing for has happened- and he’s left with the scenario of running what he brung.
What are you doing today to be better prepared for tomorrow? You might want to get some training while you can.
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First hand accounts like this are great learning experiences. This story definitely needs a follow up.
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