Roadblocks, clashes between protesters and the police , mainly the Pan-American Highway, and looting were recorded on Monday morning, October 7, in the north-central part of the country. In cities like Quito there are obstructions in some avenues; while, in Guayaquil, taxi drivers also hindered streets in the center of the city for several hours. This situation remains in rejection of rising fuel prices.
Last Thursday, carriers declared an activity strike. Subsequently groups of students joined and finally the natives, who were invited on Sunday by President Lenin Moreno to the dialogue . The president warned that he will not reverse the decreed measures, which seek to solve serious deficiencies in the fiscal box, which allocated 1.3 billion dollars to subsidize fuels.
Government Minister María Paula Romo confirmed 477 detainees for impeding traffic, suspending public services and assaulting the police.
However, the tension environment does not cease. About 180 protesters on Monday forced the security of the warehouses of a dairy company in the town of Lasso, about 60 kilometers south of the capital, and stole products after assaulting employees. Losses have not yet been quantified.
The government said about it in a statement: “We reject aggression and looting, and any act that puts human lives and public and private assets at risk. In addition, he expressed concern about the lack of control in the political expression of social organizations ”and held the leadership responsible for“ these acts of vandalism and crime ”.
The obstacles in the roads, mainly felled trees, burnt tires and mounds of land, are recorded in four provinces: Chimborazo and Tungurahua, to the Andean center, and Pichincha and Imbabura, to the north. He has also noticed clashes with stones with the police and harassment of the press.
Also, 10 floriculturalists located in the north of the Latacunga canton were targeted for looting. Even a group of people punctured the tires of 4 vehicles that transported broccoli.
The situation caused the classes to be suspended in the Andean region, but in the rest of the country the activity is normal.
The indigenous people of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities (CONAIE), the largest of its kind, affirmed that the protests will take place indefinitely: “until now we are mobilized in each of our territories but, very soon, all peoples will be mobilized at the national level towards the main point that is to reach Quito, ”said Jaime Vargas, president of the (COANIE).
The natives demand the repeal of the decree that allows the substantial rise in the price of fuels that went from $ 1.85 a gallon extra, the most consumed, to $ 2.39, while diesel went from 1.03 a gallon, to $ 2.30.
To deal with the situation, the government decreed a state of exception, which is valid for 60 days throughout the national territory, which restricts citizens’ rights and empowers the State to requisitions if necessary.
In addition, it authorized the increase in the price of the urban ticket between 5 and 10 cents, which did not prevent the buses from leaving again without service to thousands of citizens who were forced to walk or use precarious forms of transport.
Moreno, who assumed the presidency in May 2017 and must govern until 2021, also announced a tax reform package that creates new contributions for large companies and eliminates or reduces other taxes, in addition to labor reforms such as employment contracts for those who start a business or term contracts to stimulate the economy.