Arizona Border Recon on Irish TV

Coming from my buddy TX2Guns, Tim Foley of Arizona Border Recon recently did an interview with Irish TV on the border situation. He’s a good man and all of his videos are eye opening for anyone who’s sane about what’s really going on down there.

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  1. Matt Bracken December 31, 2019 at 09:17

    Those American open-border Quisling-Kalergi traitors who are dropping off the water for the cartels need to be doxxed at a minimum.

  2. Scurvy January 1, 2020 at 15:24

    You have to know he has trail camera photos of the Quislings dropping the water. Add then to the list of people to keep track of.

    • NC Scout January 1, 2020 at 15:59

      He’s got a live video of it as well.

  3. johnyMac January 1, 2020 at 18:17

    With the slowdown of folks crossing the border illegally, this story has fallen off the front pages of the press. What can the average Joe do to support the ABR or other like minded groups?

    • NC Scout January 1, 2020 at 19:41

      I’m going to talk to Tim about permission to put a donate placard in the sidebar.

  4. Anonymous January 1, 2020 at 19:44


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