What Happens When A Government Fights A Dirty War On Its Own People?

Our nation is at an impasse- a question of direction, going far beyond singular issues such as firearms ownership, personal privacy or economics- but one that encompasses those who see America as a thing to be preserved and another who see it as a thing needing to be destroyed. It was said by a number of Marxist thinkers over the decades and most notably William Ayers, that for America to be destroyed, it was a thing to be destroyed first from within, then getting help from the outside. And while Marxist and Anarchist apologists will be quick to minimize those statements through saying its simply from a man caught in the winds of his time, its incredibly important to note that this is the prevailing thought among higher-level academia. An academia which has groomed the brokers of power in all of our nation’s ruling agencies. Ayers is but one man with a relatively small group, an incredibly high percentage of academics in this nation not only sided with him but not-so-quietly cheered such abhorrent actions on, shaping higher education for the decades to come.

Which brings us to the present day. In every sociology program in America, undergrads are taught Max Weber’s theories on authority in a society and, perhaps more importantly, his theories on Bureaucracy. Normally juxtaposed to Gramsci’s theory of the superstructure, it is stressed in lectures that in order to control a society, control over the bureaucracy must first be established. Once that control is slowly implemented, there is no need for a sudden revolution. Control is already obtained. Crime becomes a tool of political power rather than a question of morality. Through this power the ability to define one’s enemies- and thus eliminate them- is simple.

Where we find ourselves today is the veil of objectivity in such a bureaucracy having been ripped away. The ongoing impeachment farce has brought a vibrant highlight to that power wield upon anyone or anything they deem a worthy target. If the denizens of the ‘interagency group’, an unelected, unaccountable group of ring-knockers who apparently view themselves outside the authority of anyone but they, who decided to target the President for literally nothing at all, what will they do to you?

I don’t believe its far-fetched to say the Fourth Amendment is finished. There is no such thing as privacy when so many freely chose to live their lives online, volunteering an incredibly high amount of data on themselves- data known as patterns of life in the intelligence world- that when such a time occurs as say, a threatening of a mass disarmament and criminalization of firearms ownership and the right to organize and train under arms, that without protections against the machine, armed networks of potential guerrillas may very well be unknowingly compromised before such a thing can even get off the ground. The tools that are available, even open source, are powerful enough to easily map networks of potential troublemakers, normally beginning with social media data and confirmed by conducting physical surveillance.

The process behind this is known as the Target-Centric Intelligence Cycle which follows five steps- Find, Fix, Finish, Exploit and Assess. It begins with a target of interest. All data is collected on the potential target with the aim of creating a plan of attack. Finishing the target is the actions-on stage. The target is either apprehended or neutralized, depending on the desired result, giving way to exploitation and assessment- whatever effects were felt in the larger targeted community, while resetting the cycle based on new targets of interest. With the tools at their disposal, this process can be done almost entirely remotely with the only physical surveillance necessary is to confirm the data on the targets, and usually just before conducting the actions-on raid of the cycle. Think about that one for a second.

The interesting thing about collective action and social movements is that once it gathers a fever pitch, its far too much of a risk for the superstructure to wield collective force. Some would argue that the use of force even reveals the waning influence of the superstructure. Right or wrong, the optics of such a move are never good and in my personal experience, only galvanizes a people against that power.

So the question remains then- what happens when a government decides on a dirty war against those it deems a threat? We know without a doubt at this stage that the real power structure in this nation absolutely hates you and I. By their own words they have nothing but contempt for us, for our points of view, for our way of life. Indoctrinated by the very same America-hating academics who serve on advisory committees to the very agencies which created the powers for themselves, the communist revolution of gaining control of Gramsci’s superstructure has been applied to the principles of bureaucracy outlined by Weber. And with the tools they have at their disposal, how would such an organization commit itself to a dirty war- not risking overt action but rather simply eliminating voices of dissent quietly?

So-called ‘martial law’ doesn’t have to be declared nor would it be desirable. Ties between government agencies and elements of underground criminal organizations are very real- and will be used. Rather than risk their own officers, target packets will be handed off to the local gang and a robbery gone wrong just might happen. Do not forget that they’ve imported millions of undocumented- and thus disposable- people for more than just votes. Maybe your drive-by-wire car all of a sudden uncontrollably accelerated into a tree. And while all of this looks like a pattern to the folks who are awake, but being covert in nature, its an entirely deniable way to wage a war on anyone deemed a threat. Maybe outright killing a target is too dramatic. Maybe you’ll get caught on false charges and given a draconian sentence, while career offenders are released for ‘processing errors’. Maybe your bank accounts will get frozen or assets seized. Without hard proof (or even with it), naysayers are opening the door to lawsuits you can’t afford to fight while the rest continue their normalcy bias. They’ve been waging a dirty war, and its about to get even worse as more people wake up to the totality of the situation.

Break the cycle. Its way more than just about firearms, the President, or your so-called rights. Its a fight for survival. The weight of an unaccountable class of people are bearing down on the rest of us, and its high time to shrug them off. Recognize that we are an enemy to them. They are at war with you and I. The bureaucracy which wholly serves the Leftist cause in the United States wants voices like ours gone and they’ve propagandized us as no longer being human. And when they fail to yield to protests and non-violent demonstrations, you must be prepared for what comes next. One thing is absolutely certain- they won’t back off any of this and they have no interest in stopping.

I’d train with those who’ve been there and done that.

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About the Author: admin


  1. Anonymous December 27, 2019 at 07:24


  2. 173dVietVet December 27, 2019 at 07:57

    Excellent article. Seems appropriately pointed toward Virginia. Wish there was a way to send this to each of the courageous county officials who voted for 2nd Amdmt sanctuary status.

    Perhaps VCDL could get the word out. I’m certain one of their leaders reads this blog.

    • NC Scout December 27, 2019 at 08:48

      Virginia certainly is a big part of the concerns, but not the only one. Similar moves are being made in Kentucky and I’d be willing to bet here in NC before long. That said, Virginia is important for more than simply firearms legislation- if they can get away with their tricks there, where 3/4 of the state is deep red, then they can pull it off anywhere.

      Having grown up on the border with Virginia and living in the region for a large portion of my life, I’m intimately familiar with their politics- as well as the process by which these so-called ‘representatives’ are chosen. After being groomed in polisci programs at Georgetown, JMU or UVA, they move on to local elections where they’ve lived just long enough to claim residence. They know nothing of their constituency, insulate themselves from it, and rubber stamp whatever policies the Democrat party wants. When you couple that with relatively low voter turnout and chronic allegations of ballot fraud, its easy to see how this has got out of control quickly. Its not just Virginia, but like the Spanish Civil War was a testing ground for WWII, so Virginia is for the troubled times on our horizon.

  3. Romeo Foxtrot December 27, 2019 at 09:16

    Timely post given today’s environment…

    One has to look no further than to our southern neighbors, both Argentina and El Salvador engaged in dirty wars, and the US was right there all the way, providing intel, resources,(human and logistical) and training by various .mil and .gov entities.

    Many soldiers of the Atlacatl BN were quartered in the SFAS trainee barracks in and around the old JFK/SOCOM/Smoke Bomb Hill area and participated in other training at Mackall as well.


    Read this good wiki article, and insert the word Deplorable, Christian, or Conservative in lieu of the socialist/communist/marxist words, and this is what would happen here.


    Remember, this was back in the day before all of the electronic/social media leashes and data tracking so many of us use on a day to day basis now..

    What are you doing to plan and prepare for upcoming Boogaloo?

  4. Coldsteel1983 December 27, 2019 at 09:34

    At some point those of us who are capable will have decisions to make… When do we make the choice to stop being “rule followers” which many on the right are?

    Once those choices are made, the follow on decisions only get tougher. One thing you need to consider and hand to the Communists is that when it came to “dealing” with their opposition, they were ruthless. I’ll suggest that despite the gruesome nature of their actions, we’ll need to be prepared to act and react similarly.

    As most who’ve read some history know, Civil Wars become decidedly uncivil. Yet, how many believe that the two competing views of life, government, individual rights and morality can find a way to coexist?

  5. Henry B December 27, 2019 at 09:35

    NCS…per your comment about similar bills in NC, here it is: https://webservices.ncleg.net/ViewBillDocument/2019/3471/0/DRH30367-MLf-113

  6. Martel's Hammer December 27, 2019 at 10:36

    Given the many statements of support for MS13 by the Democrat party aka the public face of the Deep State, it will not be a surprise if there is a Tet2 after a ramp up in unfortunate robberies. War by deception, dirty war by stealth. Given the prevalence of tattoos though I suspect the counter offensive would be successful. Not an accident that MS13 now recruits those without tats and encourages them to stay that way. Keep an eye on VA.

  7. Anonymous December 27, 2019 at 10:48


  8. CW December 27, 2019 at 11:29

    I hear people talk all the time about being the “Gray Man.” With what is going on, it’s more important to be the “Gray Man” in the data wars than anywhere else. It’s become obvious that the companies that hoover up our personal data from the digital world are working hand in hand with the intel community. One hears of career intel officers leaving their parent agencies and opening up private data companies. Their purpose? To aggregate so-called “anonymous” datasets with personalized information data profiles so that the anonymity is stripped away, and then sell these now personalized data sets on to the intel agencies.
    What can they do with this data? They can use profiles, much like Netflix’s algorithm for movie preferences, to identify anyone who is likely to be a problem. Have you bought ammo online with a credit card? Visited this site on an open profile signed into your browser? I really started to wake up when I went to Amazon to check on prices for some books John Mosby recommended on his blog and Amazon instantly offered me deals and recommendations including most of the other books that Mosby has ever talked about. If Amazon can profile me that easy, it’s child’s play for intel agencies to do the same thing with all the data they have available.
    Where am I going with this? We talk all the time about the 3%. That roughly 10 million people, based on current population, who won’t be simply pushed aside by tyranny. But they don’t need to fight 10 million people. The Paretto Distribution tells us that only 20% of that number are the ones that will keep the movement active, and only 20% of those are the real leaders, without whom nothing successful is likely to happen. That’s only 25,000 people, and with this level of data those 25,000 people are going to be relatively easy to pick out. Think I’m crazy? Imagine that 80% of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence had already been singled out and arrested or otherwise neutralized by the British. How do you think things would have come out then?
    The next revolutionary war will be won or lost before there is any open fighting. Based on the reapportionment of the House coming in 2022 the Left Party will have control of the House and the White House permanently by 2024, which also coincides nicely with the expected peak of this 4th Turning in 2025. Before then, we have to collectively Gray Man our online profiles. Just disappearing into encrypted chat and email and using VPN to browse isn’t enough. Your profile is already established. You have to clutter up the algorithms with the wrong data. Netflix ran a contest with a big cash prize to see who could improve their system by 10%. The winner, among other improvements, allowed for constant refinement of the profiles by weighting the most recent program choices. You can bet that all the data algorithms in use now use similar tools. Build a public profile that never buys books or reads ebooks by the “wrong” authors and reads all the latest social justice prattle, visits all the “left” news sites every day, never buys anything to do with firearms, or from a prepping website.. you get the idea. It’s not enough to hide from the data aggregators, you need to actively mislead them.
    Make this your priority resolution for the new year. The battle for the future is happening now.

  9. Cavguy December 27, 2019 at 12:03


  10. Les December 27, 2019 at 15:54

    We all have heard the saying that there is strength in numbers. We’ve heard that one arrow is easily broken but a sheath of arrows cannot be. Ben Franklin said, “We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.” One thing I have learned over my years is that for any endeavor to be successful, it requires organization. The time to organize is BEFORE becoming engaged in some….. endeavor, not afterwards. As now, I am only aware of two counties in Virginia that plan to organize themselves for the purpose of staving off leftist attempts to trash individual rights as enumerated in the Constitution. Taking a vote is good, but it must not stop there. Organization takes time and a lot of effort.

  11. […] What Happens When A Government Fights A Dirty War On Its Own People? […]

  12. Kilo December 28, 2019 at 12:52

    You are definitely on the right track. You’ve identified some of the organizations that are collecting your data, you’ve realized the vulnerability, and you have a plan to mitigate the exploitation of your data to some extent. You’ve taken some major steps.
    Unfortunately, with how you spelled it out here (and that is all I’m going by since you may not want to publicly disclose your true methodology) it is not going to be enough. Manually trying to address each data point (referring to the books and websites issues) is going to be too time consuming and a never ending battle. My advice would be to automate the ‘machine’ and use its own strengths against it. Creating a functional disinformation plan while concurrently implementing a misinformation (yes, they are different) strategy are just two of the subjects that we cover in the PSA course.

    If you are interested, more info can be found at this older post here: https://brushbeater.wordpress.com/2019/06/20/privacy-security-anonymity-course-24-25-august/

    The PSA course also covers how to get around that Amazon issue you brought up, granted the algorithms are getting better every day.

  13. Romeo Foxtrot December 28, 2019 at 18:18

    Anyone interested in PERSEC/Anonymity (who isn’t these days or should be) needs to attend the classes taught on the subject. I attended one and am in the IT field, and slightly right of paranoid anyway, and learned sooo much, in fact i plan to take a refresher course, there was so much to learn and tasks one could actually do right at the class to reduce ones online/digital footprint, among other skill sets…

    The instructor who taught it is a “been there, done that,” fellow, knows his shit from real world, folks could die, if info was leaked or discovered, environments….

  14. Homer December 28, 2019 at 22:48

    Im waiting for all the patriots who suddenly have child porn show up on their laptops/phones. Who could be against putting those people away? Good way to make someone disappear into the prison system.

  15. Steiner's Laughter December 30, 2019 at 11:15

    Trust no one and always remember the 4 S mantra: Simple, Solo, Secret, Spontaneous. All groups are infiltrated within minutes so stay away. Keep your comms limited and zero social media sewers. Use a VPN or proxy if looking at sites that the controllers fear.
    Avoid the bubble cloud dweller zombies if possible. If interaction is unavoidable just talk about the weather or sportsball even if you don’t know what’s up with that. If they bring up politics just say I don’t discuss that or religion with strangers.
    Anyone affiliated with government is an ENEMY and if your family or “friends” are repelled by that then find some new ones.
    This ain’t no picnic and failure is not an option.

  16. NE Heretic December 30, 2019 at 13:55

    Question for those more knowledgeable about IT Opsec: Is it possible to intercept the electronic serial number (ESN) on a digital device and change it before it’s transmitted from one’s phone, laptop etc.? I am thinking of software or even a device that plugs into the USB then from the device into the router. The government can track devices by ESN just as a firearm has a serial number etched into it. If possible this might give more anonymity.

    Just a thought from a new reader.

  17. Kilo December 30, 2019 at 15:52

    NE Heretic,

    You’re going to have to be a bit more specific with your question. It is just too vague to answer without writing pages and addressing multiple electronic devices that transmit. Are you referring to a cell signal, WiFi, Bluetooth, some IoT device, or something else when you say ‘phone, laptop, etc’?

    Each of these have a different and often unrelated answer.

    Let’s briefly look at cell phones. In the USA, cell phones operate on either the CDMA or GSM networks. To use your words, electronic serial number (ESN) this would only apply to the CDMA network and it won’t apply for very much longer. ESN was/is used in the US to identify cell phones that require a CDMA network for wireless service. ESNs are slowly being phased out in favor of the MEID, a longer number that is more similar to the IMEI number which is used in GSM and UMTS cell phones. A Mobile Equipment Identifier (MEID) is 14 digits long and is used to identify a cell phone that utilizes the CDMA technology for wireless service. CDMA phones don’t typically have SIM cards and CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) is just a type of technology used for wireless phone service. Verizon, Sprint, and US Cellular are all wireless communications service providers that use the CDMA technology to provide service to their customers. An International Mobile Station Equipment Identity or IMEI for short is a number that identifies mobile phones that run on a GSM network. GSM is just another type of wireless technology used for mobile service. AT&T and T-Mobile are both wireless carriers that use GSM technology to provide their customers with wireless service. The preceding comments are in generalities. As new technologies emerge, some of these also merge. One example is that some CDMA devices are now having SIM cards.

    This is just the tip of the iceberg in describing different cellular technologies to understand the specific terminology that applies to each and this only covers cell phones.

    Anything that communicates via the internet is going to have a MAC address. This is for switching and routing purposes. Each device has a unique MAC address so the data can be properly routed to and from that specific device on the internet. Can these be spoofed? Absolutely. Does that protect you?

    If you can be more specific meaning particular type of device and a transmission technology, I’ll try to give you a direct answer here. That direct answer will be a yes or a no to your question ” Is it possible to intercept the electronic serial number (ESN) on a digital device and change it before it’s transmitted from one’s phone, laptop etc.?” Most of the answers will be yes, but there are a few, that are no, or at least not that I am aware of.

    If you want to know more as to the how, the why, and the what can we do, it is more than I can type here, so you may want to come to class.

    As a new reader, here is a lot of knowledge here and at the Brushbeater site. You can literally spend days reading past articles and comments. I did. It was quite an educational experience.

    Have a good one.

  18. Hans Frank December 30, 2019 at 20:32

    Not sure they even teach Max Weber is Sociology class anymore. It has all been rewritten. Psychology too.

    • NC Scout December 30, 2019 at 20:47

      I’m actually very grateful that I learned him. Weber was actually a staunch conservative and often praised the US. One of his keynote pieces is The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, which I think any conservative would find highly insightful.

  19. NE Heretic December 30, 2019 at 23:45

    Thanks Kilo for the informative reply, I am definitely behind the times on this technology. I was specifically referring to laptop PCs which I use all the time for the bigger screen among other benefits. I will read up on the question starting with your suggestions.

    My idea was that intercepting and changing an ESN before it goes into the internet would mask a particular PC which could be traced to a specific owner. I understand that MAC addresses and so forth have identifying information also. If the ESN for a particular PC were changed then transmitted when logging in to the internet then that PC could not be connected to a particular user because the ESNs would not match. I realize this is not foolproof anonymity but I was thinking this could be part of the process.

    My frame of reference is a firearm’s unique serial number.

    Thanks again for your reply, I will research this further.

  20. Mr S December 31, 2019 at 06:40

    Linked here from Steve “nazis rule the world from Antarctica” Quayle.

    • NC Scout December 31, 2019 at 06:47

      Everyone comes from somewhere. Thanks for reading.

  21. Kilo December 31, 2019 at 10:12

    NE Heretic,

    With a laptop or other type of computer (in the traditional sense of the word) you need to be concerned about MAC addresses on your own network. Once your traffic leaves your network (through a router for most home/business use), you need to be concerned with your IP address. If you are on your home network, I wouldn’t worry too much about MAC address going from computer to computer (your laptop to a PC for instance) because it is contained within your own network.

    Now, if you go log into some free WiFi at Starbucks, that is a different story all together. You are no longer on ‘your’ network, but that of Starbucks and now I would be VERY concerned about MAC addresses. So, the easy solution is to not use free WiFi or other networks that you do not control.

    So once your traffic leaves your personal network, you need to be concerned with your IP address. You can, to use your words, “intercept the electronic serial number (ESN) on a digital device and change it before it’s transmitted from one’s phone, laptop etc.” change your IP address a few different ways; some of which are proxies, VPNs, and using TOR. These will ‘switch’ your IP address that you get from your ISP to an IP address provided by the proxy, VPN, TOR, or something else. TOR provides anonymity while VPNs provide privacy and these two words mean completely different things. This is not doing anything with the serial number of your computer, but it achieves the same goal of not being tracked.

    This is stated in very simple terms since you stated ” I am definitely behind the times on this technology”. It is more complicated with stuff like fingerprinting, browsing patterns, browser settings, etc. There are also ways to use these ‘masking’ technologies the wrong way where they provide no benefit at all.

    You can research all of this on your own or you can come to class and get the info there.

    Have a good one.

  22. Lash LaRue December 31, 2019 at 17:01

    hates you and ME, not I…at war with you and ME ME ME ME ME…hates takes the objective case as does the preposition with. Let’s use English grammar properly.

    • NC Scout December 31, 2019 at 21:36

      Negative, it’s you and I. Took several levels of English and have written academically.

  23. Jay December 31, 2019 at 21:24

    Just remember that the Leftists eat their own soldiers.
    Like the communists, when they use someone for a specific, identifiable dirty task, they then dispose of them as quietly as possible to destroy evidence. The communists are well aware of social consequences for their atrocities when exposed. So if you work at Google or some other data collection agency for the enemies of our country, get out while you can and tell everybody why before they send an illegal to cut your brake lines or worse.

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