Guest Post: Reflections on the Richmond Rally, by Historian

Coming from my friend and a man whose opinion I strongly value, is an assessment of Richmond from the ground level as well as a historical parallel to the Troubles in Ireland. I disagree quite strongly regarding any tangible goal that was attained by this rally, not that it matters, have been less than impressed by anyone touting themselves present, and am perplexed at the continued analog drawn between a fundamental right to be armed against a government infested by Leftists who openly admit they want us in gulags and the civil rights movement of the 60s. One found a willing and receptive audience, the other, futile cries falling on deaf ears. They purposefully did not meet you with force, this time, and for a reason. You were a goldmine of data.

Further, the awareness and technological impact of AI on human terrain mapping may very well have rendered many attempts at organization useless in the coming months with the laws enabling it so; the impact of which cannot be known, because the most ignorant are too busy shouting victory the loudest. We shall see, but the way Governor Northam went about the leadup to the event signaled much to those of us who have experience in targeting insurgent groups. There’s a reason they’re pushing the red flag law first. As I pointed out yesterday, all they need is the mid-level leadership.

Do you honestly believe the Left didn’t learn how to counter their own rise to power?

I promised you my thoughts on the Richmond rally, and here they are:

First off, I’m deeply relieved that the situation in Richmond turned out as well as it did. It could have gone oh so wrong, so quickly, in a variety of ways. And it did not. I have a number of thoughts to share, but first and foremost, I think it is worthwhile to consider WHY this turned out as it did. I’ve been thinking, and found at least three
possible factors:

First off, the Richmond PD is not the Hooville PD. Richmond PD is much larger, for one, and more professional, for another. They clearly did not buy the propaganda that the Charlottesville PD did, and they did not
view the folks showing up as ‘Right wing terrorists.’ I suspect that is also true of the Virginia State police.

Second, the correlation of forces was grossly disproportionate. Not only the relative numbers, but the quality of the Patriot attendees was much higher than the Hooville debacle. The presence of around 20,000 armed individuals outside the wire must have been a very powerful deterrent all by itself, but if you look at the photographs, look at who showed up, a significant percentage of those who were armed outside the wire were clearly veterans who had seen the elephant- “Men who know very well what they are about.”

Third, not only were Patriots much more numerous, and experienced, but a further careful examination of the photographs and video I’ve looked at indicates to me that there were a large number of small groups of associated individuals who moved as a team, 2 to perhaps a dozen per group. These teams of men were scattered throughout the crowd, some of them carefully placing themselves in positions where they could quickly respond to threats from above as well as on the ground. Some of the news reports I read said that the police noted that people were carefully examining their positions and personnel. This speaks to training and much experience being on the sharp end.

Both Antifa and the other communist irregulars must have quickly recognized all of the above and beat a tactical retreat early on, and the powers that be recognized it too. I expect that any Antifa attempt at a false flag outside the wire would have been shut down very quickly by the vets in the crowd.

In my estimation, if the situation had gone kinetic, and especially if the authorities had ‘browned’ those outside the wire by firing on the unarmed folks in Coonman’s killing cage, it is likely that all of the policemen there and most of the communist politicians would have been killed or fled the scene within an hour. Sadly, Coonman the Coward would not have been one of them; he reportedly left Richmond the night before, as did at least one Demoncrat delegate who went to a ‘safe house.’

Patriots did not come to start a war, but they clearly were ready to fight if Coonman and his thuggish allies started it, and it showed.

So, Patriots avoided being set up, held their rally as planned, and told the Richmond politicians that we will not consent to ANY more restrictions on our rights. What was the effect of this demonstration? As one would expect, the rhetoric has not changed, nor have the minority Republicans been able as yet to derail the proposed unConstitutional victim disarmament legislation. The communists in power appear to be unwilling to believe what we are saying. On its face, this seems to have been a tactical victory but at best a strategic draw. We gained nothing of consequence…..or did we?

Napoleon is quoted as saying “In war, the moral is to the physical as ten is to one.” Patriots just delivered a stunning blow to the tyrant’s moral standing, showing any who care to watch and listen that Coonman’s tyranny *will* be resisted by many Virginians living in the Commonwealth, and by Americans from all over the country. Virginians,
*Americans*, will not comply, and yesterday they demonstrated to the world that we have people willing to walk into a known trap, trusting their comrades outside the wire to protect them, or to avenge them, AND that we had people ready and willing to do just that. That blow, while not physical, had and will continue to have tremendous impact on both the tyrants, and on the free people of these united States.

That is not a trivial result. It is also not sufficient.

The physical side of this war, currently still a war of ideas, wants attention, too. My hope is that VCDL takes the next step, and as Aesop suggested, asks the various sheriffs who stood up against this tyranny to start deputizing AND TRAINING a significant number of citizens to oppose the laws still being aimed at destroying our right to bear arms,
and at the people who defend that right. Virginians, and others, need to take this threat seriously, and we need to start building our physical ability to resist. This is much more than knowing how to shoot; learning how to work in small units is KEY to winning.

Another serious lack that begs to be addressed is communications. One way that the tyrants in Richmond did blunt our message was by ensuring that almost nobody heard it. VCDL did not bring or arrange for an alternate PA system. It would not have been difficult to have a MURS transceiver at the podium, transmitting to receivers and audio amplifiers all over downtown, or even a repeater, to spread the message of each speaker all over the area, and ideally to a remote location for recording and posting online.

Logistics and support are evidently lacking. I do not know what arrangements had been made in advance, but it would not have been difficult, given the manpower available onsite, to have contingency plans for medical aid, evac, and reinforcement with the American equivalent of ‘technicals’. The trucks blocking the roads leading to
the Capitol could easily have been moved by groups of people by hand, if needs be, and route security ensured by details assigned to specific intersections, as well as spotter teams ready to interdict a tyrannical response team. Much remains to be done on the planning and training side of things for VCDL, and for the rest of us. Much more can be said on this topic, and I’m sure that better qualified people than I are saying it.


What I am qualified to talk a bit about is history.

It has often been said that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Well, history really doesn’t repeat itself but it often rhymes; I like Otto Von Bismark’s quote- “Fools may learn from their mistakes. I prefer to learn from the mistakes of others.” What lessons can be drawn that pertain to this situation in Virginia?

I am no supporter of the IRA (either the Official IRA or the Provisionals) or their ideals, but there is much that can be learned from the Irish Troubles. First off, the Provos had catchy songs! One of these, “One shot Paddy” highlights the effectiveness of sniper teams in guerrilla or civil wars. The Daily Mail writeup on yesterday’s rally referenced the 1990 to 1997 sniper war against the British Army in South Armagh, and the use of the M82 Barrett in that conflict, at least one of which was carried to the rally by a New Yorker (“because I can” he replied when asked why he’d brought it.) This brings me to my point.

My reading indicates that the South Armagh IRA force numbered about 40 at its peak, all told. Total in Northern Ireland was probably less than 300 for most of the occupation, and this small group of revolutionaries, outnumbered hundreds to one, on a small island, with no restriction on the police power, prevailed against the best of the British Army, including the SAS.

In particular, the activities of the South Armagh snipers, who are believed to have numbered a total of 8 men (one team of 4 who were caught, and another team who were never caught,) two of them the shooters, with some support from the local ‘brigade,’ demoralized thousands of British troops to the point that over 800 were on sick
leave, and dozens were disciplined for being afraid to stand their post. This despite the objective fact that the two IRA shooters were mediocre and infrequent marksmen, and killed only 9 men in 5 years, failing to kill their targets about 2/3 of the time. Think about that for a moment. Two shooters who rarely engaged at more than 300 yards, and most times closer. Two.

The activities of these IRA teams were commemorated by the IRA song, “One shot Paddy” which was played and sung regularly in Irish Republican pubs. If eight men can demoralize and render combat ineffective thousands of elite British troops, killing only 9 in five years, what would be the effect of dozens, if not hundreds of such sniper teams
operating in Virginia? For that matter, what are the differences between Northern Ireland and Virginia? How do they compare?

Virginia is comprised of 133 separate entities, 95 counties and 38 independent cities, and measures about 40767 square miles. With a population of about 8.5 million, the population density is about 209 people per square mile, on average, with much of the population residing in Tidewater, Richmond and Northern Virginia. Virginia has no
significant barriers to entry, unlike Ireland, and, at least in theory, there are supposed to be legal constraints on the government’s police power, again, unlike Ireland.

There are probably about 17 million guns in the state, and a large quantity of ammunition. More of both are available right across the borders in North Carolina, Tennessee and West Virginia, with no border controls (at least for now.) And Virginians have a long tradition of marksmanship. There are tens of thousands of men in the state who could outshoot the IRA snipers, and a large subset of those who can make head shots at 500 yards.

Northern Ireland is composed of 6 counties, measuring about 5463 square miles, with a population today of about 1.8 million people, or about 330 people per square mile. The British army, at the peak, had deployed about 27,000 men in Northern Ireland, or about the same number as the patriots that showed up yesterday morning in Richmond. That was about one soldier for every 66 Irish residents, or about one for every 30 Catholics. With no constraint on the police power, no need for search warrants, no tradition of firearms ownership or stockpile of weapons and
ammunition, and no easy way to import them. No tradition of marksmanship, no deep pool of patriotic marksmen. And the IRA were largely Marxist socialists, to boot.

I could run on about this for a long time, but the bottom line is this. If Virginia were to have only the same percentage of fighters resisting an unConstitutional restriction on the right to keep and bear arms as the IRA did in Ireland during most of the Troubles, that would mean about a thousand resistance fighters. Virginian shooters are much better trained and equipped than the IRA, who had to travel overseas to get basic marksmanship training. There were at least 20 times that many people who showed up on the Patriot side in Richmond yesterday, many of
them far better equipped, trained and far more experienced than the IRA ever were, and some of them up to SAS standards. If the IRA could have fielded 6000 well trained men, or 40 sniper teams in South Armagh, the British would have had no army left in Northern Ireland in very short order. If a similar rising happens in Virginia, it would be orders of magnitude more bloody.

And that is a lesson I hope with all my heart the tyrants in Richmond take to heart, because I pray that America will never see the catastrophe of a modern civil war. Bad as the War between the States was, a modern civil war would be an unparalleled horror. We could have seen one start yesterday, and if Coonman the Coward and his toadies keep
pushing, they will get one. And that would be a very bad thing. To paraphrase Gene Hackman’s character from Unforgiven- “That would hurt REAL bad, not gentle, like before.” I believe that Patriots would prevail, but I dread the price we’d pay.


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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at or via his blog at .


  1. Matt Bracken January 22, 2020 at 08:34

    One Shot Paddy:

    I agree totally with the IRA/Ulster to Patriots/Virginia comparison, and wrote about it here a few weeks ago:

    With pre-crime Red Flag laws looming in Virginia and other states, the results of the intelligence collecting bonanza by the feds in Richmond last Monday remain to be seen. The new FBI SAC, David Archey, lately Mueller’s lead investigator, is a domestic counterintelligence guru and rising star in the bureau. It must be assumed that all of the patriots in Richmond have had their faces scanned, automobile licenses scanned, and cell phone information collected for social network analysis and future mischief….if that matters.

    Much of the future leadership (as well as rank and file) of any Virginia armed resistance was likely present in Richmond, and in short order, Team Tyranny will have done their SNA work and have all of their relationships mapped out. In that sense, Richmond was a undoubtedly a big success for Big Brother, even if this is not appreciated today. How that FLEA intel bonanza will balance against the morale and propaganda victory by Team Freedom on Monday remains to be known.

  2. […] via Guest Post: Reflections on the Richmond Rally, by Historian — American Partisan […]

  3. DAN III January 22, 2020 at 09:33

    American Partisan/NC Scout and Historian,

    Just want to take a moment to thank you for providing Historian’s After Action Review, from his onsite presence at the VCDL event of 20 JAN 20.

    Historian’s AAR was delivered in an extremely concise and professional manner. Unlike the ridicule and vitriol voiced upon rally participants prior to and after the event, by one or two keyboard warriors via their blog(s).

    Historian, your sound and objective.AAR is very much appreciated.

  4. Will January 22, 2020 at 09:45

    I find myself listening to the Irish Resistance music all the time these days….Martyrs of Loughal, Wearing of the Green, Come Out Ye Black and Tans, My Little Armalite, My Old Mans a Provo…….A rich oral history of resistance.

    • NC Scout January 22, 2020 at 10:10

      Its great stuff.

  5. Badger January 22, 2020 at 10:13

    Frankly, one of the best & most balanced non-commo things you’ve ever done. BZ

  6. Kaiserworks January 22, 2020 at 10:23

    Matt Bracken,
    In reference to all the data collection of those in attendance at the rally; if things eventually go hot, the Patriots should consider anyone who attended as ‘compromised’ and non-rally patriot’s should distance themselves from electronic communication as well as proximity of rally attendees until such time as deemed reasonable by events.

    If any incident involving preservation of rights occurs and a rally attendees electronic signature is found anywhere in a dozen mile radius, there will be a Red Flag team waiting at their home as well as work addresses. They will also target the most frequently called/text/email numbers on their phones for good measure. This will be SOP for the controllers.
    As an aside, this knowledge of who is compromised can also work both ways – counter ambush?

    Anyway, it’s a damn shame that so many well meaning people thought it more important to pose at a rally than plan on winning the long game, but I guess it’s human nature.

  7. Anonymous January 22, 2020 at 10:54


  8. GenEarly January 22, 2020 at 11:14

    As a historian, the response of Americans at Bundy Ranch to prevent another Waco Massacre seems to be more worthy of analysis and planning. Also a lesson from Waco, once the frisky erupts, Do not negotiate or allow the democRat Feral/Statist Tyrants to withdraw or recover their wounded.
    Notice there is a wide door in my previous sentence for All Patriots in any Governmental agency to Choose Wisely their future path.

  9. Mystic Philosopher January 22, 2020 at 11:59

    First let me establish that I am not a spokesman for the VCDL, and am in no way expressing their official positions.
    VCDL is a political organization, not a militant group. They never planned for this huge response, nor should the burden fall upon their shoulders. To remain an effective political organization, they must keep their noses clean and toe the line. They have developed cordial relationships with the capitol police and many Virginia lawmakers; Maintaining that cordiality is an important consideration. So, since those in charge at the capitol insist that they only use the sound system provided, they do so, as they have for years now, even though they are aware of how deficient it is. And since it has always been their goal to present gun owners as ordinary, law abiding, respectable citizens, they have discouraged the carrying of long guns and the wearing of tactical gear. To change their course and now adopt a tactical mindset would be seen as self defeating. Should they suddenly start issuing tactical directives and formulating plans for engagement with a hostile reaction, they would become the bogeyman that many in Richmond would dearly like to paint them as. From all that I have observed, their involvement only extends to the soap box and the ballot box. And that is fine. There are, and will be, plenty of folks ready to open up that third box should the situation arise.

    To keep with the Irish comparison, the VCDL is more like Sinn Féin, in the times leading up to the Good Friday Agreement, than the IRA.

  10. Bob January 22, 2020 at 12:31

    How difficult would it have been to do some intelligence gathering of our own. I watched several Youtube vids of snipers on rooves and Antifa types but I did not detect any desire on anyone’s part to learn the identities of those snipers or Antifa members. Couldn’t they have been followed to their vehicles or residences or hotels? Isn’t there some way to share this information? I see Antifa making a game out of doxxing our people and we respond with declarations that we won’t descend to that level. We are gonna die on our high ground I fear.

    • NC Scout January 22, 2020 at 12:48

      It wouldn’t have been hard. That said, it would have taken task, purpose, and direction other than ‘see I’m armed and non-violent’.

      The Second Amendment is an un-civil right.

  11. 15Fixer January 22, 2020 at 13:50

    Most excellently well said!!! What a message. Off topic….. Further proof the demonrats in the Virginia legislature are mentally diseased…

    No rally, no protest, no letter writing… nothing is going to make any impression on these cretins/imbeciles/morons/idiots (words fail me). They are just going to do what they want, when they want it, and their constituents be damned.

  12. OODA_Loop January 22, 2020 at 19:15

    VCDL wasn’t allowed to have a louder PA system, details on arfcom precede the event.

  13. NOG January 23, 2020 at 14:01

    More than likely, those attending the rally already have their photos taken. Many places already take your picture,even while you are driving down the street. Walking into a Wallyworld or mall? Post office? DMV?Smile. Data is collected. What car you were driving, what time, where you were located or going, etc. If those people at the rally use the internet, a name and location are generated. That car tag with you driving or purchase you made? Smile it connects you to your own personal file. That info is collated in a center like the one we know about in Utah. How many don’t we know about? Google anyone? Facebook? Just info vacuum cleaners sucking up everything. They don’t make money doing things for “free”. They make money collecting data, which the feds certainly have access to. They know who you are. They know your politics. They know what you buy. They know what you post. They know where you might be at this moment. All with a punch of a button. Case in point. Neighbor’s kid is a dirtbag (neighbors are really good people). Police showed up at neighbor’s house with a warrant. They had a pictures taken while he was driving his father’s car to a drug house. They told the neighbor he was at his girlfriend’s house and to call him over, said they did not want to get her kids in harm’s way. At trial, they had his phone records, who he talked to and how much money he had. They had his internet names. They had just about everything. Kid is in prison now. Neighbor said it the info they had was just breath taking. So if the police have info on a small town dirtbag, imagine what they have on “potential domestic terrorist”. The people at Richmond are already known. And again, I am no fed, just a old systems manufacturing engineer that has a lot of time on my hands to look at things (cardiac cripple that is mostly house bound). Finally, Bracken, thank you for giving those attending the rally sound advice. I did agree with you about not going due to false flags as the rally was too limited to do much good. But on reflection I think it did do some good, by raising awareness to more sheeple. The more on our side the merrier. Still a bit miffed about your cavalier use of a hurtful word describing attendees, but whatever.

  14. Historian January 24, 2020 at 03:31

    Dan III-

    My thanks for your kind words, sir. However, I must correct a misapprehension- I was not physically present at the rally. My reflections are based on what I have been told, read and seen from those who were there. I got the information on which I based this second-hand.

    With regard to all who seek the Light,

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