Radio Contra Episode 6

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Radio Contra Episode 6: NC Scout explains why the Richmond rally is not a victory for anyone and is likely counter-productive in the long run. What will happen when those laws are still passed? Then he answers a detailed question from a reader about different weapon setups for different roles and a bit about JS8Call.

Music: Rage Against The Machine “Guerrilla Radio”


Ready Made Resources

Palmetto State Armory

Primary Arms


VTAC Sling

Surefire G2

Odin Works MLOK Light Mount

PSA 10.5in Pistol

PSA 14.5in Carbine

Primary Arms 1-8×24

Primary Arms 1x Cyclops




By Published On: January 21, 2020Categories: NC Scout11 Comments on Radio Contra Episode 6

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at or via his blog at .


  1. Publius Huldah January 21, 2020 at 16:09

    No! Read the Declaration of Independence – especially the last three paragraphs. WE Petition for Redress BEFORE taking stronger action. The Rally in Virginia yesterday showed the World WHO WE ARE: Right is on our side. As the first step, We peacefully demand that our Rights be recognized.

    I remember the civil rights movement of the early 1960s. The Civil rights movement won because the leaders showed the World the moral superiority of their position over that of the segregationists.

    We must do the same.

    • NC Scout January 21, 2020 at 16:10

      And this is why you continue to lose.

  2. NC Scout January 21, 2020 at 16:20


  3. Anonymous January 21, 2020 at 22:50


  4. Matt Bracken January 22, 2020 at 16:36

    What was the tangible goal, and the actual result?
    Chest thumping. Like gorillas posturing at safari hunters, who are just interested at identifying the best future trophies.
    We were lucky in Richmond, in that nobody got hurt.
    But it was a victory for Team Tyranny in the more important intel collection dept: face ID (as good as a fingerprint or DNA today), auto license ID (yes, at every exit into Richmond), cell phone info, and in many cases, weapon image ID.
    Yes, on the plus side, as a morale/propaganda win, I’m sure it felt great.
    But the 22K that went handed an intel bonanza to Team Tyranny via social network analysis, based on the 4 integrated data fields above.
    Face/Auto license/Cell phone/weapon.
    Elsewhere, I read a very positive review of all the visible “units” that attended Richmond, from 2 man up to nearly platoon size.
    Looks great to us, and I’m sure that Team Tyranny was even more appreciative.
    Much of the future mid-level leadership infrastructure of any Virginia rebel force proudly and obliviously mapped itself out for Team Tyranny.
    For future misuse. Up to and including “preventive detention” if events go Northern Ireland. Learn, people, learn!

  5. Greg January 23, 2020 at 15:31

    Thanks for clearing up that RMR situation…That one had me bugged, especially since it was second source. Funny side note; that same site I got it from is accusing vaccine people coordinating with courts to shut down their site, blah, blah, blah. Hell, it could be, but when people put enough horse poop, it’s hard to believe anything.

    • NC Scout January 23, 2020 at 16:48

      Yeah man, tin foil is as tin foil does. Ignore the noise and do what you know is right.

  6. Old South January 24, 2020 at 18:05

    When your People were treated as outlaws in Scotland…
    When the king’s troops treated your People as outlaws…
    When your People defended the Southland against northern invaders they were labeled outlaws…
    When the labels your People as outlaws…
    …all you can do is own it. Be the outlaw.

  7. Wilson January 26, 2020 at 19:23

    I’ve been reading these types of blogs for years, they have usually been interesting and I learn from many of them. But over the past month, I’ve read and heard so much stuff that’s just dead wrong I am wrote this note.

    Most of the people running and writing seem to be former military “trigger pullers”, and seem to have decided that the only future involves a lot of trigger pulling, that politics is pointless, and those who don’t agree are worthless.

    I’m not in your crowd. I was never in the military. I’m an engineer, decades ago I started a defense company involved in cutting edge technology (and still are). I have friends in mid- and upper level management of some big defense contractors, and have had to deal with local, state, and federal politicians. I am well traveled, having been to some of the poorer parts of the world without Uncle Sam making sure I was fed and watered and protected.

    I write that to make it clear that I am not in your group, “my people” are the ones who go to the Richmond rallies and the county meetings. You thought all those counties that became 2A sanctuaries did so because a lot of trigger-pullers showed up at the county meeting and made tons of phone calls and dropped in to talk to commissioners? Better take stock and count heads.

    First, Virginia politics. The Democrats have a wide lead in the political arena but it is not a done deal. My guess is that the D’s took control of the VA state govt and thought they would follow in the footsteps of WA, CO, CT, CA, NY. VA would push through gun control, there would be some complaining and massive non-compliance, but in the end gun control would stand and it would be a simple fact of life come the 2021 election. But Virginians did not follow the plan and they immediately and ferociously publicly rebelled.

    You think the D’s are unphased because they didn’t immediately cave in after Richmond? Naive. The impact of Richmond and the 2A sanctuary counties (they are not independent) on the D’s won’t be known for a long time, maybe not until the 2021 election. Publicly the D’s are sticking to their guns, but they are worried they may suffer a major loss in 2021 and not only gun control will be reversed but a host of “progressive reforms”.

    In a typical VA election there are 2-4 million votes and most elections closer than 40-60 splits. There are 8-9 million residents in VA. There are at least 3 million gun owners, many of whom don’t vote. Now all those gun owners are royally pissed and are likely to vote. Do the math.

    D’s thought they had a lock on politics and could focus all their attention on other things – like gun control. Not anymore. Instead of consolidating their base, they have to work to retain it and expand it with an eye towards 2021. Expect things like a new push for DL’s for illegals, something that’s not popular in VA and failed before and will lose the D’s some support outside of the gun issue.

    Second, right now the vast majority of people have hope for a non-violent solution and are fighting through the political arena. For many of these people, it’s not a choice of going to Richmond or joining you and learning to be an insurgent, the choice is going to Richmond or doing nothing. They are not to the point of taking your classes or forming groups with their neighbors or ruck every day. But they are going to make phone calls and send emails and go to county and state meetings.

    Right or wrong, realistic or not, that’s what they are going to do and you can’t stop them. That may change in the future, but today that’s part of the terrain you have to operate within, and you better start asking yourselves how you can gain advantages from those peoples efforts.

    Instead of asking the protestors in a gloating sort of tone “What now?”, ask yourselves.

    At a minimum, think of them as chaff, cannon fodder, a giant herd of sheep which you few wolves can hide in. If the sheep win some victories, distract the socialists, or are just a massive herd that swamps the socialist’s efforts, so much the better. Given some of the comments I’ve read, that cold hearted approach surely appeals to some of you.

    In a better vein, how about showing some leadership. Radio Contra #V was about leadership. Where’s the leadership? In Virginia, there are many 10’s of thousands of people getting active IN THE BEST WAY THEY KNOW HOW and so many of you want to shut them down because you don’t agree – and because you don’t understand the “indigenous people”. My suggestion is to get off your high horse, stop griping, and lead. Meet them, get to know them, build bridges and trust.

    If they are doing the wrong things, then educate the indigenous people. Isn’t that what some of you were trained to do? You did it on foreign soil, so do it at home.

    Stop the derision and name calling, it only makes you “that guy” that nobody wants to go to for help. Build that bridge and win them over to your side, redirect that herd – some of them will come to your side, and 1% of a big number is still a big number. Remember, if you guys are right and this devolves into some sort of CW2, then all these people are going to be your base of support and your pool of recruits.

    • NC Scout January 26, 2020 at 20:10

      Thanks for listening.

      Time will tell who knows exactly what. So far I have yet to be proven wrong. And I hope I am.

      You do know the day will come that you must fight, yes? Perhaps you’ll kick that can once more for your children or grandchildren.

  8. Anonymous February 7, 2020 at 04:57


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