America Takes a Knee to Evil
During this whole Floyd drama, I kept seeing images of capitulation from many Americans, Civilians, police, and military alike. As I viewed these images, I kept thinking, “why are people kneeling to evil?” In this case BLM and AntiFa. Heck, the evil has even commented that they do not want the jester.
Here are some examples,

(Photo by Eva Marie UZCATEGUI / AFP)

(Photo by Shmuel Thaler)

(Photo Reddit)
Or one of my favorites is this short video of National Guard performing for the evil. Your tax dollars at work.
Did George Floyd deserve the treatment he received by the Minneapolis police officers involved in his arrest? No, he did not. However, he was no saint either. Here is his arrest record,
The Minneapolis Police responded to a call from a Cup Foods deli because Floyd allegedly tried to pass a $20.00 counterfeit bill. According to his autopsy report, which you can read here , the toxicology report shows he was on several illegal drugs at the time of the arrest. Again, not a reason to murder a man however, should he share some responsibility in his own death.
My point being, he was no angel by any means. With that written, none of us are void of sin either. Certainly not I.
I leave you with this 16-second video. – Enjoy
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The commanders were complicit in this. Absolutely sickening and shameful they’d do that wearing the uniform.
Western Rifleman,
That and the troops are being brainwashed too.
Then we have police abandoning their precinct stations ala Seattle. With AntiFa demanding businesses pay a fee to do business in ‘CHAZ’ I wonder when a business owner is going to say “no” using 00 buck? As we learned in NC Scout’s Radio Contra Episode XX, why are no local folks zooming into the area to help the businesses?
73 & God Bless Brother
Police and military are the neutral party and the calm voice when everyone else is in chaos. By taking a knee, it shows the world you are taking sides. I’ll say, if the badge of responsibility is so heavy that you have to take a knee, go to work somewhere else. The real cops and soldiers don’t want you there anyway. I take a knee and bow to no one but the God of Abraham!!
Amen sir…Amen!
73 & God Bless Brother
Get off your KNEES!
In my many years of affiliation with the Army National Guard I never ONCE saw a Guardsman receive disciplinary actions for violations of the Code of Military Justice, state or federal. Commanders were so concerned with Recruiting & Retention, especially RETENTION that more times than not, a weekend AWOL Guardsman was fudged on the DA1379 as being “Present” or “ABS”, “Authorized Absence” when in fact the scoundrel was legitimately AWOL. AWOLs from Annual Training were “found” and commander authorized to spend their unit’s Annual Training period at Home Station….”recruiting” !
Title 32 Guardsmen running the unit tried to discipline troops as best as they could. However, company and battalion commanders would chastise, admonish and order the AGR cadre to “just pay him”; “we’ll get the time outta him later !”
I seldom, if ever observed a commissioned officer or senior NCO guardsman be weighed under the Weight Control Program. The few times a “fat boy” officer happened to be weighed and did not “make weight” the AGR cadre would initiate a flagging action on reported “fat boy”. However an officer to be flagged for overweight would raise the ire of the battalion commander. In turn the BC would order the AGR NCO processing the flag to not flag any officers….ever.
Oh….the APFT….once again E8 and E9s along with O-1 thru O-5s seldom, if ever, took the APFT legitimately. If so, I never observed them doing so. However, I would observe DA705s come in to my FAX at Operations. Those FAX’ed DA705s were for various officers not present for the scheduled APFT. The “passing” PT scores many times signed off by a battalion commander or S3 from an entirely different battalion !
There are some very good and dedicated Guardsmen in the Army National Guard of the many states and territories. Yet, their dedication and efforts to maintain the standards were many, many times compromised by senior-noncoms and the attendant officers of that battalion and/or brigade. The morale of serving troops plagued by the “good ol’ boy” syndrome by senior NCOs and their assigned officers, especially field grade Os.
I was not shocked by the picture of combat-attired Guardsmen “taking a knee” in support of domestic insurgents. None of those participating troops will ever receive judicial punishment. Any Adjutant General who does not order and direct commanders to immediately take disciplinary action against the participating troops AND their commander(s), should be immediately removed from their governor-appointed, state or territory Adjutant General assignment.
The enemy has been at work on the institutions of the military and law enforcement for decades. None of them are a pale shadow of what was in the ranks even a few decades ago. These institutions are now almost entirely given over to the enemy and should be looked upon as such when considering how they will respond and be utilized in the coming times. With the attendant lowering of all performance standards in order to enable the unfit to “earn” the Ranger and Special Forces tab etc, and more importantly the complete purge of anything smacking of traditional American military prowess, masculinity, heritage values, and patriotism, it seems likely that these forces will perform poorly on any future battlefield against any peer enemy or competent irregular forces who understand the weaknesses of these politically correct forces and exploits them. It would certainly be interesting and horrible to see how today’s sailors would handle another aircraft carrier conflagration like the USS Forrestal fire of 1967. The outcome I anticipate would end American superpower status on the spot. Given that so many are in the ranks for an educational or economic opportunity, it would we wise for the current national leadership to avoid putting these forces into domestic or international positions that would expose them to stresses that would likely shatter them and lead to a collapse of any further usefulness as a deterrent. Asking our “People’s Army of the United States” to put down a domestic insurrection with a racial overtone seems like a good way to break them, which is probably innevitable at this point.
Lets see how this little drama in Seattle plays out. It should have been counter attacked immediately with State Police units if the city cops and mayor are unwilling. If the Governor is unwilling as well, then it may actually be better to leave it be and let the enemy city stew in their own nonsense. It would be curious to see if armed citizens start resisting this warlord and the very idea of THAT leads the mayor or governor to respond with force before people get the draw the “wrong” conclusions.
Mike, state police didn’t come in because the Governor of WA. State and the Mayor of Seattle are complicit. Complicit because they are useful idiots or on purpose. Seargent Schultz from Hogans Hero’s comes to mind…”I see nothing!”…”I hear nothing”…”I will say nothing!”
Take care Brother.
The picture you posted is EXACTLY what has and continues to happen in both the USA’s military, but throughout the citizenry. The picture of Negro female cadets at West Point banding together for a photo op is the Social Justice culture at it’s best. It is no longer about national unity, love of one’s nation and Patriotism. It is about the indoctrination of American citizens into the arms of communism..
The feminization of West Point started in 1976 when the first female cadet was enrolled. At that point the United States Army and fedgov declared that equality of the sexes, feminization, was good and “fair”. It was also the end of West Point training combat Warriors in the Art of War.
No longer would West Point have the mission to train combat arms leadership to win battles and wars. It was the beginning of the end. It would become social justice, communism, coming to America.
This makes me sick!!! I would never allow my soldiers to do this shit!!!!
Dan III, what state was this in? Ive sent teams to round up AWOL from AT. Then they were escorted to the nearest police station. I would process them for separation, but yes the State JFHQ would come done on ME? The commander, for being a hard ass? They were concerned with numbers and money only. Not unit cohesion or effectiveness. AWOL dirt bags would be the seed that would grow into a poor command climate. Don’t get me started on the APFT, what a shit test to begin with. And then my peers wanted to take the Test away from the enlisted? WTF??? I would never do that, as my men would see my ass as I passed them on the 2 mile run. I always tried to help the soldiers who struggled with the run, Ive pulled many a solider across the finish line just in time.
Looking at the video, the look of the New Army, over weight women. I cal ’em fire hydrants.
God Bless Brother