Bulgarian Polymer AK Mags Back In Stock At GunMag Warehouse!

Bulgarian steel-lined mags are back in stock! I picked up a bundle of these shortly before they went out of stock at AP affiliate Gunmag Warehouse and I’ve been testing them since then. Long story short, these are a killer bargain for their price, being built on par with the far more expensive Circle 10 waffle mags. Same steel lined lips and locking lugs, same build quality and feels like the same polymer, but at a quarter of the price.

Get them now while you can. Need AK training? I got that covered too.

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at brushbeater@tutanota.com or via his blog at brushbeater.wordpress.com .


  1. DAN III June 20, 2020 at 07:53


    The $13.99, 30rd Bulgarian AK, 7.62 Soviet magazine you suggest is a great bargain. However, Gunmagwarehouse does not describe it as having steel feed lips AND steel locking lugs. They describe it as being “steel-lined” (whatever that is). The website does not provide a SKU # for this magazine.

    However, they do offer for a dollar more a $14.99, 30rd Bulgarian 7.62 Soviet AK mag advertised as having the whole enchilada….Steel feed lips AND steel locking lugs ! SKU: BULAK30MTRY. This magazine is depicted on their website with a “exploded” view showing the steel components of the magazine. I have purchased 10 of these magazines and they are working well after hundreds of rounds.

    For me, the website’s mag descriptions are less than ideal. The $14.99 magazine is the more true-to-original steel component AK mag. For a dollar more each I suggest SKU: BULAK30MTRY.


    • NC Scout June 20, 2020 at 08:54

      That’s the ones I picked up, I’m not sure why they have them listed twice. Mine definitely is steel lined.

  2. 175jfs June 20, 2020 at 13:25

    When possible (and available), top quality miltary mags should be first choice to new end-users. That having been said, the Bulgarian Polymers work fine in a number of AK platforms ranging from Chinese Clayco’s, WASR, Zastava, and finally PSA guns.
    The difference between original Bulgarian and “the new and improved version” is original had a steel liner supporting the feed lips. The new mags have the same steel liner and now front and rear “steel liner” locking lugs. This however is is not the same as the Circle 10 or Magpul M3’s. Look closely and you’ll see that the rear Locking lug is not a solid piece, but a piece of stamped sheet metal that covers the the polymer rear lug. Its OK, but its not a solid piece.
    You are getting what you pay for a, commercial magazine designed for the end user market at a budget price.
    There is nothing wrong with these mags.
    They work fine, with in their given parameters.
    For the record, I own more than a few of these mags and have had no issues in the last 7 years since their introduction. I’ve been running the AK platform in many various makes and forms since 1982 starting with Steyr / Maddi AKM.

    • NC Scout June 20, 2020 at 20:02

      Good eye.

      My Circle 10s are actually sitting in a range box for the Scout Course OPFOR right now (and have been for several months). I actually wasn’t sure if they were solid steel or steel lined on the locking lug. Bottom line though, these are a heck of a good deal for quality AK mags. They’re a step up from all-polymer, and I haven’t broken one yet.

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