Church – Poison for the Soul? by Vagabond
The Left learned during the French Revolution that overtly attacking the Church was a major detriment to long term success; indeed, desecrating the altar of Notre Dame and renaming it the “Temple of Reason” would cost them much in the years following. A better plan would be to corrupt it from the inside. And the ‘peace and love’ watered down Christianity is the result. -NCS
Sunday I became furious while watching televised, Covid-shut in church services. In this time of greatest national distress we seek comfort, we seek strength, we seek the strength of God Almighty, for these are the things that nourish the soul.
But today the food offered for my soul went bitter in my mouth, and this ‘stuff’ I could not swallow.
As the minister expounded his guidance of how to bring the Word of God to invigorate our daily lives, the compass needle soon drifted to the Sin Most Vile, and ‘original’ at that – racism.
Not a word about dehumanizing and uncalled for acts towards our fellow man, no – far too benign, that. No, the sermon was a lengthy thesis concerning white privilege, white racism, white profit, white greed, all the many advantages about simply not having darker skin, and the most insidious of all – “maleducation.”
No context did he offer – never a historical or global context. As a matter of interest it’s useful to research just which nations actually are xenophobic and racist; the US is nowhere near the top.
No mention that Arabs took far, far more slaves then ever came to the New World. No mention of black presidents, hundred-million dollar athletes, billion dollar talk show hosts, and huge imbalances in racial homicide rates and interracial crimes. No, only whites are capable of racism, unique among all the Earth’s peoples. No, racial issues have not advanced one bit in the last 100 years according to his sermon.
But of course, it doesn’t have to make sense. Or be true.
I hoped for more from the Church, it was only hope, and given the events and near-total capitulation of companies, corporations, groups and individuals this week, it was unfortunately not a real surprise. Though some have likely capitulated to avoid intimidation and blackmail, this ‘minister’ had the look of the True Believer, at least in Social Justice Uber Alles.
As his homily progressed the angrier I became, because of his framing of the issue and the techniques used; basically a sophisticated guilt-inculcating psychological process designed to demoralize, demonize and degrade. The ‘spiritual’ home work is this: set time aside to carefully reflect on how you have received unwarranted privilege. Reflect on how the pain of others not having your privlege. Then bask in the agony of the pain. Remember – any joke told decades ago. ANY microaggression. ANY and ALL thoughts that you are part of a group in any way better than any other group.
And the most insidious: all the above at an unconscious level. That’s when I lost it.
The intelligence that came up with this is tremendous. In a way I even envy it, it’s so cunning.
The danger is accepting the presupposition, e.g. “I never thought of it, but I must have unconscious racist thoughts and attitudes. I can’t hear, see, feel or sense them, but they must be there, so I must find them.”
The follow on: ” Racism, is the Ultimate Sin, therefore I unknowingly might be guilty of the Ultimate Sin, and I DON”T WANT THAT. In fact I will do anything to absolve myself of this most horrible, dirty, wretched Sin.”
How shall I do this, I don’t know how; so I shall seek guidance.”
From whom? “Experts’ in the field, e.g. professors, BLM members, all the “hate America” organizations….and certain churches.”
And so is born “privileged’ children hating parents. Guilty soccer moms defriending their neighbors. Millions and millions in donations to Marxist causes.
And most sickenenly of all, kneeling and literally grovelling while begging forgiveness like abused animals at the feet of their new overlords.
If this is church, what do we need it for? When the church becomes a transmission vehicle for the Secular Gospel for Social Justice, and redefines Original Sin as racism, and gives the only possibility of salvation as a lifetime of servitude and self-abnegation, what do we need it for?
Post Script: If ever there was a time for accurate, honest appraisal (and I do mean ‘honest” – of all things historical and racial on every side and from every group that time is now. But even more needed is a casting away of insipid, poison to the soul “spirituality” that offers a wrapping paper for cultural Marxism.
Strong Christianity with muscles and a backbone – come back.
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The time has come for churches to choose a side. It appears that many, many of them are choosing the wrong side.
I will not apologize for my race.
All major Christian denominations are cucked. It is a huge part of the problem. Universalism is cancer.
This is a work in progress, forgive me.
When prayer returns to our godless public government schools, something like this will be the official national secular prayer.
Hail Marx,
Father of Socialism,
Immortal be thy name.
Communism come,
The work be done,
On earth, as there is no heaven.
Edited version of the official state prayer to come.
Hail Marx, father of socialism,
Immortal be thy name.
Communism come, the work be done,
On earth as there is no heaven.
Let us this day smash white privilege,
and crush our racist oppressors,
as we destroy imperialism.
Lead us toward Communism,
And deliver us from capitalism,
My wife has been “attending” daily Mass via the internet, and it’s the same story there, as well.
Is there a “sin” more vile than racism? I’ll nominate Marxism. There may be others.
And BTW thanks for the pointer to the Verse-by-verse bible site. It’s excellent.
Good post…far too many churches in America and the West, have long since forgotten the Apostle Paul’s warning to Timothy- “Preach the word!”
As disheartening as this, committed Christians should take 2 things away from what we are witnessing today; (1) we need to be about the Lord’s business more than ever, because untold thousands of souls are pouring into hell daily and, (2) this is the fulfillment of prophecy, which means we will be home soon,
Amos 8:11: ““Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord God,
“That I will send a famine on the land,
Not a famine of bread,
Nor a thirst for water,
But of hearing the words of the Lord.
2 Timothy 4:3- “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; 4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.
Jesus saves…his pennies.
You have to understand that 15 minutes after the first “Christian church” was established, some of Satan’s children were in it. Then, whenever a religious “institution” becomes primarily a financial and political organization, it will gradually become converged. The White Christians, that were the children of God, constantly moved over the globe, away from old converged institutions and built their own. Which eventually became converged. Now, there is no where left to run, except outer space. We were told that the way was narrow and few would travel it. But now, no one in authority even pretends to believe in God, much less the Messiah. Oh, sure, there is an occasional “God Bless You” and “Our thoughts and prayers are with you”, but that god is not the God of our Fathers and they are not praying to him..
“Strong Christianity with muscles and a backbone – come back.“
You can’t leave out the “Fire and Brimstone,” cause you got to know what you’re being saved from. We’re not saved from our sins, Jesus saves us from the Rath of God. The justified result of our sins, which is what we are all born deserving. It can’t be taken away by working out some form of penance. Jesus doesn’t need our help in salvation, nor does He even ask for it. We’re all too far gone anyway. God reaches into our spiritually dead hearts, through the preacher who preaches faithfully to the Word of God, and restores life to our hearts. All of us who have been made alive in Christ are preachers, no matter the skill level we are capable of. We just have to be faithful to the scripture. Jesus does the saving.
Lost a fan belt on the way to church this morning, Eased back home and sat down and read this article and Cold Fury’s ” A change of heart ” back to back. Whew! Hand-in-hand. Both linked on WRSA.
I was privileged to teach a class years ago and the thought came to me and I stated that the church will return to its roots, that being the home church, and we are certainly there.
I will close this and pick up my Bible.
You might want to jog your Pastors memory with the fact that the word “racist” was coined by Leon Trotsky, around 1930. The word didn’t exist before then.
All the “-ist” words have no meaning in English vernacular. They are all “Newspeak”. (Read 1984 again.)
Pick up a dictionary from the early 1900’s and you won’t find those words anywhere.
These are words created to describe human attitudes that are entirely harmless and natural, but that the creators of these words use to victimize and vilify those who oppose their political agendas.
We all discriminate, all day long. It’s part of our survival mechanism. And I suppose that makes me a proud racist, sexist, misogynistic bastard.
The church in America is absolutely cucked. The great falling away (apostasy) has been in progress for some time. All the feminist BS was making it too toxic for me years ago. Single moms are the pinnacle of God’s creation, wives should be the head of the household (not in those exact words, of course–sophistry is required to teach the opposite of scripture without contradicting it in a way that the bovine mouth-breathers will notice), women are perfect just as they are, men are ungodly and the cause of all society’s problems, men need to “step up” and submit to their wives, etc. etc. etc.
In all kinds of areas, the wolves behind the pulpit have been watering down the parts of the Bible they don’t like, while making some very crafty leaps of logic to insert doctrines that just aren’t Biblical at all. It’s sickening. I’ve turned my back on Churchianity. Thank God I found a fellowship of actual Christians (not churchians) close to where I live. The preacher isn’t charismatic or eloquent, and is still blue-pilled in some ways, but he’s not afraid to talk about sin and hell…and he never closed the doors for COVID-1984, despite our commie governor’s decree.
The irrational, intentional racial strife is having the opposite effect on some people from what the cultural Marxists claim to want: White men are increasingly adopting identity politics for themselves, and looking at everything through a racial lens. You’ve probably run into actual Nazis online (most of them are probably federal plants and LARPing leftist agitators, but at least some of them truly believe in white supremacy). The divide-and-conquer strategy that hit the afterburners around 2009 is having an effect.
I used to be gung-ho civil rights, equality, blah blah blah, and refused to participate in legitimate criticism of the “racial oppression” narrative because I didn’t want to contribute to the “us vs. them” hysteria. I’ve always though of myself as just American–no race; no ethnicity; no hyphen. Thanks to this anti-white zeitgeist, however, that has changed.
Sorry for the long screed. If anybody’s interested in more on the racial component, I blogged about it here:
It seems that the majority of church burnings have been hoaxes, unfortunately, we may have to seriously look at changing that to local efforts to correct that issue. Half measures as we enter what will further become clear as the Great Purge of useless idiots cannot help. Keeping the dialogue open while All geared up and deadly serious should continue, but I know that if these idiots do not have clear sight of the consequences of their ungodly submission they will continue to do the devils work. these “true believers” Must be shown like children., heavy words to be sure but these are the heaviest of times. Please let me recommend Michael Hoffman’s “They were white and they were slaves” and his newest :”Hanging poor whites” at ,in addition to putting some cleats on your boots – what a lovely slippery slope were on , damn it man, shit ! Best wishes and good luck.
Just returning home from sitting under strong preaching of the Word of God, I happened upon this post while taking a moment aside from things of God. My first thought is that I sincerely doubt that any church truly committed to preaching & teaching the Word and focused upon the worship of He Who is Worthy, would fall into such absurdity. I am sure that this is not the first appearance of cultural accommodation by the pastor & elders.
So very few churches are truly committed to preaching the Word, seeking to please man rather than pleasing God. The whole “seeker centered” movement is a gross distortion of the focus of worship. Entertain the masses & tickle their ears. Where is GOD in this?
For those who actually BELONG TO CHRIST, make sure you are in a church preaching the Word of God!!!
What you describe has been infecting churches for a long time. The choice to be made is finding a church that believes in and teaches the Bible and doesn’t censor or ignore the written parts that don’t meet their secular ideas. Our pastor says his job is to preach what we need to hear, not what we want to hear. Mainstream denominations have been lost to politics and social justice, none of which are found in the Bible. We attend a Cowboy church, but there are others out there. Keep searching for one in your area, don’t give up. We all need God’s help in the times we are facing.
You want a Christianity that will choose martyrdom over politics?
What you’re looking for is called Eastern Orthodoxy. Find a Russian or Antiochan parish and learn what it’s like to be part of a Faith that revels in being behind the times.
Better yet, visit your local monastery.
Time for you to find a real church. There are still plenty of them out there, fellowships faithfully preaching God’s Word and not apostate and corrupt like you described above. If you are having a hard time finding one, I’d humbly suggest looking for one with a Master’s Seminary grad (their website has a find-an-alumni tool) – they have produced some very good expositional preachers and sound doctrine, or ‘muscles and backbone’ as you put it. Several in the region of the American Redoubt I’m in. There are others, but that has proven a good place to start.
Right now my church has a woke interim minister. More than once my wife and I have turned off his “sermons” halfway through. I seriously wonder if that church will survive this for long. If they hire a woke full time pastor, I’m done.
The one good thing about the lockdown and virtual church services – makea it easy to scout out the real vs. woke churches.
The old mainline protestant churches are wholly owned subsidiaries of the apostate left. Catholics are burdened with sodomite seminaries and led by a celebrity impostor pope. The evangelical church is a circus tent on fire. The lack of leadership, discernment, or cultural dissent is near total. If you had any doubt, the Church’s wholesale embrace Covid hysteria and BLM pandering have surely opened any eyes that are capable of seeing. Mark well all the leaders who have signed on to this. They are surely hirelings and not shepherds. This is democratized, marketplace Christianity. Total mobacracy. The hireling shepherds have no choice but to run ahead of the clueless flock. They have budgets to meet and growth targets to master and people to please. Count the cost. Things are about to get hard for the remnant.
All of our institutions have been invaded and converged by the Gramsci crowd. There is no critical thought allowed, only critical theory.
FWIW – I believe that this Fourth Turning will bring a new Awakening. Christianity based – not from a particular Church – but from the ground up. It will be Nationalist and Christian at the same time. Something along the lines of a monastic/military order such as the Knights Templar. Strong, militant and ready to fight. Unapologetic. It will gain political strength as the flaming 20’s continue.
The cadres have been training this soon-to-be Order since the 1980’s – though perhaps not seeing the whole picture as it developed. How could we? But we knew we were serving a multi-Generational purpose bigger than ourselves.
I have trained with thousands since those days and this is what I see. I pray I am right and that I live to see the Victory.
I’m older now but can still ruck and shoot. Even if I have to carry water and food for the gunslingers I will see it through until the end of my days. I’ll do my duty regardless of the outcome.
Best Regards,
Red in OleVirginny
It could have been worse:
To quote Mr. Gilbert Keith Chesterton:
“The [Catholic] Church had any number of opportunities of dying and even of being respectfully interred. But the younger generation always began once again to knock at the door; and never louder than when it was knocking at the lid of the coffin in which it had been prematurely buried.
Islam and Arianism were both attempts to broaden the basis to a sane and simple theism, the former supported by great military success and the latter by great imperial prestige. They ought to have finally established the new system, but for the one perplexing fact that the old system preserved the only seed and secret of novelty. Anyone reading between the lines of the twelfth-century record can see that the world was permeated by potential pantheism and paganism; we can see it in the dread of the Arabian version of Aristotle, in the rumor about great men being Moslems in secret; the old men, seeing the simple faith of the Dark Ages dissolving, might well have thought that the fading of Christendom into Islam would be the next thing to happen. If so, the old men would have been much surprised at what did happen.
What did happen was a roar like thunder from thousands and thousands of young men, throwing all their youth into one exultant counter-charge: the Crusades. The actual effect of danger from the younger religion was renewal of our own youth.
It was the sons of St. Francis, the Jugglers of God, wandering singing over all the roads of the world; it was the Gothic going up like a flight of arrows; it was a rejuvenation of Europe. And though I know less of the older period, I suspect that the same was true of Athanasian orthodoxy in revolt against Arian officialism. The older men had submitted it to a compromise, and St. Athanasius led the younger like a divine demagogue. The persecuted carried into exile the sacred fire. It was a flaming torch that could be cast out, but could not be trampled out.” (From “Where All Roads Lead”, 1923)
I am not a follower of religion in the quote”normal sense” as I see it actually seems to create more divides then coming together.
I believe men and woman will turn/twist/pervert things towards their goal and rewrite/recreate religion to follow their beliefs.
I would say you find folks doing this move on and carry on with what you feel is right and just,hopefully that includes a belief in life/helping others/live and let live if folks will allow that peacefully.
As a wanderer spiritually with all the problems going on at least this is one thing I personally do not have to worry about as I feel I know what is right and wrong and act accordingly to the best of my ability,which at times may be not enough but do the best I can for myself and others.
Thank you Sir, for posting this.
We are at a crossroads. The fork in the road.
The World shall proceed from here onward into the realm that the new leaders espouse, or we will turn back to the comforts of the last 250 years (of ‘winning’).
But we shall never again ‘go back’ to the way it was.
Prepare for that. Win, lose, or draw, prepare for that, for it is our future.
If racism were a sin, it would be called out in the Bible. It isn’t.
God made the races, and He expects to have the separate races in Heaven. God is racist, and racism is no sin.
You listened to this guy waay too long. Read 2 Peter Ch2, where he writes of false teachers. It is for us to ignore them!! And get them out of our churches. Or leave their “churches”.
Read Revelation Ch 2 & 3. It describes seven churches in various stages of evolution. Pick where we are today.
Sadly a lot of people attend churches that “tickle their ears”, rather churches the teach the truth.
None of this should be a surprise, it was known 2000 years ago!!!
If a church is teaching non-biblical things, leave. Take your friends with you.
There are still plenty of bible based churches; you just have to look. Stand up for God, vote with your feet.
NCS, Wow, I remember the moment I went through this.
It was several years ago (2014) when the Ferguson Riots were going on, and the lefties were trying to beat us Patriots (of all colors) over the head with “morality” and using bible quotes out of context. I was very active in a large church in Southern Maryland, with both the wife and I serving on multiple teams. The Pastor preached a sermon one day and went on a rant about the systemic racism of the white man, to be aware of our white privilege, and how we all needed to apologize for it (without once using the words of Jesus). The sermon was obviously longer and more complex than that, but that’s what it felt like, an attack on one race… from the pastor. I sat up straight in the pews and realized, like I was hit over the head with a velvet sledge-hammer, that I was in the wrong church. My wife and I were quiet on the (lengthy) ride home. When we got home, I finally spoke to her about what I was feeling, and she was feeling the same thing, like we were made to feel like the evil people. At first I was hurt, mad came later. We left the church immediately.
We searched for a new church, and sadly did not find one that had not been corrupted by liberal or Marxist leanings, or was just too far away from the teachings of Jesus. I thank the Lord for the spiritual discernment to then easily see erroneous teachings and the weaponizing of biblical content for an use that does not serve the Lord.
Two years ago, I was able to successfully escape the People’s Republik of Maryland, and return to the Gunshine state of Florida (Thank God!). After visiting a few churches, we happened on a wonderful church that only loves people, focuses on connecting people to the Lord, stays in The Word, and teaches the truth. The very first service I attended (Christmas eve 2018) hit me like a lightning bolt – I heard the words in my head “this is where you belong.”
Their sermons on this recent topic were refreshing. I respectfully submit for your consideration, relevant ones on the topic; the first one is our pastor. The second is a guest preacher, a Bishop from another church. The third is a Round-table our church did with some extremely profound things said and discerned.
Lastly, I submit: Jonah 1:1-2 NKJV – “Now the word of the LORD came to Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry out against it; for their wickedness has come up before Me.”
America is a great country, but there is wickedness in the land. Cry out against it!
My brothers and sisters, let us “Put on the Whole Armour of God”; and let us remember the only offensive weapon mentioned by Paul in that verse is the Sword of the Spirit (EPH 6:17), which IS The Word of GOD.