From A Reader: A Look At AntiFa’s Field Organization

Solid S2 coming from one of our readers. They’re better organized than they’re given credit for and the real commissars have a lot of training. Read the original here. -NCS

Antifa Command Structure


Antifa Command & Control Structure in field action.

Structure, insignia and other identifiers.

Antifa tactical units are organized into standard ‘company sturctrure’ of up to 20 individual soldiers under the immediate control of a comany commander. While there are ‘special units’, most notable the ‘reconnaissance & coordination’ teams of bicyclists, the base of the C&C structure for Antifa is the company.

Company commanders are ‘first lieutenants’ and may be idenfied in the field by their actions within the group, and frequently by possession of DX SDR units of some form. These ‘duplex (send/receive) software defined radio’ units will be small, and most probably attached to a smart phone. It is through the SDR’s that the encrypted commands are passed to operational units. On arrest, 1st Lieutenants have been observed disarding their identifying equipment as well as destroying their phones.First Lieutenants can also be identified as being the local hub for bicycle traffic. In observations of rioting/looting activity, particularly with long distance videos of qualtity, bicyclists can cleary be seen reporting to 1st Lieutenants & even seeking them out in the mob. For this activity, bicyclists have been noted to employ ‘proximate apps’ to locate their units & commanders.

The Anitfa field orgnaization has up to 4 companies reporting to a ‘captain (coordinator)’. Antifa Captians may be identified by common actions & equipment. Captains are ‘free floating’ within the mob movement, but will always be associated with increased bicycle traffic as well as ’emblems’ of authority/command. These emblems include sepcific types & shapes of video camera gear. Antifa soldiers are trained to center on the emblems of both 1st Lieutentant as well as Captains. Some of the Captains have been observed pulling their command together by holding up the long lens video camera overhead while running a pattern of flashes from the light bars. These are swept around the mob & new organization results.

Captains control and coordinate their company commanders by use of the SDR devides & will be observed in the field speaking into throat microphones while receiving by ear plugs or in-built headphones in their helmets. So far, all identified captains have been observed to be wearing some form of short coverage helmets. These appear to be adapted from the forms used by rock climbers. Captains will also be indentified by the apps loaded on their phones, the SDR units,

In field actions, captains can be most frequently spotted by their movements coordinating 1st lieutentants. Their most often observed task is enforcing discipline during the riots. In video footage of the day time looting in CA, the captains can be observed running up to enforce movement of specific companies that had been bogged down in looting, rather than attending to the mission being directed by the captain. In such incidents the first action of the captain is to force the soldiers attention on the video camera being waved around. Once recognition of rank is obtained, the captains can be seen pushing & forcing Antifa soldiers to specific actions, including pointing out their 1st Lieutenants. Captains have also been observed directing companies to attack specific locations they were identifying from maps on their phones. Looting has been preplanned for specific strategic and tactical goals as has been observed with the complex Antifa C&C actions at the looting of the Melrose high end Art store in CA.

In the field, Antifa C&C structure can be observed to include a ‘Colonel’ rank. These Colonel Antifa commanders are identified by being always accompanied by a ‘squad’ of up to half company strength used to control & protect the Colonel within the mob movements. Colonels have been identified as their supporting soldiers created paths for them through active riot areas. Other identifiers include near constant attendance by bicyclists, many of whom have ‘rolling command centers’ of digital & other equipment on racks on the bikes. As with Captains, the Colonels will also most frequently be seen wearing helmets, many with antenna off the back. These are part of the encrypted SDR systems that have been found to be hotspots of radio activity during riots. Antifa relies heavily on digital equipment, but other than minor levels of encryption, appears to be unsophisticated in wider applications, nor do they appear to be aware of their vulnerability to location by EMF triangulation.

The Antifa command and control structure, as so far observed, does not expose any levels higher than Colonel to visibility. All the ‘General’ level field officers have so far only been observed in vehicles being used as coordination centers. These have been noted to be extensively modified with electronic support systems.

The structure of Antifa in the field most closely resembles the ‘color’ revolutions created by the CIA. The tactics employed so far in these Antifa field actions have very simiular targets & tactics as was observed as far back in time as the Viet Nam conflict, and in other arenas in which the CIA created wars and destabilized regimes.

While this is the end of this report on the Antifa C&C structure, it is worth noting that, in the observations taken from video footage, there is a suggestion of an ‘Unknown Actor’ (UA) within the activites involved in the looting. This UA is, like Antifa, organized, and can have many operatives within the mob at any given point. This UA does not appear to be engaging in escalation, rather appears to be most focused on ‘tagging’ the Antifa, with the presumed goal of identifying active members. These ‘tagging’ incidents have been observed employing very sophisticated UV light reflective paint ‘dots’ and ‘lines’ being placed on individual Antifa by UA agents using what appears to be a ‘nylon tipped marker’. Several of these markers with no product identifying marks have been recovered in debris following looting episodes. Also in one instance, a small bag of magnetic field reflective ‘dots’ of self-adhesive vinyl was also recovered. It is assumed that UA is using these as trace & track methods for their own purposes. The UA agents are exceptionally well trained and disciplined, exhibiting awareness of video activity sufficient to allow these agents to not yet be identified.

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at or via his blog at .


  1. Anonymous June 4, 2020 at 14:34


  2. pnoldguy June 4, 2020 at 14:43

    “UA” as in deep state actors with fairly sophisticated comms. Not your UV-5R Baofengs “we the people” use in training. We really need to step up our comms abilities.

  3. 1chota June 4, 2020 at 15:13

    could we hope that the UA is anti-Antifa? as in some law enforcement agency?

  4. J J June 4, 2020 at 15:30

    It is also a possibility that the UA are non-state actors engaged in tracking and identifying Antifa members. I have long held the opinion that the Antifa members should be tracked back to their suburban dwellings. Good intel to have a detailed list of known Antifa insurrectionists.

  5. Bud Green June 4, 2020 at 15:41

    Excellent article!

    I’m going to attend one of these “riots” and try to find a vantage point to do some video surveillance of my own.

  6. Goat June 4, 2020 at 19:24

    This confirms the observations I have made earlier that antifa is better trained and organized than some in the militia who seem more interested in putting out noise from low educated individuals, than have said they were. At east some in the patriot community is doing real work. Instead of posting silly BS

  7. Goat June 4, 2020 at 19:29

    I have been advocating using wifi over cell phones for some time now. Can it be made secure enough? Could also run our own cell station.

    • NC Scout June 4, 2020 at 19:38

      You don’t want to use phones. At all. Doesn’t matter if it’s (what you think is) your network. It’s still easily tracked and monitored.

      I cover much better solutions in class.

  8. James June 4, 2020 at 19:48

    I have seen antifa in action in Boston at the free speech rally and straight pride parade(Boston PD at time did their jobs and stopped violence pretty damn quickly).I observed though that they keep a lot of folks in background/in cities a few blocks away ready to rush in case of a violent encounter with opposition.These folks have plans,not always good ones but they are it seems working on getting better,lets work on being be better then them.

  9. J. Bolton June 4, 2020 at 23:32

    Im skeptical, do we have any confirmation on this or is it speculation??

    • NC Scout June 5, 2020 at 08:15

      What have you collected? More than happy to post what you have.

  10. sofa June 5, 2020 at 04:57

    well organized = well funded
    follow the money.
    seize financier assets.
    further discussions at Gitmo.

  11. Wrench June 5, 2020 at 07:51

    In theory, could a person jam the frequencies that these fine folks are using fairly easily? Would it really matter if they are using “hand” signals to direct their minions?

    • NC Scout June 5, 2020 at 08:02

      Yes. It takes training.

  12. Matt Bracken June 5, 2020 at 08:54

    Outstanding report. Should be widely distributed. If the FBI can’t take down ANTIFA, clearly, they don’t want to. Example: how hard will it be to tie all of the brick pallet deliveries together, leading back to national command and control? It must be recognized that the FBI as well as the CIA have been infiltrated and coopted by the Left going back several decades, this is how Brennan became DCI and Strzok became an SES-level FBI boss. So it may be useless waiting for the FBI to expose ANTIFA and make any arrests, when they in face may be sympathetic with their cause. FBI investigative steps will be leaked to the ANTIFA terrorists, etc.
    IOW, we are basically on our own to come up with our own strategies and solutions.

    • NC Scout June 5, 2020 at 08:56

      The FBI can’t take down AntiFa.

      They are AntiFa.

  13. Matt Bracken June 5, 2020 at 08:58

    For psyop purposes, I’d like to introduce a new internet acronym. The intention is to discourage recruitment of the beta-male pussies who like to dress up in black, hide their identity, and LARP as secret SJW commandos. Let them know the real stakes that may come into play when the process evolves past plastic zip-ties and automatic no-bail release.

    ATSOS: ANTIFA Terrorists Shot On Sight
    For internet sharing on friendly social media, the first version may be used, where ATSOS is defined.
    For sharing on censored Leftist social media, use the second version.
    A red-dot reticle is used instead of a cross-hair to fly under the radar of censorship. Libs won’t get it.

  14. mike June 5, 2020 at 08:58

    Wrench raises a good question. A sdr on a cell phone is an approach that had not occurred to me but makes sense from the enemy perspective. The cell phone does not visually suggest tactical communications equipment to the casual observer. What is unclear to me technically is the frequency ranges available on an sdr used on a cellular carrier. assuming it is unencrypted, would this traffic be subject to being intercepted with standard recievers/scanners or would that be blocked out as part of the cellular frequencies?

    • NC Scout June 5, 2020 at 09:00

      Cell phones by design constantly ping a nearby tower for a carrier signal in order to call 911. This is a part of the hardware.

      When I say don’t use phones, its because I’ve shot people who used phones. Take a guess how I found them?

  15. mike June 5, 2020 at 09:07

    “NC Scout: Reply to Matt Bracken
    The FBI can’t take down AntiFa.They are AntiFa.”

    In Northern Ireland the loyalist paramilitaries were directly controlled by the British security apparatus. Would you assess that it his reached that point these players here in the US?

    • NC Scout June 5, 2020 at 09:07

      If not directly, we’re not far from it.

  16. mike June 5, 2020 at 09:16

    NCScout, Thanks for taking the time to field questions here. My question about SDR over a cell phone was not about using that equipment myself, for the obvious reasons you stated. I was asking about whether or not it was possible to listen to antifa talking over these devices with standard civilian digital or analog scanners/recievers.

    • NC Scout June 5, 2020 at 09:23

      Ahhhhh. Totally different.

      Honestly, while you could, the processor power is going to be limited. I would approach this using a tablet at a minimum, but you’re really going to want a laptop for the speed. This would be run from a surveillance site close to the SIGCEN.

  17. Matt Bracken June 5, 2020 at 09:19

    I’d like to add something to the above report that I observed 15 years ago in San Diego, during a march and rally by Leftist Hispanic groups promoting the “Aztlan” reconquista of the Southwest.

    “Captains” were identifiable among the “soldiers” by their unique ball caps, in that case, white caps. (I actually used this in my reconquista novel after observing it first hand in San Diego.) These caps can be changed for different events, and put on or taken off as circumstances warrant. Their troops can see their captains, and watch for hand signals etc.

    While the mass of them were marching on San Diego streets, without official permits, taking their own winding routes in order to disrupt traffic, I observed “flankers” in automobiles who were moving on parallel streets on both sides as recon and security. These 4-door sedans were full of hard-core “soldiers” who were not in any type of uniforms, unlike the uniformed “Brown Berets of Aztlan” and other recognizable radical groups who were the visible face of the march.

    So in addition to ANTIFA bicycle scouts and “captains,” keep an eye out for the backup “muscle” in automobiles flanking the Antifa “companies.”

    I am making the guess that these backup “shock troops,” who are in radio and cell phone contact with the marchers, will have access to firearms in their vehicles. IOW, they are anticipating an escalation of violence, and are preparing their own armed QRFs in the event they are confronted by Team Boogaloo. (ANTIFA are not worried about the police at all.)

    Since these flanking vehicle-borne troops will be in plain clothes, and not black bloc uniforms, photos of their faces and license plates might be collected for later utilization.

  18. Matt Bracken June 5, 2020 at 09:50

    I’d like to add to the discussion concerning the actions of the “UAs.” The light pointers seem as if they are being used to identify individuals who are then physically tagged by operatives on the ground moving among the demonstrators. I’d like to know more about these tools, and who is using them, and for what higher purpose, but they do give me some ideas that anybody can exploit.

    Andy Gno and others have shown how to identify active ANTIFA members. Obviously, they use large demonstrations as cover, allowing them to mask their faces to commit violence or break windows for looting by others, and then to melt back into the crowd and take off their masks. But some things are not that easy to change. Photos of shoes, hand and neck tattoos, backpacks etc can be used to identify ANTIFA soldiers, by connecting masked and unmasked photos of the same individuals. Social media can then be used to discover their true identities for doxxing. (This is why Andy Gno was violently attacked. ANTIFA fear this tactic.)

    Outing the “street captains” and even higher-ranking ANTIFA leadership is obviously the key to defeating ANTIFA. In Portland and other cities, bogus “bookstores” located near college campuses are used as meeting and training locations, as disclosed in recent Project Veritas videos. Recon of these “bookstores” might lead to the identity of the Communist college professors who are probably the “colonels.”

    It must be assumed that these “bookstores” are already known to the FBI, and may already be under LE observation. However, the loyalty of the FBI itself must not be taken for granted. It must be assumed that Leftist SJW moles within the FBI are keeping ANTIFA informed of LE investigative progress.

    I very highly recommend that anyone who has gotten this far in reading these comments obtain a copy of Martin Dillon’s outstanding “The Dirty War,” about the clandestine war between the IRA and the SAS during “The Troubles” in Northern Ireland. Technology has advanced, but it has improved for all sides, canceling out the difference between now and then. The overarching principles of conducting a “dirty war” in the shadows remain the same. Get the book, read it carefully. It’s a master course in the events that are now unfolding.

  19. mike June 5, 2020 at 10:49

    MB “….the identity of the Communist college professors who are probably the “colonels.””

    Without a doubt Matt. I studied the enemy front organizations on and around a radical northeast university in a good sized city several decades ago. Simply studying the mailing addresses, phone numbers, and poc information on the various paper propaganda flyers posted on billboards around campus or pasted onto lamp posts citywide usually lead to the same group of players. Most of the time it was the communist college professors or fellow idealogues doing “social” work either for local government or local nonprofits. It was painfully clear that a handfull of people was behind the public face 8 or 12 organizations representing various left wing causes and that the bulk of the troops fleshing out these groups was simply the radicalized college kids.

  20. Scott McLeod June 5, 2020 at 10:51

    When you spend a bit of time watching these video’s of the various Antifa operations its pretty obvious that there is an organization, well trained too. When you see the ability of them to fish hook a counter protester and flail the hell out of him, its pretty obvious.

    Now picking the organization out of the event is harder, but anyone who’s commanded infantry or a fire scene can pick out most of the players.

    One item I noticed isn’t addressed totally, they mentioned bicycle scouts, but they never mentioned the totally innocent looking people who wander in and around the anti-Antifa ranks with Cell’s in hand, passing info onto someone.

    Or the infiltrated people who always seem to be on hand to break up and make sure that the Antifa person getting a beating, is stopped and allowed to scurry away, they tend to be the same people at many of these incidents.

  21. 650 June 7, 2020 at 09:06

    Link to an article about a professional agitator using his phone as a radio skimming device to capture police communications signatures.

  22. Brett Connor June 8, 2020 at 11:54

    I suggest everyone listen to this!
    We’re being HAD again!

  23. Jaque June 9, 2020 at 21:45

    You can be sure Federal agents on the scene are equipped with appropriate RF receivers and all frequencies are being swept and radio traffic is being recorded. Frequency selective jamming is also a government capability and may be used. Of course there us the Harris Stingray, and most likely newer devices in use for cellular tracking.
    I bet the Feds have already confiscated the Antifa radio equipment from one or more arrested Antifa.

    • johnyMac June 10, 2020 at 06:53

      Jaque, just like they did to the 2A rally attendees in Richmond back in January.

      Another thing to understand, today’s FBI is not your fathers FBI. There are many folks now in the alphabet agencies that have AntiFa, BLM, and deep state leanings.

      Thanks for reading and commenting.
      73 & God Bless

  24. Anon1278 June 11, 2020 at 16:04

    An anarcho-communist AAR of the attack against the Minneapolis third precinct. Thought some of ya’ll might find this interesting.

    • johnyMac June 11, 2020 at 19:43

      Anon1278, good read. Well worth all folks here reading and remembering.

      I am amazed of the hatred out there.

      73 & God Bless Brother

  25. […] Antifa has a concrete command & control structure [Link 1, Link […]

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