This is not about stealing TVs, and it’s not about George Floyd
I’ve been involved in a lot discussions about the current events lately, as I am sure you all have as well. Most of the people I talk with are of the conservative persuasion, whatever that means these days. Much of what I hear is people asking rhetorically “How does rioting get your point across?”, or “How does looting a department store make a political point?” Or they say things like “Burning a cop car doesn’t get you what you want.” My response to these questions and statements isn’t usually popular among the “normie” suburban right wing.
My reply is this: This is about destroying a society that was built by people they hate. It’s being led by Marxist communists.
And that’s what is happening. Anyone here who believes that rioting is not going to get the rioters what they are asking for is fooling themselves. Anyone who believes that the status quo is not going to change is not paying attention. It’s already changed. All over the US there are white people literally kneeling at the feet of black demonstrators who hate them. All over the US monuments to the people who forged this nation are being torn down at breakneck speed compared to years before. If the cities themselves aren’t doing it, demonstrators are doing it. The Lincoln Memorial was damaged and defaced. Police precincts have been burnt. Vehicles destroyed, regardless of owner. White pet protesters have even been attacked once they’ve worn out their welcome. I watched one on a live-stream get hit over the head with a metal pipe. Members of Congress are literally kneeling to a violent minority, and rest assured that they intend to make you kneel as well. Monetary reparations to people who want to see you dead are going to be seriously considered, I promise you. One of the few sports figures who has always professed a fairly conservative, Christian, pro-America mindset, Drew Brees, was bullied into capitulating and apologizing for making an “insensitive” comment. His comment was that he does not support disrespecting the American flag because he has had grandfathers who fought in multiple American wars. This is how they censor and cancel anyone who speaks out against the new movement.
We have no one on our side.
The biggest security problem in all of this right now is that our side, whatever we call ourselves this week, are generally legally barred from defending ourselves. I’ve seen some small groups banding together to defend businesses of their friends and family, and they should do that. However, I fear what would happen to them at the hands of the system that created this mess in the first place if they were actually forced to use firearms to defend themselves and their property. I saw a video from Minneapolis of a tanker truck driver who was stopped and pulled out and beaten. If he had driven through the crowd to save himself, he would have gone to jail. The police are still in Minneapolis, and didn’t protect that man, but would have likely arrested him had he defended himself.
Our side has yet to make our move in all of this, aside from wondering aloud to ourselves why police don’t get any respect. Or why someone would think looting a store is a way to achieve a political goal.
Is that as far as our side is thinking about what is going on? Asking if cops are being respected enough? This isn’t about cops getting respect, or about George Floyd the felon, or about stealing Nike gear. This is about a segment of America seeking to destroy the great society that was built by those they despise. It’s been boiling for decades. If white America cared half as much about their own racial respect, heritage and survival as much as they cared about making sure the police get their share of respect, we might not be watching our country get torn apart in the first place.
If I went back to say, the year 2002, when the US was almost totally united for what was probably the very last time, and told you that by 2020 Americans in many states would have their church doors shut by state decree, that police in some cities would be trying to intimidate people into avoiding going to church (Chicago), that healthy people would be required to quarantine themselves, that millions would lose their jobs simply by order of the state, that people would be ordered not to gather in groups larger than eight (or whatever your state put the number at), that most major cities and some mid-sized cities would be on fire, that half of Congress would be wearing African garb and kneeling at the feet of anti-white sentiment a few days after the Lincoln memorial was defaced, that our televisions would be running non-stop messages on kids’ networks telling us not to leave our homes and that white people are to blame for the ills of the world, that rioters would be allowed to attack and destroy but those of us defending life and property would be under threat of arrest, that presidential candidates would be saying that it’s a good thing that whites become a minority in America, that reparations would be given serious consideration, our national borders would be non-existent, that a communist “autonomous zone” would be set up in a major US city, and that after all that and more, that most conservatives out there are mostly just worried about whether the police are receiving their due respect and just waiting for their next chance to vote at the problem… What would you think?
As of right now, that’s what much of our side is doing. Watching from behind their keyboards, kvetching about police not getting respect and waiting for their next chance to vote.
I have long wondered what kind of difference it would make if 10,000 rifle-armed men marched, quietly, locked and loaded, up to the steps and into the main hall of each capitol building in the US, and 50,000 of them into the rotunda of the DC capitol building, and laid out a basic list of things we will not tolerate, and then promised to return with a vengeance a year later if necessary.
What if?
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“…I have long wondered what kind of difference it would make if 10,000 rifle-armed men marched, quietly, locked and loaded, up to the steps and into the main hall of each capitol building in the US, and 50,000 of them into the rotunda of the DC capitol building, and laid out a basic list of things we will not tolerate, and then promised to return with a vengeance a year later if necessary. What if?”
That is essentially what happened in Virginia on Lobby Day 2020 on a smaller scale than you propose. The Governor of VA declared a state of emergency and summoned all the armed power at his disposal to include federal backup. The security forces seem more enthusiastic about confronting the armed Right with force when the opportunity arrives (militarized cops detained armed counter protesters just yesterday in New Mexico after a shooting), and are completely intimidated in the face of Leftist violence to the point that they will allow arson, looting and the destruction of their own police stations. It is obvious that the security forces understand that the politicians are protecting left wing violence while at the same time expecting them to deal harshly with any Right wing demonstrations even if they are non violent. Given this, the security forces are nothing but a hinderance to our legitimate self defense , and despite apparently being arrayed against the Left, they are in effect the enemy. I believe that they will allow any level of violence against us that the Left is willing to take and that they will only intervene when he Right starts shooting back in self defense. I expect that at some point the Right will just shrug and put both BLM/Antifa and the Secfor in the same category once shots are fired. It just makes no sense to defend yourself from a homicidal mob and then surrender yourself to a justice system that will hand you over to that same mob anyway. I suppose that means that the best we can hope for is that the current enemy success in eroding the power of the Police State will eventually erode that same system’s ability to to suppress our self defense.
It’s a silly question.
You don’t show up armed to be peaceful. Period.
Essentially, we are being told to become third class citizens in a 2nd class world-and like it. The only way out of this is war. Defund the police? All bets are off, once a hamstrung protectors group is gone. The Communists have been practicing for 100 years to win. THAT is what “gun control” is all about. Once we are disarmed, then they have no fear of tit for tat. The CONgress, the state leaders, all think that by bowing down and smiling, and clapping like seditious monkeys-they will be eaten last. Tell me one BLM activist or Soros Funded anarchist who wouldn’t happily preside over mass murders. Czar Nicholas II was polite and compliant to his jailers; they responded by slaughtering his entire family. I’ll bet on country boys, every time. They have beaten revenuers, padded the Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force to win wars that even DC didn’t think was possible, and turned around at home to build communities. Every day the anger meter goes up. Be careful what you wish for.
Lead the way. Start the march. What’s that? You have too much to lose? Your family needs you? You don’t want to commit legal suicide by daring to be conservative while breaking a law? Welcome back to the keyboard kvetchers.
It’s going to take a direct, imminent, personal threat before we do a damn thing and even then we will be waiting for someone else to make the first move.
The first several thousand into the breach will get to watch the rest of CW2 from a prison cell. Assuming they’re even alive to watch at all. No one wants to be those guys.
I’m out training people, non-stop.
Haven’t seen you.
Go back to your own keyboard.
Folks we are under a Color Revolution directly from the CIA’s playbook. The useful idiots protesters and the Soros paid for Antifa (the Action arm of the Socialist-Democrats) are part of the effort to keep various 3 letter agencies leadership from prison time for the so far unsuccessful coup against an elected President. This series of incidents and rioting is to make the average Joe Citizen willing to vote for ANYBODY (even an Alzheimer Sock Puppet) just to MAKE IT STOP.
If the average Non Protected by Media person attempts to defend themselves they will be arrested and likely Red Flagged. As one Catholic Priest said when asked what he did during the French Revolution “I survived”. That’s what you and I have to do until the socialists fully reveal themselves as the true troublemakers despite whatever the Socialist Mouthpieces the Mass Media tells Joe 6 pack.
Food is a weapon, no matter how many Guns and Ammo you have no food, no water, no safe shelter your not fighting after a few days. Protect your families as the barbarians are running this asylum unless high level Patriots in the same 3 letter agencies shut down this Make it STOP campaign. I expect closed door deal making *might* allow the Russia Gate scum freedom but I also fear the Socialist-Democrats are going for the Golden Ring of Total Power.
Study the French Revolution, I wonder if those useful idiots have any clue what happens to the “Revolutionaries” after the New Boss (same or worse than the old Boss). Madam Guillotine is thirsty.
Amen Michael…Amen.
Thank you for reading and commenting Brother
Excellent article. I agree 100%. Peacetime is over and so many “Conservatives” do not even realize virtually nothing has been conserved. I saw Mike mention the recent case in New Mexico where the man was arrested for defending his life against a literally attacking mob. There are two stories about the incident linked on Drudge right now. I urge you to read them because the statements put out by the governor, mayor and other officials in reference to the it are mind boggling. Apparently there is an ongoing investigation aimed at prosecuting the shooter and the militia men there under federal hate crime laws? I’ve lost my train of thought now and forgot what else I was going to say, but I’ll be sharing this article around.
My friend, this abomination is in progress in every living space of European Man – in England and France and Germany no less than it is in America. This is so because the three models of the future which are being pursued by the cohorts licensed by the gatekeepers of politics and the media are each dependent on the dispossession and dissolution of all of our race. Those models are Olam Ha-ba, The Globality, and the neo-Marxist post-racial utopia. Obviously, the latter constituency … the Marxist communists you referenced … are not the lead influence. But the future which they … these utopian, hyper-equalitarian absolutists … fits perfectly with the Judaic and global-corporatist models.
As for us, the choice is simple. We survive as peoples not by loyalty to flags or constitutions or propositional civic values, but to our blood. If we become (ethnic) nationalists and fight intelligently, we will win. If we remain atomised, or make the mistake of confusing who we truly are, they will win. Let us, therefore, do what we must to win, and secure the existence of our people and white future for our children.
Those Kente scarves worn by Democrats were historically worn by rich African slave owners. The party of racism never disappoints.
A Magna Carta moment is desperately needed here.
Your daughter has been kidnapped. You call the police and they respond immediately, listen to your story, commiserating greatly. But as time goes on you realize that they’re not looking for her, they’re simply agreeing with you about how bad the situation is. You finally ask them why they aren’t looking for your daughter. One detective responds by saying he has a YouTube channel and he asks you to smash that like and subscribe button to keep receiving updates on your daughter’s situation. Another says he’s doing a podcast about it too which you can subscribe. A third detective invites you to support him on patreon. It soon becomes obviously these men aren’t going to do anything to get your daughter back but rather they are using your daughter’s predicament as a means of advancing their own social media careers.
How long would you put up with this scenario before you took action yourself?