TX2Guns: My One and Only Rant about this Bullshit

I have not been writing a lot on what has been happening in this country (and around the world) for the simple fact I have been too busy with more important things: Like gearing up, training my family and tuning my rifles and sidearms.

Besides, the time for TALK is over IMO. These goons have made that clear.

I know this song and dance, in fact I know the playbook these goons are reading from.

But just for shits and giggles, here it goes:

Marxist, Gender confused soy-boy gangs running with black power thugs on an Anti-White crusade all in the name of another “Justice for another black thug” looting extravaganza at Target while spineless elitist liberal cucks in all areas of Government genuflect and pander for the ghetto vote while Hollyweird morally corrupt white elitist liberals crying on Youtube asking blacks to forgive them? Meanwhile in third urban world shit hole land, you have Mayors and city Councils actually agreeing to de-fund the Police and let the Animals run wild in the streets? Good Luck with that. I have a strong suspicion that all those white lib-turd cucks that were so Anti-2A will soon change their minds when their 12 year old daughter or son get’s corn holed by four ghetto zombies on PCP that just got released from prison and decide to do a home invasion “across tha’ tracks.” Hey also some MORE good news for all the White Middle to Upper Class Constituents in the States where these goons looted and burned their own cities to the ground: Your Taxes are going to go UP to pay to rebuild the cities because the black goons that did it don’t pay taxes, most of them are on disability and welfare! Merry Christmas! It’s Clown World, but hey, it’s about equality right! How’s that White Privilege working for you now?

There is a lot going on here, as in who is helping to finance and coordinate this rodeo, I have my strong suspicions but I will table that for now…the real catalyst for all this BS (and it has zilch to do with systemic racism) is it’s an Election Year! The Democrats FEAR Another Four Years of Donald Trump worse than a flaming case of the Clap and know they don’t have a prayer for 2020 (Groping Joe? Gimme a Break) so they are throwing in behind the only thing with a pulse in the DNC, the Far-Left and their “militant” wing ANTIFA .

When November rolls around, let’s see if these assholes allow free elections to proceed unencumbered. If you know anything about Communist and Black Power militants, they are not big on elections and Democracy in general so don’t hold your breath.

The biggest issue as I see it and very few people have talked about this, is that while the LEFT has fielded their version of street thugs with ANTIFA and BLM, the RIGHT has yet to field theirs in any real numbers, and if history is any indication of what it to be expected, I can promise you WHEN it does happen, things are gonna go WESTERN real fast, as in STACKING bodies on the sidewalk fast, and by then there will be ZERO Cops on the street to “mediate” the violence so get ready, the PURGE siren is about to sound, for better or worse.

Just remember this: It’s Guerilla Warfare 101 right now.

Public Opinion is always going to be with the side who has the most legitimacy for their cause. Point being these goons can virtue signal and scream about systemic racism  until they are blue in the face but As long as THEY are the ones looting and burning private property, assaulting and killing police officers and being a general nuisance to an other wise law abiding society, they will not have massive public support and thus their attempted coup will fail in the long run, as it always has.

Until Then, put your attention to things that matter and Stay Dangerous!

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at brushbeater@tutanota.com or via his blog at brushbeater.wordpress.com .


  1. Coot June 22, 2020 at 08:08

    Couldn’t have said it better. I appreciate what you guys are doing keep it up.

  2. James June 22, 2020 at 08:59

    Hmmmm….,would like to disagree,but,realistically that would be foolish.

  3. Jefferson Thomas June 22, 2020 at 09:14

    I wonder if there is a “night of the long knives” in the future. I currently don’t see an indication of it, but I would certainly not be in the know. The left tends to do bizarre things and they have taken more than one cue from Herr Adolph…

  4. americanlife702 June 22, 2020 at 10:55

    Well said!

  5. Anonymous June 22, 2020 at 12:28


  6. Lee Lamer June 22, 2020 at 13:16

    Right on the money!

  7. John McSlattery June 22, 2020 at 14:28

    Just got done watching Matt Brackens video and reading this article. I want to give everyone a heads up that goes along with Matts warnings regarding law enforcement. My background is in LE, SWAT and drug enforcement for a county and state agency. I am retired now but still have contacts in that world. I have seen some sitreps on current events. The standout is the consistent warning that white supremist, right wing militias constitute the biggest threat to peace and safety. I have read several and antifa was mentioned once and BLM not at all. The phrase “peaceful protestors” is used. Also the term Anti govt/ anti authoritarian groups is used throughout COVID 19 briefs regarding those folks protesting the shutdowns. LE particularly Federal, are not necessarily our friends. When I left the LE world I was a dinosaur having entered it after retiring from the military. Many of my coworkers were college indoctrinated koolaid drinkers and liberals. Who I would most definitly be concerned as to what side they would take. For your SA folks

  8. Lalek June 22, 2020 at 15:21

    I’m afraid that the sh*t will come down and as a result, governmental tyranny will take over. This crap needs to be stopped and stopped NOW!

  9. Anonymous June 22, 2020 at 15:35


  10. J. Bolton June 22, 2020 at 21:16

    If the right wanted violence you would know it. It would be obvious because it would be impossible to ignore. The day may come and when it does there will be no mistaking it.

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