Why I support and encourage the protests…and so should you.
We should all endeavor to be the best allies we can be in the fight against systematic racism and the oppression of all peoples of the globe by the singular evil that is the white male. There is no excess too great, no punishment too horrible and no death too slow to atone for the original sin of being born such a monster. To stand silently by in the face of such evil is not only immoral, but also unconscionable and the minorities of the world (who comprise 95-96% of the global population) will not be safe until they are gone. Now that I have your attention, memorize this and repeat it whenever you think you have enough ammo.
-Goon Squad Proverb
The living standards, social norms and relative peace of pre-2020 are no longer applicable. A paradigm shift has occured, and like in any sport or arms race, those who fail to keep up and adjust to the new reality get to play the Maginot Line circa 1939. Not that most of the idiot conservatives and libertarians running around quoting Reason magazine and Glenn Beck are not going to get it, but I do this for suburbia and the middle class, the great sleeping giant in all internecine domestic conflicts. The blue collar deplorable people understand, they either work around crazies or were fortunate enough to get kicked in the teeth from 2008-2016 and circumstances forced them to understand some uncomfortable truths…like a good 20-30% of the country outright wants to kill you or take everything from you. The main reason I support defunding every police department in every state, reparations, parading whites in chains through the city streets and generally the erasure of every historical figure in European and American history is to make that sleeping giant intolerably uncomfortable. Suburbia needs to experience a fear like the residents of Atlanta felt when Sherman arrived. Reason has not worked, logic and facts did little to turn people away from the sportsball and that new Harley. If warning a child not to touch the stove doesn’t work, then perhaps a more dramatic step is in order. As the adults in the room, I wonder if it is not past time to allow them touch the stove. Not simply graze it, but really grab it with both hands, hang on for dear life and let these confluence of events sear there way into the opiate-addled, career obsessed HOA-ville. Lest you think I am being boorish and unnecessarily cruel, ask yourself what the June 2019 version of yourself would have said had you been read the headlines from the last month?

Just to be crystal clear, ‘systematic racism’ is about finding the fictional guy in a white hood at every police department and business in America. Systematic racism is YOU. It’s precisely why I’ve harped on reading the enemy and understanding their paradigm and vocabulary. Conflict theory and in particular critical race theory are necessary to understanding 2020. The reason police departments are being dismantled is not because of a couple GED candidates with a badge doing dumb things, which admittedly are a significant problem across the population at large as well as law enforcement. It’s happening because 1) law enforcement is overwhelmingly white, 2) our entire justice system and jurisprudential philosophy is overwhelmingly white, English and Christian, and 3) it enforces moral and legal standards that are overwhelmingly a byproduct of Western Civilization. All of those things are systematically racist, because of who created them. Within the paradigm of critical race theory and social liberation theology, white privilege is original sin and as such taints all ideas and actions stemming from that person. Not to be crass and inflammatory, but in layman’s terms it is quite literally the concept that white people are so evil that we cannot be allowed to contribute to the national discussion due to historical injustices and misdeeds. The law, social norms and out entire governmental structure are fruit of the poisonous tree, the sin of whiteness being the poisonous tree. Therefore, our only utility is to provide financial atonement for our existence and the sins of our fathers. Ladies and gentlemen, that is what is being discussed on a national level and acted on. Not some feel-good things about inclusion or diversity, but whether an ethnic group should be allowed to have agency at all. The stove is sounding less and less macabre, no?
Rather than allowing this series of managed social spasms into decline, a viable alternative is to simply force the revolutionaries to rule. Critique is easy, just ask anyone who leaves a comment anywhere on the Internet. Staking out and defending a position and worse yet, actually implementing it, is orders of magnitude more difficult. CHAZghanistan is a prime example. Self-rule even amongst the most closely-tied ideologues is a difficult proposition when you have quite literally no one with any experience in managing more than a fry basket or weaving hair shirts. So I am determined to support this insanity until the rest of the country doing its damndest to ignore and embrace this domestic insurgency are paying attention. Life gets a lot more in focus when you are watching your local stores boarded up and you are peeking out the blinds at people screaming how much they hate you. Where are all those golfing buddies now? Are they going to risk life and limb to protect your wife and daughter’s virtue? Would they even raise a hand in violence if you asked them?
With that in mind, the prime focus of this should be the ensconced enclaves of wealth dotted around this country that have thus far been able to insulate themselves against it. Who can say no to ‘A Day Without Racism’ once a month at the community pool, complete with a request that minorities be given their own space to exist without the toxic presence of you? Other fun ideas are proposing employers do all manner of shakeups to the corporate hierarchy and demand appropriate levels of diversity in all of the most crucial positions. Support the renaming of every street that isn’t connected to the people’s struggle. HOA’s are very receptive right now to banning flags of all kinds, especially when they are reminded of the racist overtones in Old Glory…bumper stickers as well, in your own neighborhood and at work. The possibilities are endless and all with the goal in mind to get people so incensed, inconvenienced and angry at the charade that the alternative is less painful. The left is already using these events to pour gasoline on the fire, with the expectation that the right will keep things under control enough to make sure their gated community isn’t affected. The answer to that is backing the fuel truck up and walk away. Otherwise we simply react, lose and then react again.
I don’t want the future of America growing up in an environment like this. The choice we have presented is either keep getting kicked in the teeth or giving them so much of what they want it sparks a dramatic overreaction on their part. Frankly, I’m tired of losing. The left lost one of theirs and destroyed parts of every major city in America. If all we can do is get together at a state capital and pick up trash then maybe we deserve the orange jumpsuits and fun train rides in the future. Imagine the terror that would ensue if the voting bloc on the right began demanding a Biden/Abrams ticket and managed to get a large supermajority in Congress, of the most radical people on the left imaginable. It’s time people got very, very uncomfortable and were forced to actually live by what they preach. Finally, as a silver lining to all of this we can try the anarchy that the “right” loves to go on about and learn the hard way that Neegan is a necessary feature and not a bug. I hope most of you acted accordingly. C’est la vie, c’est la vie friendo.
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Good article here. I have been watching this all unfold in the past few months. As a retired Law Enforcement Officer, I have seen successful white people jump at the chance to show off their wealth and superiority. I worked countless holidays, weekends and night shifts as a Cop. I have worked many Thanksgivings and Christmases and saw these families roll out of their nice SUV with their nice clothes and jewellery to work a day serving food for the less fortunate. I’ve seen them talk down to the less fortunate is their voices of pity. I’ve seen successful white people give out “Blessing Bags” to people they see as poor in public all while wanting to make sure they were seen doing this. I once told a lady that she was all but telling a less fortunate person, “Here’s a bag of cleaning supplies. Go clean yourself up”. I told her that donations like that were best delivered anonymously and without giving yourself credit. This so-called “White Guilt” by many white people is another way of showing off their wealth and success. They are the ones who search for an acquaintance of the black race to say to people, “my black friend….”. and tell a cherry-picked story about an unfortunate event they experienced.
I myself have no “black friends” because I have friends who just so happened to be black. I have told them face to face that I have no intention in showing black people pity because I have worked with them and served right along side of them in the military and they are just as capable as I was. There have been several instances where I could have easily had the opportunity to toot my own horn and very, very few know those instances. Advertising your so-called “White Guilt” is another way of overtly showing pity for the black race. We are different shades of the same color and all lives are a gift from God.
Remember the song you sang in church, “Red, yellow, black and white they are precious in His sight”? Maybe we should sing it again sometime.
Wow, one of your best articles ever!!! Goodness…processing what you’ve said now….
Accelerationism ?
From my rural view, the more these protests occur the more normal Americans are getting disgusted. This sentiment is shared by my Black and Hispanic friends and acquaintances as well who were initially sympathetic at first but are now disgusted. To a person, young and old, everyone I know will be voting for Trump or against Democrats. They have had it with the Left. None feel oppressed or victims of racism.
That’s pretty much the same sentiment I’m seeing with everyone I come across.
You’ve put into great words what I’ve been trying to say for a long time. Everyone needs to read this.
Definitely a different perspective. The problem is that race is merely a tool used in this conflict and it is a conflict. Race is the tool being used by a communist insurgency. The concept racism was invented by the communists to demonize their enemies. So your idea is to do fully give in on the systemic racism theory that they will choke on it? The communists currently involved in this issue want blood. The blacks want blood. So how many innocent white folks do u want to see die In your choke on capitulation theory? As for systemic racism exactly where is it? Currently the stats show a black man has a .0045 chance of sting at the hands of police. We elected Obama. And since blacks on a good day make up 14 percent of the country, white folks voted that guy in. Sports teams in both basketball and football consistently violate affirmative action hiring laws and have upwards of 90 percent black participation. Good luck in your theory. communists want their ideology and when done w exterminate the useful idiots. We are on a collision course for civil war and your theory won’t solve it as the enemy gets a vote. On and quite a few good ole boys w guns won’t go along w your utopian dream
Nailed it brother.
Reading your article reminds me of Dr. Richard Gatling inventing the Gatling gun to make war so horrible no one would pursue it.
“The possibilities are endless and all with the goal in mind to get people so incensed, inconvenienced and angry at the charade that the alternative is less painful. The left is already using these events to pour gasoline on the fire, with the expectation that the right will keep things under control enough to make sure their gated community isn’t affected. The answer to that is backing the fuel truck up and walk away. Otherwise we simply react, lose and then react again.”
Withholding support from your enemy is good.
Supporting good people is good.
Supporting your enemy is evil.
Attacking evil is good.
“Staking out and defending a position and worse yet, actually implementing it, is orders of magnitude more difficult.”
Agreed, but It sounds like you’re defending your enemy’s position. If people don’t wake up or take action at the speed that you want, you’re more than happy to participate in their decline until you hope they “get it?” How is that even remotely moral? What if your proposed efforts here just improve the enemy’s position?
While I agree there are plenty of CONservatives out there that have been apathetic, I’ve met plenty that were reluctant to fire the first shot since they deem it immoral, and they’re now reaching out for advice and help since they know the time is quickly coming when they’ll be forced to fire back.
I’ve also heard of plenty of examples of the Marxists being met head on by armed town members and in many cases literally kicked the Marxist’s asses when it was warranted. Good.
Maybe what you’re proposing is more illustrative than literal, but sounds this line of thinking sounds like the result of someone that has put their desired outcome above God and good.
Bend my knees to the marxists and let them win, just to prove how horrible they are? Never will I willingly condemn millions of my countrymen to their deaths just so ignorant people among them who don’t understand the history of socialist atrocities upon a weak people will finally see the light.
Sigh, your emotions are wildly out of control. Calm down, take a step back and read it again. Provide a quote where I stated that anyone should let the leftists and conservatives (also leftists) win. You won’t.
Thank God you left Texas.
Hahahahaha, yeah. Just make sure your women speak fluent Spanish. Go get ‘em boomer!
It looks hopeless right now, but like my friend’s boss said to him after the 1964 Alaska Earthquake happened, “Every disaster is a new opportunity.” I would say that these dem controlled cities will self destruct from their own doctrine and attitudes. Tax everyone to the max and “govern” on the assumption that there are enough resources to sustain them forever. It is time for them to be allowed to fail.
The President was ready to render aid to stop the violence, mayhem, and looting. All he needed was a request from the Governor of the State. The request never came, so, like they said in the Firesign Theater, “In the next world, you’re on your own. Well the governors want to be on their own. So, let it rot, let it burn. If the citizens of the cities don’t like government by the mob, they better do something about it.
In the meantime, we strengthen our communities and neighborhoods. Change and strength comes from within, from the roots, and NOT from the top down.
I feel like we are living in Ayn Rand’s novel, “Atlas Shrugged.”
Jesse James!
YOU HAVE SPELLED OUT THE PATH TO VICTORY for legacy Americans. We must separate from the left by any means necessary and intelligently and strategically forcing the issue, using the enemy to lay the foundation, is pure genius.
Thank you Sir and God Bless.
I will be rabble rousing on soc media and in my locale. Group but on co-exist flags and bumper stickers anyone?
I don’t think the author is saying that he wants to “give up” or cost any normie Americans their lives. What he said is that he wants them to get massively “uncomfortable” with the actions of the Left.
Where that goes is probably along the lines of what the people here who are down-shouting the article will do themselves: organize with like-minded people and duke it out against the Godless Commies.
I think his point is to make the normies realize that the Left isn’t about “being nice to blacks”. His point is that we have not been successful at recruiting wealthy white golf-clubbers (or their money) to the fight, and for them to get off of their asses and at least do *something* is going to take being scared by the actions (both explicit violence and ‘mau-mauing’ of the Soccer Moms) of the other side.
He’s saying that bread and circuses are keeping a lot of comfortable people from getting ready, and that getting scared and uncomfortable might change that for their own saving, since our little lectures in the not-so-frequently-read blogosphere of Right and Intelligent people aren’t actually getting those people off the couch.
He didn’t say he’s rooting for the death of Americans by Tire Necklace. He said he hopes they get scared and uncomfortable so they wake the hell up.