A Context On The Ammo Shortage
Here’s an email I received from a friend and several-time course alumni. Ammo is getting short, and expensive where you find it. I didn’t tell you to buy ammo because it was a fun catchphrase. It’s because the hurricane is on its way. -NCS
This email is to bring home the increase in ammo prices in the last 5 months.
Ammo: Wolf Gold .223 55g FMJ 1000 rounds
Supplier : SGAmmo
February price ( Ammo, Shipping, Tax ) $292.83
July 22nd price ( Ammo, Shipping, Tax ) $499.85
Difference : $207.02
They had 8 in stock, and limit of one per customer.
Something to think about. What will the price be next month ? Providing you can get it.
NCS: Domestic brands (and calibers) of ammo are getting tough to get. I have no doubt that its due to two primary factors: panic buying and the ripple of the Chinese Virus on the manufacturing end of ammo. We saw this with the implied food shortages also, as the manufacturing sector forced shutdowns and reduced capacity to protect the labor force.
What is interesting is that 7.62×39 has remained in relative constant supply and cost, for now at least. Back in 2008 when times were similar, is shot up to nearly $400 a case and stayed there for a couple of years. But as I’ve said, this situation looks much worse compared to then, with only one side implying violence.
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So far in this “shortage” I see that unlike last time plenty of .22 available at reasonable prices for the moment.I believe due to it’s low markup was reason last round to really came back on line round in the last “shortage”.
Some astute author here mentioned a few preferred rounds of 7.62 and even where to get (SG,good folks)and a astute reader and friends tried/liked and got in at reasonable cost.
“I didn’t tell you to buy ammo because it was a fun catchphrase.”,perhaps not,but you have to admit BLOAT was a pretty fun catchphrase!.
[…] A Context On The Ammo Shortage […]
Well, it’s worse than people think. Was speaking to a FCPA this morning about this very issue, he confirmed he was seeing a supply shortage at the distributor level. At the bare minimum, people should have 2k set aside for each rifle/pistol by caliber, so time is running short here for many to achieve that goal. Also with the next round of stimulus checks possibly coming out in August, it will be tough to find many types of calibers in stock.
SG is down to 4 cases of 7.62×39 in 124 gr. HP as the more desired Wolf Military Classic version of this round – this is the only source for that specific round I was able to locate using Ammoseek today. It’s $279 a case without tax and shipping, nearly 1/3 rd more than I saw at the store 6 months ago. On that note, Ammoseek is down to only 2 pages of returns for 7.62×39 (read less than 200 individual line items for ammo of this type) this month, that’s down from 6 pages a few months ago and 9 pages just before the start of corona (of what exact date, I fail to recall).
Now is the time to consider going in for a buy.
The other day we stopped by Cabela’s on the way home from the range. The shelves were completely bare.
Luckily though, the trucks had just come in and they were unboxing cases of 9mm & .223 in preparation of sticking them onto the shelves. The 9mm was hardball and was less that twenty bucks a box of fifty. The 223 was target ammo, 55 grain, in boxes of 150 at right around fifty bucks. No limits on either of the calibers. I was also lucky enough to score a brick of match primers.
Don’t discount getting ammo at the local store. It might pay off to start a friendly chat and see if there’s a normal time when trucks make their deliveries and if they’re expecting any ammo/primers/powder/etc.
Thew new Cabela’s website is having issues reporting inventory, likely due to merging with Bass Pro’s inventory system along with the redesigned site. A lot of ammo that says out of stock actually isn’t out of stock.
There’s a trick to getting around it.
You’ll have to try with a few browsers, but using privacy mode, you can google (yes it has to be google) “Herter’s 9mm” from a foreign VPN like Canada (yes really), and hit one of the first links, it should take you to the old Cabela’s website where the 9mm is listed as in stock even though the new website from a US IP addresses says it’s out of stock.
I was able to pick up a good amount of brass cased 9mm Herter’s for ~0.21 cpr after tax with free shipping. That price is almost as steal these days.
There are quite a few people on Reddit confirming that this works as well. Happy hunting folks…
How do you Google from a foreign VPN? Forgive my ignorance.
Don’t use google. Use DuckDuckGo or Startpage.
I try not to feed the beast and avoid Goolag as a rule. I was using DDG, until their search results began mirroring the Goolag ideological algorithm. Now Yippy and Yandex.
But anyway, the previous poster said you must use Google to find the deals on ammo he mentioned. I would use it if that’s the only way. I just don’t understand the part about going through a foreign country’s VPN.
Two things Machine Trooper,
1) Typically a VPN bounces around from country to country. This keeps the hackers at bay. As a matter of fact, a private person or company can set their VPN to look like it is coming from a different country even if they are a USA company.
2) Google is the BEST search engine period. I use DuckDuckgo 95% of the time however, the other 5% I use google. Typically, I go to a Tor account and then access google from there. Of course I have my VPN on too. What a pain in the butt…Huh?
I am posting this publicly rather than sending you an email only because I have received other questions like this one and I thought others could benefit. If you ever want to contact me directly, just use the email address, info@americanpartisan.org. I or one of us will get back to ya’.
Hope this helps,
73 & God Bless