Ian Miles Cheong is as effective as Andy Ngo for daily reports on Antifa/BLM/RevCom (ABR) actions in the Pacific Northwest and elsewhere. I follow both of their Twitter feeds closely every day. Their reporting is better by far than anything seen on the MSM including Fox.
Because what occurs in the Pac NW might become a template across the USA, the evolution of ABR operations in that region bears close study. (I refer to them as ABR because Antifa and BLM are simply cover names for
RevCom.us, the Revolutionary Communist Party of the USA. Never use your enemy’s preferred terminology when it’s just a disguise intended to soften their image.)
This is Ian Miles Cheong’s Twitter feed:
This is Andy Ngo’s Twitter feed:
On the night of July 29, ABR went on a road trip 110 miles south of their Portland base and stronghold to the conservative Eugene suburb of Springfield. The locals were not having it. It seems like ABR can only get away with rioting when they have a Communist mayor protecting them by keeping local police forces out of the area.
Ian Miles Cheong’s Twitter thread covers the action:
“Springfield, Oregon residents are taking videos and photos of all the Antifa and Black Lives Matter license plates and chant ‘Whose street? Our street.’ BLM agitators promise to be back tomorrow. Give the residents some back up if you can make it to the area.”
“The Black Lives Matter agitator, who wants to abolish the police, demands that the police help them leave. Pathetic.”
Go to Cheong’s Twitter feed and read all of the posts about the ABR expedition to Springfield and how the locals resisted them and drove them out. Below is just one sample, there are many short video clips of ABR attempting to riot in Springfield, and being beaten back by the police and locals.
Also seen on the Andy Ngo and Cheong Twitter feeds: crude and basic IEDs (bundled major fireworks) have been used in Portland and discovered in Seattle. These IEDs can be expected to improve in their deadliness week by week. As ABR is rejected outside of their communist-sympathizing strongholds, I think the more angry and violent among them will turn to planting bombs. In my opinion, we shall see something similar to the overt SDS to covert Weathermen paradigm shift of the early 1970s.
In the UK, Tommy Robinson had to flee his latest secret family home after it’s location was doxed and arson attacked. In the the USA, mobs have found the homes of conservatives including Tucker Carlson, forcing them to move to new homes where they are again threatened with doxing. As ABR frustration grows, I believe we will see not only mob harassment of conservatives at home, but actual arson attacks as happened with Tommy Robinson.
Harden your homes against attack by Molotov cocktails, or bricks followed by commercial-grade fireworks used as explosive/incendiary devices. If your home is attacked in the front by a mob, you will want to plan an egress route that does not use your front door, that will enable your family to move to safety and enable you to move unseen to a flanking position where you can engage the ABR terrorists. And yes, attacking people at home with the intention of burning them out or terrorizing them in the middle of the night is pure definitional terrorism. Plan accordingly.
Andy Ngo also has reports today about his being doxed while reporting the Portland riots and pointed out by a local reporter, so that ABR terrorists could attack his eyes with green lasers. The damage to his eyesight is unknown at this time.
Andy Ngo: “When I was reporting on Portland riots undercover, the Portland Mercury news editor, Alex Zielinski, was informed of my whereabouts by antifa sources who had been stalking me. She then stated my location publicly, endangering myself & those around me.
“As Zielinski knows, antifa have tried to kill me & have shown up to my family’s home. Yet, she stated exactly where I could be found to a mob of hundreds. Immediately antifa tried to blind me w/lasers. It was painful & I still have light sensitivity now. They then confronted me.
“I pleaded w/a local news crew to leave with them because I was about to get beaten or killed. Even though Zielinski & I disagree on politics, I would never try to hurt her. I’m airing this now because the public should be aware of how local journalists work hand-in-hand w/antifa.
“Zielinksi has a vendetta against me. Last year she interviewed a pseudonymous antifa informer who made the defamatory and false claim I was secretly working w/a right-wing group who brawled w/antifa at a riot. The lie was repeated everywhere.
“I was never reached for comment & to date have had no opportunity to respond to the pseudonymous accuser.
“It appears that now Alex Zielinsky is trying to get me killed because she was unable to stop me from reporting.”
(The alliance between some MSM reporters and the ABR terrorists is now undeniable. Plan accordingly.)
Seems days for most part only ones who get charged with crimes are folks defending themselves(or folks opening their gym and being raided by swat with dogs).
As has been posted before,one benefit of getting old is life sentences have little to no deterrent value.
Now if we could convince others on the right to quit idolizing everyone with a badge.
As James accurately noted life sentences mean less and less as one ages.
With that being said I am curious about offensive responses where Antifa pigs are pursued to their own homes and they get to revel in the enrichment of an arson or IED attack. Until that avenue is pursued, aggressively pursued, I don’t see our side prevailing.
I would love to see some articles on espionage approaches and techniques. It is time to take a this fight to the enemy.
I look for ANTIFA/BLM to start bombing & sabotaging like the SDS/Weathermen did back in the early 70’s. As a matter of fact, I was about a mile or so away from a car bombing around mid 1970. It’s something you’ll never forget. Also, get yourself a gas mask. I suspect these groups have various gases that will be used when the time comes. I have 2 MIRA CM-7M masks complete with filters, a Camelbak water bladder & carrying case. They are great! It’s going to come in handy when the festivities begin & that could be any day now.
MV,as a young lad in 70(7years old)but a avid reader including the paper remember it seemed there was a bombing of some sort at least weekly in the country,seemed to fade out in the mid 70’s on or perhaps as hitting the good teen years rock and dirt bikes took me attention away.I do remember the Olympics in Germany and the insanity there pretty well as was big news then.
I read a great book once, the following is a quote from it: “If you lie, you die”
Outstanding report Matt. Thank you Brother.
“I hope you got your shittin’ pants on, because you are about to shit your pants” -Neegan
ditto MW. I was expecting insanity before the Chinese Virus hit, thanks to the reelection and the assumed Trump victory at the end of it. Now, the communists seem to think they’re set for victory and they’re pushing for a national win.
I fully expect assassinations of conserv/repube leaders, harassment, DOXXING, SWATTING, etc and intimidation on rank-and-file conservs/repubes, AKA Trad Americans (Trad-As), and arson, terror shootings, kidnappings, and robberies. The dummycrats have already been doing blatant attacks, arson, and break-ins on repube offices for years, so it’s not a great leap forward for them to engage with more violence and terror. It will be new for their remaining mainstream supporters when they’re faced with undeniable evidence their side is a bunch of violent, murderous communist anti-Americans.
I believe we’re about to see the separation of the public into two angry armed camps kick into high gear as both sides harden their attitudes and embrace the reality their opponents are now willing to engage in violence to maintain their position. Never mind the bulk of this is the left’s fault- any response from the right will be amplified by their useful idiots in the media. At this point, neither side find enough common ground to debate each other, so I expect violence to be the only remaining solution.
Once we have two clearly defined camps, and the moderates in the center are forced to choose, I think we’ll begin to see a very distinct cultural shift. Folks on the left will become even crazier as their cultural embraces the globohomo tranny communist anti-US agenda to show their dedication to the cause. Folks on the right will embrace super-hardcore ultra mega patriotism, Trad-A values, and religion as a way of differentiating themselves from the leftist freaky-freakies. It will be a war of clean cuts waving the flag and the bible vs rainbow-haired tatted pierced non-binary commie weird-Os. If you don’t have a religious bone in your body, you might want to learn to fake it.
The wildcard is the race issue. The communists want to force us into a race war, because that arms them with an automatic reliable base to exploit and a huge propaganda coup against the Trad-As. A lot of blacks and hispanics actually like America and don’t want to fight with whites. Pulling them away from Trad-America will be a big goal for the left via false flag atrocities and propaganda.
I fully expect the govt to side with the lefties, at least during the initial stages. Too many of their people are commies, too. Just look at the blatant attempt to propagandize the military 2 weeks ago with that EVERYTHING WHITE IS RACIST message that went out from the DOD (doesn’t matter who did it). Once the federales and the military start to realize what their chain of command is up to, I fully expect the same split the American public is going through to happen there, too. And that’s when you can expect a flood of intel, weapons, support, and service members to flow to both sides, primarily the Trad-As. Communists aren’t usually keen on mil/cop-type service.. At that point, it will be hard for anyone to know who is on whose side. The fedgov will have a hard time figuring out who can still be trusted to reliably carry out orders. Eventually, I think they’ll be unable to maintain any national control and will be left hamstrung by desertions, unreliable supporters, a cratered economy, and be reduced to a rump state with blustering politicians who represent nobody and control nothing, like Hitler moving imaginary divisions around his maps. They’ll probably be willing to whore the US out to anyone who can help them maintain control.
Worse, I think by then foreign govts will be hip-deep in picking winners and losers and providing logistical and intel support to all sides. I assume that means NATO and our other traditional allies will be supporting fedgov and, by default, the communists. “Rogue” states and anyone the fedgov has considered an enemy might be happy to provide Trad-As support. (Imagine Iran, Syria, Libya, North Korea, etc arming Trad-A forces. How about that for strange bedfellows?) I can’t see the Brits, French, and Germans supporting Trad-As in a civil war against another big lefty govt. I could see Russia, China, and others generously supporting Stability and Support Ops in the Heartland as a way of securing useful resources while returning the favor for our own meddling in their backyards. Ethnic militias and breakaway regions will probably enjoy their own unique support from their homelands, i.e. China, Mexico, etc. Incompetent UN peacekeeping forces will probably be happy to loot the country while resisting Trad-A forces.
I think the Trad-As will win eventually (though not the USA as we know it). They have a definite cause to support and rally around. The anti-American communists are a very big coalition of competing groups who are not all friends and have definite problems with each other and whose only unifying cause is one they aren’t all on board with (communism). How long do you see blacks, hispanics, rich white liberals, gays, lesbians, trannies, communists, anarchists, eco-freaks, drug addicts, wannabe revolutionaries, nation of islam black racists, la raza hispanic racists, hard-core dummycrats, feminists, etc etc all being united in the same goals? They’re not necessarily on board with each other’s goals and success for some can be seen as failure for others. How do you motivate these people to fight for each other?
I think it is easier for Trad-As to mobilize and fight to defend America (they’ve done it for over 200 years and they grew up surrounded with memorials and traditions glorifying same) than it is for anti-Americans to mobilize to die dismantling America (no traditions, celebrations or culture to speak of). Also, their largest group, liberal whites, have to deal with a constant racist drumbeat against them. How do you keep them in a movement that hates and ostracizes them?
How do you get a traditional Catholic illegal immigrant from El Salvador to believe he should die fighting for trans bathroom rights? How do you get a gay city dweller from San Francisco to put his life on the line for some rednecks in flyover country? How will black gang members in Atlanta feel about going to fight for a bunch of rich liberal whites in Buckhead? Communism can only get you so far. If the economy is failing, it might be even harder to keep these people in the field together. As they suffer setbacks, I expect them to start squabbling with each other.
Worse, I think some Trad-As realize this might be their last hurrah. The younger generation is not on their side and the leftists have worked to shift demographics against Trad-America to ensure the Trad-As are literally outnumbered by foreigners with no loyalty to Trad-A values. Trad-As therefore have a perfectly rational justification in fighting to survive and ensure there is an America left for their children. If they perceive this is a war for survival, there might be nothing too extreme for them to do to ensure they win.
Welcome to the 1930s Spain, 1990s Yugoslavia, 1990s Somalia, 1990s Russia, 2000s Argentina, 2000s Iraq, etc all rolled up in one. Or not. Maybe we’ll somehow get past all this and learn to get along with each other for another election cycle. But I doubt it. The next 10 years will probably be the biggest 10 years in the last 2000.
“Plan accordingly”, aye, Brother.
We have a couple-three hundred (that we know of) in our city/county but we have plenty more up the road
Thanks for sharing that.
[…] https://www.americanpartisan.org/2020/07/abr-sit-rep-1-local-resistance-to-antifa-blm-revcom-actions… […]
I’m investing in 3M Security film for the house, another layer of security. Now I’m thinking it needs to go on all the vehicles too.
Remember those flame throwers being installed on cars in South africa. Seems appropriate now here.
Remember to only apply the film to the inside face. If you get trapped inside and need to escape through the window it will break outward with the aid of a sharp edge. If the film is on both sides no joy. Note: When applied correctly it will withstand three 12 gauge slug rounds. Saw the results myself.
Great article. We need more like this.
I don’t do twitter/facebook.
I’m a legal immigrant. If I wanted to live among africans, I would have migrated to africa.
This has become a war! These asshats are terrorists plain and simple. Just start shooting them and keep it up wherever they show up!
Pineslayer – “I’m investing in 3M Security film for the house, another layer of security. Now I’m thinking it needs to go on all the vehicles too.”
Adding it to your car is a bad idea. The glass is supposed to shatter for a very good reason. That is, you or your passenger doesn’t get wrecked / torn to pieces by the glass.
Eventually we’re going to have to cross the Rubicon. I get to a certain extent when you crush them, you’re playing into their hands. (Apparently enough people still believe the media to make that work) But they control damn near everything. Republicans are the most embarrassing gutless cowards either on purpose or otherwise. They are no help. Worse, they stab us in the back every chance they get.
Our mistake is thinking we have all the guns. Which far to many people thought that meant they could kick back while the long March happened to every major political, medical, corporate, military and cultural institution. Well now we’re here. Where the cops stand there and watch them burn, loot and murder, but arrest you for having the audacity to defend yourself when a mob attacks your car and the media paints you as a nazi.
Truth is, No one is on our side. Not the government (everyone here most likely knows that) Not the cops. And the military brass might could fit right in at evergreen University. We have only one another.
The problem for them is this is America and has the audacity to be full of pesky Americans still. We’re an embarrassing shit show half the time. It might take a painful forever for people to get off their ass, but when they do, it’s get biblical quick. And calls for mercy and cease fires will be met with laughter.
[…] out mass killings to achieve their political goals of overthrowing the United States of America. Matt Bracken at AmericanPartisan.org writes that Antifa and BLM are simply cover names for the real organization behind all this: The […]
[…] out mass killings to achieve their political goals of overthrowing the United States of America. Matt Bracken at AmericanPartisan.org writes that Antifa and BLM are simply cover names for the real organization behind all this: The […]
[…] out mass killings to achieve their political goals of overthrowing the United States of America. Matt Bracken at AmericanPartisan.org writes that Antifa and BLM are simply cover names for the real organization behind all this: The […]
[…] out mass killings to achieve their political goals of overthrowing the United States of America. Matt Bracken at AmericanPartisan.org writes that Antifa and BLM are simply cover names for the real organization behind all this: The […]
[…] mass killings to achieve their political goals of overthrowing the United States of America. Matt Bracken at AmericanPartisan.org writes that Antifa and BLM are simply cover names for the real organization behind all this: The […]
[…] mass killings to achieve their political goals of overthrowing the United States of America. Matt Bracken at AmericanPartisan.org writes that Antifa and BLM are simply cover names for the real organization behind all this: The […]
[…] out mass killings to achieve their political goals of overthrowing the United States of America. Matt Bracken at AmericanPartisan.org writes that Antifa and BLM are simply cover names for the real organization behind all this: The […]
[…] out mass killings to achieve their political goals of overthrowing the United States of America. Matt Bracken at AmericanPartisan.org writes that Antifa and BLM are simply cover names for the real organization behind all this: The […]
[…] out mass killings to achieve their political goals of overthrowing the United States of America. Matt Bracken at AmericanPartisan.org writes that Antifa and BLM are simply cover names for the real organization behind all this: The […]