Clarion Project: Is This a Movement or an Insurgency?

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at or via his blog at .


  1. Cornflake_Jackson July 23, 2020 at 14:22

    Mostly Neocon, statist boot licking, drivel. We are no longer a republic let alone a constitutional republic. The foundational building block of any republic is Rule of Law. There is no longer rule of law in this country. Clinton still walking free is obvious proof of that. As for the psyops aspect, I completely agree.

    • NC Scout July 23, 2020 at 15:15

      You were just commenting on here a few days ago about supporting the defunding of police and then some complete falsities of the Bolshevik revolution.

      Shut your communist mouth and head off to Portland. I hear they could use you.

    • johnyMac July 23, 2020 at 22:19

      Cornflake Jackson,

      One of the cool things still in America is if you do not like something you can turn it off, not read it, or just move on and not waste your time with such “drivel”. If you do not like what we read at American Partisan then why do you read it and then take your precious time to comment. That is a rhetorical question and no response is needed nor to be quite franks wanted.

      73 & God Bless

  2. Machine Trooper July 24, 2020 at 14:51

    Maybe the name should be Corn POP Jackson?

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