Old Hand Sends: Armed Antifa group declares “Everywhere a battlefield”

They’re bringing the war to your door. Old Hand sent this link over from Far Left Watch. The original is three years old now, but look at where they were then compared to where they are now. This is from a group in Austin (color me shocked) but there is a presence in every town in America. While it looks like they have some of the same problems as the so-called militia movement on social media, they’re at least smart enough to cover their faces, not interested in telling the world how cool they ain’t and are at least two decades younger on average. Think you’re safe in a rural place? Ask me how I know you’re not. -NCS

The Austin based extremist group, Red Guards Austin, has been gaining prominence in the Texas antifa movement. They are a self described autonomous Marxist-Leninist-Maoist collective and their website contains multiple reports on their confrontational and often armed demonstrations.

They also openly advocate for violent revolution against capitalism.

“we must seriously take up the task not only of self-defense on the personal and community level, but we must also struggle to unite all genuine antifascists behind the necessity of revolution.  Revolution means the long fight for communism and nothing less.”

In a blog they recently shared from their Facebook Page titled “Everywhere a Battlefield“, this trend continues as they claim “The war is not coming—it is here and now” and then discuss the need for weapons training and more “revolutionary violence”.

The war is not coming—it is here and now. We must take our historic task seriously. We must accumulate forces and steel them in small-scale street battles. We must respond accordingly to the apocalyptic reality that capitalism-imperialism has forced on us.” 

“So what does self-defense mean for the rest of us? What does it mean for enemies of the state? It can only mean that we must develop red physical culture. It means that we must contend for ground that has been ceded to the enemy. That we train in both hand-to-hand combat and in weapons. We must take community self-defense seriously. We must walk away from the comfort zone of the legal left, and by extension it means that those who protect them are sure to attack us. It means that we return to our filthy neighborhoods of cramped apartment complexes and organize right there among our class. It means that we choose the field of combat thoughtfully and not out of uninventive and timid habit. We cannot expect a mass antifascist movement to develop its necessarily revolutionary character unless we move away from the state-ordained protest zones. 

Reclaiming violence means making revolutionary violence available to be utilized by all types of comrades at all levels and all abilities. It means training physically in flexible ways applied to the specific conditions of specific groups. Everyone, regardless of ability, can improve. This is not to do away all at once with the division of violent labor; the science of revolutionary violence is universal, and it must at the same time be applied with great care to the specific. In this process of trial and error we sharpen and broaden our skillsets. Martial arts, firearms, and sports must be seen as cultural battlefields as well as invaluable tools in our revolutionary toolkit.”

For months, militant antifa groups have been engaging in targeted political violence. They claim they exist to fight racists, bigots, and white supremacists; and their allies in the media often echo these claims. But if the actions from the Red Guards Austin is any indication, this is nothing more than a public relations campaign to recruit moderates. Their end goal is communism, a political ideology responsible for tens of millions of deaths in the 20th century.

The mission of Far Left Watch is to investigate, expose, and combat far left extremism. Please share this article via Twitter, Facebook, etc. and encourage friendly media and YouTube content creators to report on this information.

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at brushbeater@tutanota.com or via his blog at brushbeater.wordpress.com .


  1. GK July 2, 2020 at 11:38

    This is a timely article…Consider two stories; Malheur and CHAZ.

    Without getting too deep in the weeds, Malheur, as misguided as it was, was demonized by the MSM. Juxtapose that to CHAZ/CHOP/ BLMANTIFAstan. One was called an “Far Right Extremist takeover, while the other was termed a “Summer of Love.” That was, until it showed up on Durkin’s doorstep.

    At Malheur, Governor Brown said, “This can not be allowed to spread and grow. It needs to end now!” Will be darned if Lavoy didn’t get murdered a day or two later. In CHAZ, it was allowed to metastasize until several occupants got murdered, but wasn’t shut down until the protestors showed up at the Mayor’s very house to threaten her, otherwise it would still be going. BTW, has RAZ-a-ma-CHAZ been arrested yet? Didn’t think so. Now consider this.

    All this land out here in the Wild wild west that Conservation groups, state agencies, and federal agencies have accrued will be the forward operating bases for the commies to perform their hit and run endeavors from. There won’t be any calls from the MSM to disband them, nor will any of the commie power brokers be pushing to eradicate them. That is of course, unless it threatens their personal family farm. Think about it…How would it have played out if ANTIFA took over Malheur? Look at CHAZ as your example. It’s coming gang, it’s coming!

    I’ve walked among the most vile of the progressives (environmentalists), and they won’t stop, even when they realize they’re wrong. At the end of the day there’s only one answer.

    • NC Scout July 2, 2020 at 12:11

      Exactly right, as usual brother.

  2. FlyBy July 2, 2020 at 11:51

    Plant an agent and infiltrate their ranks. Make any actions look like an internal power struggle.

  3. Alaska Paul July 2, 2020 at 15:19

    A group photo could be quite an event……………

  4. Coldsteel1983 July 2, 2020 at 16:30

    Please correct me if I’m wrong here…

    The “Red Guard” site is on WordPress…

    Wasn’t WordPress who shuttered Western Rifle Shooters due to rules violations or something?

    • NC Scout July 2, 2020 at 17:31


  5. GK July 2, 2020 at 16:39

    @Scout, Wish to be wrong, but then this story came in.

    Now they are biting the hand that feeds them.

    Good news is, it’s convinced me to get my comms going…you know

    • NC Scout July 2, 2020 at 17:31

      Yeah, seriously. As I said to Mike Adams in an interview today, nobody prays for peace harder than us. But that’s not what these people want.

  6. Machine Trooper July 2, 2020 at 18:18

    This brings a couple thoughts to mind:

    We very well might have to fight US infantry, marines, federal Alphabets, LEOs AND these irregulars.

    It seems like the left/right militia tale of the tape shakes out a lot like the Democrat/Republican political matchup. The communists are willing to do whatever it takes to win: lie, cheat, steal, kill, otherwise break the law. Meanwhile our side’s advantages (the Republicans have the law/Constitution on their side; right-leaning de facto milita men have more arms and ammo) are negated by the fact that we won’t even make use of the tools available to us, and don’t want to take action until it’s pretty much too late.

    I use the word “we,” but understand that there are exceptions–including myself, some folks I know, and possibly most or all of the individuals who frequent this site.

    Very good point about the communists having youth on their side, too. Hopefully the party gets started soon, before we get too much older.

  7. Scurvy July 2, 2020 at 19:23

    When this goes kinetic, all those with press vests in and amongst the rioters are legitimate targets of opportunity. As they are as much at fault for fanning the flames of discontent and division with the general public as the people starting fires to cover their work.

  8. Bad_Brad July 2, 2020 at 22:44

    Timely article. Last winter there was a report that the state department was investigating ANTIFA for purchasing select fire weapons and explosives from a Mex Cartel. I read today that the treasury department intercepted illegal “Assault Weapons Component Parts” earlier this week that were headed for an address that had ANTIFA ties. If ANTIFABLM is trying to arm up they would find it necessary to go to such extremes to get the weapons they’re after. Everyone’s out of guns and AR component parts. Who’s organizing this shit? Soros? Steyer? It doesn’t seem like it would be that tough to find out and cut the head off the snake. Maybe it’s the DNC. No matter, It will go kinetic no later than a day after the election. We sure could use some command and control before then. But they plan on showing up on your doorstep.

  9. Travis July 3, 2020 at 08:29

    Plus one on the command and control…if we’re going to get it together it needs to be soon. Bad weather’s coming.

  10. Willy July 3, 2020 at 09:08

    So what is the FBI doing about this?

    • NC Scout July 3, 2020 at 09:10

      Give you three guesses but you only need one.

  11. James July 3, 2020 at 11:02

    Fly,your thought of infiltration is one I have given some thought to.I really look like a older hippy with long hair and believe in” peace and love”,i.e. leave me in peace and do not be a threat to those I love and can get along fine then with anyone.

    I do doubt one could get too far into the ranks before one would have to “prove ones self”,i.e. committing a act I would be unwilling to do.

    Really though,unless a local group you could help identify/dox ect. not sure how much good it would be as excepting a very local group who one is keeping a eye on for your own folks, who would you give/share the info. with?

  12. Anonymous July 4, 2020 at 13:03


  13. Anonymous July 4, 2020 at 18:33


  14. 175jfs July 5, 2020 at 23:32

    Those pictures are from 2016. Their facebook page has been inactive since 2018. Like good little communist swine they changed their name or jump ship to a new group “Defend Our Hoodz”. If not so serious it would be hilarious. If you look at their home video they are overwhelmingly “white” wannabe reds. The hardcore reds are in the background doing C&C over the expendables.

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