The Morning After, by Vagabond
It’s near-certain the election will not have a happy ending; it’s likely it will be a marker signalling the next phase in creating leftist Utopia or Dystopia – take your pick. Trump wins, the left goes even more berserk. Trump loses, and ‘they’ are out for vengeance. Revenge for what? Losing in ’16. No harm has come to ‘them,’ but the Deplorable People dared to re-write the script and elect someone who actually means what they say, faults and all. But backed once again by government machinery will any Southerner, Trump voter, gun owner, or Christian have a job, credit card or safe place to live?
I repeat for it’s awful emphasis: Will any Southerner, Trump voter, gun owner, or Christian – or YOU – have a job, credit card, or safe place to live?
Texas from where I write will be better, but even so the question is: “Just how strongly will the governor, local mayors and DA’s stand against the personal pressure guaranteed to be put on them and their families?”
And who will protect ‘our side?” The Argentine experience shows law enforcement becomes a stand-alone body; good in some places, corrupt in others, but loyal only to themselves, and observation of recent events tell a disconcerting tale.
So the question: What’s the aim to guide the strategy which drives the tactics for Our Side?
I can only come up with these: First, survive only and let the rest of the city, state and country go about it’s business.
Second, struggle to preserve the best of the existing order and American values. In other words to ‘conserve’ the status quo.
Third, let the ‘old order’ die it’s death and come up with something better that can inspire the struggle to survive and will to build a future from the ashes.
Actually, writing this has already helped clarify some things; of course ‘survival’ is baseline, but if as many preppers believe the bad stuff will totally pass them by, it’s unfortunate but that outlook likely provides only a holding action to buy time. There is a tide at work here – and a big one, and it’s much more than a stand-alone wave.
The ‘old order’ is done for: cooked and toasted, time to stick in the fork. Recent events have proven a near-total lack of ‘conservative,’ faith and business leadership, and sadly it really does look like with the exception of a dozen guys the ‘conservatives’ really are USELESS, and actually an embarrassment in whom I had sadly placed mistaken trust.
But sadness while appropriate will NOT win the day. I’d say intelligently guided anger will prove more useful.
So the Big Question becomes what is the aim ‘our side’ wants? What would motivate people beyond the all-important first priority of survival?
Perhaps we need to look at this in levels, e.g. depending on the corresponding levels of chaos and disruption and seek some kind of balance between what’s happening in our personal areas of influence as well as on the national.
Two books have influenced thinking on this topic; in different but overlapping ways they contextualize current events, the subterranean forces beneath them, and possible ways forward into an uncertain future.
Both works are action ‘fact/fiction’ that operate from the view that while what’s past is past and the present is corrupted beyond repair, much of the American Experiment has real, timeless value. We got it largely right, but didn’t listen to our ‘guts’ when evil started it’s earliest encroachments, so now we pay the price for a messy clean-up.
“We Defy” (written by a Cav Scout officer/historian with hands-on state and national political experience) paints a story of the crucial importance of local governance in a backdrop of Texas Secession.
“Victoria” (written by a military historian and expert on 4th Generation Warfare) etches a picture of the essential cleansing of cultural Marxism needed to secure any long-lasting peace and prosperity in a post-CW2 America.
And after that read “Victoria.” by Thomas Hobbes.
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Hopefully, this is wrong. By the look of things the Demonrats are planning on installing an old washed up dementia patient as president. If we must fight as insurgents in our own country, then we have to have a better idea then communism. Time to start taking education back NOW. That is how it all started. Better hurry if you want to fight a war. I am not getting any youinger.
The Libtards will continue to try and destroy the economy using the bogus Kung Flu numbers. They know if Trumps economy gets rolling they have NO CHANCE. People are sick of staying at home and will re enter the work force one way or another. I think Trump wins, despite the heavily skewed Poll numbers. The better the economy gets, the closer we get to shooting.
I reviewed We Defy, back in July of 2016. It’s thought-provoking faction on how local autonomy (and eventually reclaiming states’ rights) could be an inspiring refutation of jackbooted federal collectivism…the same way America used to be an inspiring refutation of foreign collectivism.
I can’t remember if I finished Victoria, but I did read most of it. The author had some good ideas, but also a lot of stuff I thought was silly–at least in the draft I read.
In case anybody’s interested, I also have a SHTF novel out there (False Flag by Henry Brown). It doesn’t get into how to rebuild/repair our civilization. I have ideas for quite a few sequels, but it looks like reading and writing books is gonna be the last thing on our minds within a few months.
Regarding the other comments in the original post/article, “conservative” is one of those words that grates like fingernails on a chalkboard. They have conserved nothing. They don’t fight for us. They don’t represent us. They do nothing but surrender and retreat, tripping all over themselves worshiping the status quo…but the status quo gets pushed another mile leftward before they can even finish drafting their next strongly-worded statement to be read among the elitists in the Senate, then forever forgotten. Ultimately, whatever the Marxists (by whatever Newspeak name you call them) decide should be the status quo is what the “conservatives” preach. But the Overton Window is about to break the sound barrier and they can’t cuck fast enough.
There are a handful of office holders who haven’t completely sold out yet so far as I know. But what good are they? And everybody sells out, eventually. The demonic pressures in entertainment and politics must be at a level I can’t even imagine.
If we win, we need to tweak the Supreme Court so there is some form of accountability; and we need to wipe the slate clean of all judicial precedent. Start from the Bill of Rights and go from there. There are a lot of tweaks that need to be made, but SCOTUS is one that can’t be overlooked.