Wednesday Night – Fun In the Cities Come One Come All

As we have all heard as recent as yesterday, Rep. Nadler has said publicly that “antifa is a myth”. On camera and in yesterday’s DOJ hearing. As a side not, does anybody know why Nadler wears his trousers so high? Sorry, I just had to ask.

Video by Essential Fleccas @Fleccas

This just came in off my feed several minutes ago from the John Brown Gun Club.

Then there is always this…

So, Rep. ‘high pants’ Nadler and much of the Democrat useful idiots from the US House of Representative believe that the rioting is a myth. That certainly was the snake oil rhetoric they were pushing at the DOJ hearing yesterday – When will these Brown Shirts show up in your city? Your house?

Is it not clear to who is paying attention, where this will end up between now and November 4th? Tighten up that front and back cinch, grab a hold of that horn and prepare you and your family for a lively ride down the trail of revolution.

Freedom Through Self-Reliance








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About the Author: johnyMac


  1. John July 29, 2020 at 14:09

    I don’t suppose you could gather up some useful info that would be beneficial to folks interested in infiltrating Antifa or their riots. What are some things that they would pick up on that we might be oblivious to? How should we comport ourselves. How to camouflage ourselves to appear as though we “fit in”.

    • johnyMac July 29, 2020 at 15:05

      Hi John.

      Black. If you wear black with a bulging black back pack you would be in like flint. You could also scan UHF & VHF frequency’s if you are close to the action. By zeroing in on the frequency they are using you could get all kinds of information. I am sure the SOI changes each night so the frequency they used last night will not be the frequency they use this evening.

      With that written, I am sure the Feds are doing this. Maybe not the local LEO’s though.

      With that all written, I can assure you that US AG Barr is gathering information as I type on all of these folks. The DOJ doesn’t want the useful idiots from the street he wants the heads of the snake. Intel folks know to really hurt an organization like AntiFa or BLM you take out the middlemen or in this case regional managers. To see this in action watch the movie Battle of Algiers.

      73 & God Bless Brother

    • NC Scout July 29, 2020 at 15:27

      You seem certain we’re not.

      And publishing sources and methods is idiotic at best.

  2. Anonymous July 29, 2020 at 17:19


  3. John July 30, 2020 at 09:12

    To NC Scout,
    I’m not assuming anything. I’m asking a question.
    If publishing info is “idiotic” than what exactly is the purpose of your website?

    • NC Scout July 30, 2020 at 09:19

      You don’t publish sources and methods of active collection or subversion. One would think this was common sense.

      Reckon not.

  4. James July 30, 2020 at 16:57

    John,I hit antifa and blm main sites pretty regularly,seems they ar elooking for help(pawns) in future endevours,may be a way to get in if you are really interested.

    As have long hair/do not look like “the man” I could probably get meself into their groups,just personally do not want to.

    I will say someone associated with Project Veratis seemed at least to get in pretty deep with I believe Rosewood Antifa,makes for some interesting reading and for you perhaps some ideas/research,be careful(obviously!).

  5. m rapp July 30, 2020 at 22:35

    I have a different interest……is this Nadlers security , soy boy in mask ? I try never to underestimate the opposition but “it” looks a little spongy……puffy and like all that you know.

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