People familiar with any of my work know that there is little love lost between the conservative movement and myself, particularly the ‘brand name’ Republicans and the media personalities that make their money prostituting themselves for the latter. Until the DNC convention I was willing to at least work with many of these people and generally ignore their insufferable Boy Scout Leader-esque self righteousness about their own political naïveté or lack of any moral compass aside of the almighty petrodollar. While the sickeningly greedy on the right side of the spectrum are themselves irredeemable, at least their audiences were pointed in the right direction via their work. Lip service was good enough, if it meant keeping the peace. I was wrong.
The list of cowards supporting Joe Biden are not taking some moral stand, nor are they in any way demonstrating independent thought. Joe Biden is the safest, most mainstream, intellectually brain-dead choice one could make. Supporting him takes zero courage and even less risk. Were the GOP serious about anything other than being professional losers, Ronna McDaniel would primary each and every one of them on the list and the ones that aren’t elected officials would be persona non grata. You do not bite the hand that feeds you and expect another meal. Nevertheless, enjoy the warm liquid on your head as your betters call it rain. I do hope those chains do not rest lightly, so heavy in fact that the morally bankrupt drown under the weight of them.
In truth, the greatest boon the 2020 election will provide all of us is clarity. At the end of this, we will have a rather firm grasp on who is willing to save Western Civilization and who is in it as a marketing decision. While I appreciate the concept of considering an individuals entire body of work, in this environment if you cannot be make the correct judgment call, then enjoy the results. Never has a choice been as stark not only for the presidential election, but along the cultural front as well. A Spaniard would not have been forgiven for saying ‘Well the Moors do have a point…’ and similarly anyone calling themselves a counterrevolutionary does not get to profit from that moniker while endorsing a person who views them as an American kulak. I absolutely support accelerationism, but I also support the fewest possible number of JDAM’s at Kamala Harris’ disposal.
Mark my words, the defection of the ‘conservatives’ is not even close to being complete. The Bush and Clinton era Republican luminaries will continue to defect as they smirk and claim the ‘moral high ground.’ I suspect you will see a the majority of the libertarian and an-cap authors on the right continue to confuse naïveté with reality and play allies to the communists. In the coming months, pay attention to who is providing top cover and support for the leftists. I expect the results to be surprising. I do not care if you do not like the president, his Twitter, his manners, or his hair. A very real scenario exists that makes the 2020 election the opportunity to have a possibly friendly regime in power during a civil conflict, or at least one reticent to cede control to a peacekeeping force…or a regime that views you as the modern incarnation of the Nazi party. So while I would not recommend devoting too much time and energy into thinking about national figures that are playing the Kasich card, look for the people you support via clicks and the ones in your own backyard playing that game.
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Mr. James,
Bravo ! Excellent essay. It warms my heart.
For too many administrations grifters on both sides of the isle have been milking America for their own benefit. One comment that I continue to read from Conservative independent media is that President Trump is focused on term limits for congressional representatives. Perhaps this is what is smoking out the career roaches from the garbage pile.
Definition of collaborator: a person who collaborates with another: such as
a : someone who works with another person or group
b : someone who assists an enemy (such as an invader or part of an occupying force)
They aren’t cowards.
It’s the other “C” word my friend.
Unfortunately the majority of mainstream republicans are demokraps in disguise, those that aren’t are cowards. We need a strong 3rd and maybe 4th party, to give the voters a real choice, the professional politicians have ruined our government and our country. Primary them out and let’s get term limits for all public offices, also cut the pay and benefits package they voted for themselves.
My republican family members are worthless cucks.
When you talk to them it’s always the same answers.
CNN talking points disguised as conservative values.
They are braindead.
We need to triage the traitors and blaze our own trails.
Nothing but military pay grades (enlisted at that) for those pricks in Washington. That will term them out in 4 years to be sure. We will see who truly loves their country on a military pay stipend.
They’re definitely cowards. They just want to keep their heads intact after the mock trials start. Same with the Generals.
We’ve got an extra special “conservative” Republican in my area who likes to raise taxes to fund BS public projects and stated he didn’t like “radical” elements in the party pushing for a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary status for the county. There are plenty more where that traitor came from.
Do you support accelerationism by actively supporting the enemy or simply witholding support from the can’t-conserve-anything-conservatives?
Didn’t know if I’d agree with this article when I started it, imagine my surprise when it was dead accurate. Traitors.
I suggest not getting hung up on the bread and circuses.
It’s not White vs. Black.
It’s not Gay vs. Straight.
It’s not Rich vs. Poor.
It’s not Man vs. Woman
It’s not Democrats vs. Republicans
It’s not even Left vs. Right
It’s State vs. You, and if you can’t see that, they are winning.
Negative. It’s right versus wrong.
Governments are a reflection of their people. A decent, coherent people: good government. A morally bankrupt, insolent, worthless populace: The United States in 2020.
Oh I totally agree. To paraphrase John Adams, our system of government is only designed for a moral people and unsuitable for any other. I only meant to call attention to the fact that Statism has become the default position of both the “left” and the “right”; the only difference is basically who will be in charge. Paternalism has run amok and the libertarian values of individualism are nowhere to be found. I want to be sure that everyone is thinking about values and not about labels.
Jesse is right on this. We lift the lid cover, and in shock we place it back down, no, this cannot be that bad. OH my God it is bad, worse than bad. Look at the lid for a while than muster a good plan and motion through, we make mistakes, we learn, and then clean, really clean this mess.