From a Reader: “Thoughts to Share”

I spent 81/2 years on active duty. I was stationed at Ft Bragg for most of that time. I vacationed in Pineland and I’m thoroughly familiar with Smoke Bomb Hill. I’ve been out for many years, and am now officially a F.O.G. That said, I remember much of what I was taught and Ive made a study of revolution/counter-revolution since I got out.

My observation: We are staring down the barrel of some very hard times and, because of a general lack of direction and organization, we are screwed. The Left has organization and organizations, they have captured societal institutions, they have money and a gigantic footprint. But more importantly, they have a set of strategic objectives, a strategy and operational planning to achieve those goals and, at the most basic level, they have a philosophy. We have none of that.

I have spent some time on your site and have read many of your articles. I also listened to an episode of your Contra podcast; “I don’t have a lot of time for bigotry.” I believe that’s a quote. That’s good, because I have no time for bigotry either. I am hoping that we can agree that Nazism and Fascism are for pinheads, as are Communism, Socialism and Anarchism. Theocracy is off my list, as is Monarchy. Direct democracy is also not our way; democracy is a form of tyranny and chaos. The Republican Party stands for nothing. The Democrats are in a fight between establishment mafia and genuine Neo-Marxist revolutionaries. Liberalism has become Progressivism and devolved into genuine Regressivism. Meanwhile, Conservatives are on the ropes because, “NO!” isn’t a social, political or economic platform. Conservatives’ change resistance does not balance the Left’s obsession with change. It leaves them standing on the side of the road screaming, “NO!”, while the Left guides change. I am left politically homeless. I have a feeling that you feel much the same way. I have spent some time contemplating this problem and searching for a solution. Ive read a stack, more than one stack actually, of books over the last 4 years. What we lack is not just a political home. We lack a conceptual toolbox upon which to organize a counter-revolution. What we must do is assemble that tool box and put it in the hip pocket of about 15% of the American people just like the Communists, Socialists, Anarchists and Jihadists have their conceptual toolbox in their hip pockets (I’m thinking of, On Peoples’ War, Little Red Books and the Koran, but there are other examples).

My reading led me to a fellow named Pettit, who wrote a book on Republicanism, the philosophy of America’s founders. The central premise of Republicanism is that all human beings have a right to live their lives in immunity from domination, with no possibility of domination within the law and protected from domination outside the law. My initial response was, “Some people are so evil that they have to be dominated in order to be controlled”. The Republican answer to that assertion is that evil must be restrained. Restraint that prevents evil is not domination. The best definition of domination that I have found is that domination is a state of unequal freedom and that a person, or group of people, that are attempting to expand their freedom, or enjoying greater freedom, at the expense of another person or group are engaging in domination.

What would a government, and a nation, founded upon this central premise of, “No Domination” look like, and how would the people who lived in that nation live? Its an interesting question and Ive spent some time putting some thoughts on paper attempting come up with an answer.

The conceptual tool box is just the first among several strategic imperatives that must be accomplished if a successful revolutionary counter-revolution is to be launched. An organizational model, an avante garde group and articulate, disciplined cadres who are able to mobilize people are also essential.


My Reply: The Left has been working on this, full steam, for decades now while most were more concerned with their normalcy bias to care. As a movement, they’ve had a long term vision and coherent end state, which has provided their guiding doctrine. It is the one component missing from the theorists’ studies on 5GW: the underlying philosophy providing a logical end state.

Political dissident movements, when they turn violent, are one of two broad aims. Revolutionary or Reactionary. Left wing politics, generally speaking, are Revolutionary. Right wing, generally speaking, are Reactionary. Right wing groups, by the very label of ‘conservatism’, are strictly concerned with maintaining the normalcy of their nation. Its working for them, to a person, and they see the Left as an internal threat to that. This is why Left wing groups perpetually seek to recruit those who do not have power or are marginalized (whether real or imagined).
Where we are…strictly speaking, I consider us firmly in the Reactionary camp, which is why we served as long as we did and where we did- voluntarily. This is both a major asset for our side, and simultaneously a detriment in those same ways you pointed out. My own theory is that as the Left continues to move up the Insurgency Pyramid (see attached, although I’m certain you’ve seen it- they’re right on the line of overt warfare), groups similar to the Contras are going to take the place of either nullified law enforcement or where governmental power otherwise cannot be exerted.
I really, really like what you’ve written. Its an incredibly thought provoking piece for both those initiated to UW as you and I, as well as those who are not but are awakening to the new reality.

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at or via his blog at .


  1. Anonymous August 14, 2020 at 15:30


  2. Anonymous August 14, 2020 at 15:32


  3. Johnny Paratrooper August 14, 2020 at 15:49

    The first American revolution started for many reasons. As all revolutions do. But the final straw wasn’t the taxes, or the foreign corporations, or the crown, or being required to house and feed soldiers( technically already paid for right?)

    It was when the British told the Colonialists they were’t really British. Which, of course, came as a HUGE surprise considering they all thought they were British. They wanted to go to British schools, British Plays, marry British Blood, wear British clothes, fly the British flag.

    None, not one, of these problems were a problem until the Parliament and King laughed and said “LOL no…. Have some soldiers and mercenaries and naval blockades instead”. Don’t like it? We will kidnap your kids and send them on ships to Asia to fight the royal fight.

    So what happened? Why did people start shooting all the sudden? Because guys like George Washington were never properly promoted, or rewarded, for their efforts. Guys like George Washington understood that the Real Brits were ALWAYS going to favor theirs over ours. George Washington had to marry a widow to get ahead in class. Sure, he was his own man, but he was never given what he deserved. Instead, he watched the land him and his friends conquered and mapped be handed to people who never deserved it. Twice. He saw this happen twice.

    Whether or not its our soil, the crown could care less. George Washington, others like him, and his friends knew THIS WASN’T GONNA CHANGE AND WAS GOING TO BE THE STATUS QUO FOREVER…

    I had no doubts about what was gonna happen to this country in 2009. I KNEW this was coming because I had read enough history books to know what was coming. I watched the military rank I should have earned be handed to Mexicans and blacks based purely on the fact they aren’t white. When we confronted our leadership, they made our lives a living hell for the rest of our enlistment. And they pointed the attack dog blacks and Mexicans at us. Big mistake. Because now I am hard, and angry, and I know what the future holds.

    We are experiencing the SAME feelings that the first Americans had. That feeling were you say to yourself “Ok, I can find my own friends and I’m gonna start my own country, with MY OWN RULES”

    When people say “America is dead” it’s the same as saying “Magna Carta is dead, the king does what he wants”

    • WilliamtheResolute August 14, 2020 at 17:06

      Amen Brother, we share the same sentiments exactly.

      • Johnny Paratrooper August 14, 2020 at 19:03


  4. Matt Bracken August 14, 2020 at 16:21

    I agree with Hawken’s points, however, we don’t have the time to organize anything like a coherent philosophy that will enable team freedom to resist the onrushing revolutionary tsunami, not when the communists and their fellow travelers and useful idiots control most of the media, all of academia, Congress, critical parts of the military leadership etc etc. There is no time.

    We are going to have to fight on the defensive for a long time. Thank God there are elements among us who understand the hard lessons of history and the battles to come. Thank God for our Founding Fathers and the Bill of Rights. Even if communist traitors take over the White House, Senate, House and Supreme Court, and attempt to criminalize our thoughts as hate and confiscate our firearms, we can stand and fight in the trenches of the first and second amendments, and call our enemies traitors and communists to their faces.

    Any federal, state or local LE that participates in gun confiscation raids in 2021 for weapons that were legal in 2020 will literally be painting targets on themselves as traitors and domestic enemies, and they will not be fighting from secure fire-bases in distant foreign lands, with their families safe and secure thousands of miles away from the battle.

    Even if demented Joe Biden is elected, and Kamala Harris and The Squad are setting national policy, they will not be able to steal our freedom without triggering a bloody civil war. Harris promises to ban “assault weapons” in 100 days by executive order if Congress won’t pass such laws, and I welcome her attempt to make good on that promise.

    We might not have a coherent philosophy, but we love freedom, and we won’t surrender it without a fight for the ages.

    It’s often noted that Switzerland has not suffered a foreign invasion because of its culture of nearly universal firearm ownership. It’s less frequently noted that it has also never suffered under a tyranny for exactly the same reason.

    • Johnny Paratrooper August 14, 2020 at 16:39

      The Swiss oligarchs are working with Islam and communists. The Swiss just haven’t figured it out yet. I did when I read “Shell Game: By Scott Bennett”

      “Any federal, state or local LE that participates in gun confiscation raids in 2021 for weapons that were legal in 2020 will literally be painting targets on themselves as traitors and domestic enemies, and they will not be fighting from secure fire-bases in distant foreign lands, with their families safe and secure thousands of miles away from the battle.”

      I just figured out why the ghost cities in China are empty…
      They were built for the families of domestic traitors.
      That’s why these cities have “western hospitality and culinary schools” too teach the Chinese how to host westerners.

      Mr. Bracken, you always find the right pieces to the puzzle. Thank you.

      How many people can the Airlines move in a day? 5 million?

    • “Enough Ammo for CW2, CW3, and CW4” August 15, 2020 at 02:39

      Good job, Matt. Thank you for your explanation of logic and reassurance. We will make our final vote with the cartridge box when every other reasonable accommodation by us of the over reaching tyranny has been a failure of civility. We know we tried in good faith. Now, it is time to sharpen our hatchets one more time.

      • Matt Bracken August 15, 2020 at 07:17

        The Constitution and Bill of Rights must be our North Star. No matter what traitors in or out of uniform try to tell us, no matter what laws they pass, they cannot remove the first or 2nd amendments by passing laws. When they come for our guns, it’s time.

        • Curious Passerby August 15, 2020 at 18:23

          Well spoken, Sir.

        • Larry Hays August 16, 2020 at 17:06

          Don’t forget the King James Bible. The Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Holy Bible. You don’t need any more to point the way

  5. JB August 14, 2020 at 21:42

    Excellence by Both of you.
    And this is why i visit here

    • Patriotman August 14, 2020 at 21:43

      Thank you for your kind words! We are glad we meet your expectations!

  6. brunop August 14, 2020 at 23:20

    I just commented here to upvote Bracken’s comment. We’re on the defensive. We’re going to remain on the defensive. We (most of us) know we stand on the first ten amendments – which are, in fact, the Founders’ answer to “No Domination”. It’s not like they didn’t know….

    If we can’t stand on those, we can’t stand on anything. And they are definitely good enough for fighting Commies.

    • Matt Bracken August 15, 2020 at 07:21

      And they are very simply written in plain English, no matter what traitor politicians, judges or generals try to tell us differently.
      They are trying hard to hamstring our freedom of speech, and local gun laws or the 1968 federal law etc can be difficult to explain or understand, but when the feds come using armed force to confiscate guns in 2021 (or later) that were legal to own in 2020, that will a perfectly clear signal to millions of us.

  7. Badlands Rifleman August 15, 2020 at 16:17

    So the left has the media (which they built), a large portion of the press (which they bought), the “higher” education platforms, and plenty of low achieving no-aspirational types filling their ranks. While they may have somewhat of a coherent goal, which really just boils down to blaming everyone else for their problems, they themselves and any regime they create will be a paper tiger. They’ve been able to infiltrate and metastasize thus far because they’ve been like the mushrooms of society, hiding in the dark behind other causes, and full of shit. When they do decide to come out into the open fully many will see them for what they are for the first time. Mr. Bracken and the others are correct, stick to your guns, literally. That is the great fire wall that will force the tyrants hands and buy the liberty lovers the time they will need for the tyrants to further delegitimize themselves.

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but no first world nation has ever truly defeated an insurgency. When the day comes that the tyrants take the gloves off, they will be that first world nation military and liberty lovers will be the insurgents. Every battle, atrocity, violation and punishment will only drive a gap between the people and the tyrants. I’ve played the role of the gun confiscating “tyrant” in Iraq, and I’m very relieved my family was safe half a world away and free from reprisals. A lot of the local security weren’t so lucky. While I don’t relish the thought of our world being that way, I do understand what a deterrent it could be to have to consider the results of following tyrannical orders. It may take 100 years and all of us going to the wall, but liberty will prevail in the long run as long as the fight is continued.

    It’s taken over a century of hard work for the communists to make it as far as they have, and they are still no where near to being the next Stalin. If you have to work this hard to accomplish something, maybe you’re doing it wrong. Communism in America is like trying to pound a square peg in a round hole. The only way they will ever get it to fit is if we let them.

    While I agree that any movement needs a coherent goal to be successful, I don’t think it needs to be a grand strategy either. Keep it simple, fight tyranny. The founding fathers laid out all the ideology long ago. I’m not aware if they had a master plan or not for what to do after the war, but they damn sure knew they were done taking orders from the king of England.

  8. Truth-in-Tension August 15, 2020 at 20:35

    The article and all of the comments are excellent. I very much liked the thought provoking picture that was at the heading of the article. The picture appeared to be a group of gorilla fighters, possibly Contras or Philippine resistance fighters. Who the actual group is in the picture is of little consequence, however, the picture perfectly captures and illustrates the level of commitment and sacrifice that will be required to resist, and defeat the Brotherhood of Darkness.

    Keep in mind, the Brotherhood of Darkness, will deploy extremely well financed, highly organized, skilled and trained corporate Shadow State contractors that have the ability with their vast overwatch computing capabilities to create false narratives, and perceptions that are second to none. The senior leadership of these Shadow State contractors are made up of very powerful international socialist / communist, many who were formerly of military senior rank. These shadow state contractors have no conscience, and they answer to no one except the Brotherhood of Darkness. The salient point is that the forces at the deposal of these organizations are almost unimaginable. Short term tactics will be very important, although, they will not offer much resistance to such powerful forces. Determined long-term commitment, forged by extreme sacrifices, coupled with fluid strategies and no compromise tactics will be required.

    I very much agree with Hawken’s points relating to domination. As Judge Napolitano pointed out, most people in power suffer from “Libido dominandi”, the lust to dominate. This lust to dominate is a pathological condition that has no cure.

    I believe that Libertarians recognize that centralized bureaucratic governments and organizations are by their very nature libido dominandi. As such, governments must be constrained in size and scope. Murry Rothbard, one of the greatest economist stated that “the Libertarian defines the concept of freedom as a condition in which a person’s ownership rights in his own body, and his legitimate material property are not invaded, are not aggressed against.” This is known as the non aggression principle.

    Keep in mind, that Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence originally wrote that ” all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Property.” Jefferson, clearly understood, that one could not achieve happiness without ownership of property and the protection of such property.

    Pursuit of property was changed to Pursuit of Happiness by James Madison, who had been influenced by others with a different agenda. The Founding Fathers required property ownership, in the local community, as a requirement in order to vote. This was a brilliant understanding of the natural fallen state of man.

    By owning property in the community, the productive property owners would be less inclined to vote for increasing any taxes in order to give money to freeloaders, and the freeloaders, would not be able to vote, because they normally were not productive people of society, so they were less likely to save enough money to buy property. As the freeloaders could not vote, they could not vote funds from taxes for their livelihood. Contrast the wisdom of the Founding Fathers, with today’s diabolical democracy, where the freeloaders, vote for candidates that will provide unlimited welfare. This system is corruption with no bounds.

    Assuming, that all of the commenters are correct that American Patriots will resist the Brotherhood of Darkness, should they attempt to confiscate weapons (property), and assuming that the resistance is successful what then? What form of government, will replace the current corrupt Hamiltonian centralized government? And what about the Judicial Branch, which has been, and is, a key member of the Brotherhood of Darkness? The US Constitution in its original construct was exceptionally good, however, it was still flawed as the anti-Federalist correctly pointed out. Lincoln, then was responsible for adding amendments that in essence, severally destroyed key elements and protections of the constitution. The Southern States Constitution corrected many of the flaws of the original Constitution. With this in mind, a successful resistance, must be prepared to put forth a better form of government that is much smaller, decentralized, and will not be a form of legalized corruption.

    But I am getting ahead of myself regarding the forms of government, because, I still do not see any skilled groups, especially any groups with the level of skills outlined correctly by Matt Bracken, that will make up the American Patriot resistance. NC Scout’s comments were particularly valid concerning both the Left communist organizations and Right conservative organizations. It appears that the American Patriots are way behind the curve in the coming friction.

    As always, a “Tip of the Hat” to this wonderful site and to all the commenters that put forth such well thought out comments.

    Be prepared, be decisive.

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