Fun Facts Wednesday – 269 Corporations that Financially Support BLM

Below is a list of 269 corporations that support financially Black Lives Matter, LLC. I got the list from over at

The BLM logo is in the process of being trade marked and they accept financial donations through ActBlue Charities just in case you would like to donate to them or buy a legal BLM t-shirt.

As you scroll down the list and see your favorite companies name, I suggest if you can to spend your money with other similar companies that are not on the list. Your call though. Click on the link next to the corporation of your interest to see their public statement.

  1. 23andme:
  2. 72andSunny:
  3. AbbVie:
  4. Abbey Road Studios:
  5. The Academy (the Oscars):
  6. Activision Blizzard:
  7. Adidas:
  8. Airbnb:
  9. Alaska Airlines:
  10. Amazon:
  11. AMD:
  12. American Airlines:
  13. American Express:
  14. American Apparel:
  15. Apple Music:
  16. Ancestry:
  17. Armani:
  18. Astro Gaming:
  19. AT&T:
  20. Atlantic Records:
  21. AWS:
  22. AXE:
  23. Barclays Bank:
  24. Barnes & Noble:
  25. Bandcamp:
  26. Bank of America:
  27. Bayer:
  28. Bergdorf Goodman:
  29. Bethesda:
  30. Ben & Jerry’s:
  31. Billboard:
  32. BMW:
  33. BP:
  35. Boost Mobile:
  36. Bratz:
  37. Burger King:
  38. Bungie:
  39. Burberry:
  40. Burt’s Bees:
  41. Cadillac:
  42. Call of Duty:
  43. Capcom:
  44. Capitol Records:
  45. Canada Goose:
  46. Cartoon Network:
  47. Chick-fil-A:
  48. Chipotle:
  49. Cisco:
  50. Citigroup:
  51. Coca Cola:
  52. Colourpop Cosmetics:
  53. Conde Nast:
  54. Converse:
  55. CORSAIR:
  56. Creative Commons:
  57. Criterion Collection:
  58. Crunchyroll:
  59. CW:
  60. CVS:
  61. DHL Express:
  62. Dell:
  63. Degree:
  64. Devolver Digital:
  65. DIRECTV:
  66. Discord:
  67. Disney:
  68. Doritos:
  69. DoorDash:
  70. Doulingo:
  71. Dribbble:
  72. Dropbox:
  73. E! News:
  74. EA:
  75. Eaton:
  76. eBay:
  77. Eight Sleep:
  78. ESPN:
  79. Etsy:
  80. FedEx:
  81. Fender:
  82. Figma:
  83. FILA:
  84. Fitbit:
  85. Foot Locker:
  86. Formula 1:
  87. FOX:
  88. Frosted Mini Wheats:
  89. Funimation:
  90. GameSpot:
  91. Gartner:
  92. Gatorade:
  93. Genentech:
  94. General Motors:
  95. Gibson:
  96. Glossier:
  97. GoDaddy:
  98. Goldman Sachs:
  99. GoFundMe:
  100. Google:
  101. GoPro:
  102. Gorilla Glue:
  103. Grammarly:
  104. Grindr:
  105. Guerilla Collective:
  106. Gumroad:
  107. Gushers:
  108. Habitat for Humanity:
  109. Harry’s:
  110. HBO:
  111. HBO Max:
  112. Headup:
  113. Help Scout:
  114. Hershey’s:
  115. H&M:
  116. Home Depot:
  117. Honda:
  118. HP:
  119. Hulu:
  120. Humana:
  121. Humble Bundle:
  122. HyperX:
  123. IBM:
  124. IKEA:
  125. IMAX:
  126. Indiegogo:
  128. Intel:
  129. Invision:
  130. ITV:
  131. Kickstarter:
  132. Lacoste:
  133. Lego:
  134. Levi’s:
  135. Lenovo:
  136. Lexus:
  137. LinkedIn:
  138. L’Oreal Paris:
  139. Logitech:
  140. Lowe’s:
  141. Lucky Brand:
  142. Lululemon:
  143. Louis Vuitton:
  144. Lyft:
  145. Madden NFL 20:
  146. Marvel Entertainment:
  147. Mastercard:
  148. MATTEL:
  149. McAfee:
  150. McDonald’s:
  151. Merck:
  152. Mercedes Benz:
  153. Met Life:
  154. Metropolitan Opera:
  155. Microsoft:
  156. Mozilla:
  157. Napster:
  158. NASCAR:
  159. Ncsoft:
  160. Netflix:
  161. New Balance:
  162. New York Life:
  163. NFL:
  164. NHL:
  165. Niantic:
  166. Nickelodeon:
  167. Nike:
  168. Nintendo:
  169. Nordstrom:
  170. North Face:
  171. Old Spice:
  172. OnlyFans:
  173. Paramount Pictures:
  174. Paramount Network:
  175. Patreon:
  176. Peloton:
  177. Pepsi Co:
  178. Pfizer Inc:
  179. Playstation:
  180. Plex:
  181. Pokemon:
  182. Popeye’s Chicken:
  183. Pop-Tarts:
  184. Pornhub:
  185. Porsche:
  186. Pringles:
  187. Procter & Gamble:
  188. Puget Systems:
  189. PUMA:
  190. Pusheen:
  191. Qualcomm:
  192. Quicken Loans:
  193. Reddit:
  194. RedHat:
  195. Red Lobster:
  196. Red Wing:
  197. Reebok:
  198. Reese’s:
  199. Rice Krispies:
  200. Riot Games:
  201. Rockstar Games:
  202. Salesforce:
  203. Sanofi:
  204. Scholastic:
  205. Sega:
  206. Sesame Street:
  207. Society Generale US:
  208. Showtime:
  209. Sketch:
  210. Slack:
  211. Sephora:
  212. Shopify:
  213. Skillshare:
  214. Snap:
  215. Snapchat:
  216. Sony:
  217. Soundcloud:
  218. Spotify:
  219. Square Enix:
  220. STARZ:
  221. Starbucks:
  222. Star Wars:
  223. Subway:
  224. Supreme New York:
  225. Sysco Corporation:
  226. Taco Bell:
  227. Target:
  228. TBS:
  229. Tesco:
  230. Thatgamecompany:
  231. Ticketmaster:
  232. TikTok:
  233. Timberland:
  234. Tinder:
  235. TMobile:
  236. Tumblr:
  237. Twitch:
  238. Twitter:
  239. Uber:
  240. Uber Eats:
  241. Ubisoft:
  242. Ugg:
  243. Ulta Beauty:
  244. Under Armor:
  245. UnitedHealth Group:
  246. Vanguard:
  247. Vans:
  248. VeggieTales:
  249. Verizon:
  250. VERSACE:
  251. Vevo:
  252. Via:
  253. ViacomCBS:
  254. Virgin Records:
  255. Virta:
  256. VIZ:
  257. Vivaldi:
  258. Warner Bros
  259. Warner Records:
  260. Well’s Fargo:
  261. Wendy’s:
  262. WeWork:
  263. XBox:
  264. Yamaha Music USA:
  265. Yelp:
  266. YouTube:
  267. Zara:
  268. Zildijian:
  269. Zoom:

In closing, I often hear people ask, “where does BLM and Antifa get their money?” Well this is where some of it comes from. They receive it from traitors.

“At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.” – Abraham Lincoln

Freedom Through Self-Reliance

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About the Author: johnyMac


  1. Matt Bracken August 12, 2020 at 08:09

    In the 1970s, the Commie scum weathermen terrorists had to rob banks and armored cars to raise funds for their revolutionary movement.
    Now, woke corporations and George Soros willingly give them 100s of millions of dollars.

  2. Truth-in-Tension August 12, 2020 at 11:07

    Thank you for the list. I will keep the list visible and I will try not to buy any products from these companies. Hopefully, these companies and their senior leadership will experience a reckoning because of their support for the communist. Be prepared and be decisive.

    • johnyMac August 12, 2020 at 11:13

      Good comments Truth-in-Tension. Thanks for reading and commenting.

      73 & God Bless

  3. Anonymous August 12, 2020 at 11:37


  4. PCL August 12, 2020 at 15:04

    This is a useful list, but one which lists these firms in order of the sizes of their contributions would be more useful in organizing a boycott. Any boycott campaign should also include a list of the criminals, radicals and hate mongers in the BLM organization, including Susan Rosenberg, the convicted Weather Underground accomplice to the killing of 3 cops and Yusra Khogali, founded of BLM-Toronto , who called for whites to be “eradicated”.

  5. MW August 12, 2020 at 15:12

    Thanks for the list. Hope these corporations hang themselves for supporting commies & terrorists. Serves ’em right! I’m happy to see none of AP’s sponsors are supporting these POS. I’ve done business with quite a few over the past few years & they’ve been great! No doubt their high quality products will help keep me alive when the festivities begin.

  6. Sat Cong August 13, 2020 at 14:09

    I hate to be the bad message sender, but SIERRA BULLETS company aids and abets the Bolsheviks. I will explain. Its the shell and subsidiary companies game. What’s worse, is management of SIERRA BULLETS is fully aware.

    You can read the social just-us screed from the link above. Be sure and look at the comments section. Many people are telling BDE to stuff it.

    I have done enough web search to find the actual emails of the leadership and notified them of the duplicity of their process. They all know. They do not care. They are like all these American corporations – they are selling us out to the Maoists abroad and the Bolsheviks on CONUS.

    As for me, I boycott Black Diamond after over 20 years of buying Mountaineering gear, and I am boycotting Sierra Bullets, and Federal gold medal match 308 that runs the 168 grain match kings. Hornady and Nosler are perfect substitutes, and a Matchking bullet is no longer anything worth giving money to chi-coms or Burning, Looting, Marxists.

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