Fun Facts Wednesday – G20 Corporate Tax Rates

With the Presidential election less than 90-days away, one of the items that Presidential candidate Joe Biden has promised is to return to the corporate income tax of 2016. You can read Biden’s plan over at the Tax Foundation. This prompted me to look at corporate tax rates of all countries around the globe. I found a great site over at Trading Economics listing them.

With the quantities of countries listed along with the restricted space to list them, I decided to focus on the G20 countries. If you want to look at countries that are not listed here, click on Trading Economics and go to their complete list.

Country Tax Rate
Brazil 34
France 33
Japan 31
Argentina 30
Australia 30
Germany 30
Mexico 30
South Africa 28
Canada 27
India 25
China 25
Netherlands 25
South Korea 25
Spain 25
Italy 24
Indonesia 22
Turkey 22
United States 21
Russia 20
Saudi Arabia 20
United Kingdom 19
Switzerland 18
Singapore 17


I am of the belief that the reduction of the corporate tax rate by President Trump and Congress was the reason why we had such a robust economy leading up to the CCP Virus. Just think of what will happen post the pandemic with a higher corporate tax rate that Biden and his party are promoting if he becomes President.

Freedom Through Self-Reliance


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About the Author: johnyMac


  1. WiscoDave August 5, 2020 at 08:52

    C’mon! Going back to 38.9% wouldn’t hurt anyone!
    Biden = Fucked
    Trump 2020, Because FUCK YOU again…

    • johnyMac August 5, 2020 at 11:47

      WiscoDave, Biden is only looking for an additional 7% hike not a 15% or so. However, it has been my experience that when ya’ give ’em a inch they take a mile.

      The election is important however you can’t fix stupid with an election. This old boomer now understands this. It will take some serious bullet slinging and house cleaning at the point of a muzzle to get things relatively back to normal.

      Gold is at $2,047 an ounce today.
      Silver is at $26.94 an ounce today
      DJIA up and there is no reason for this
      The Fed is the only one buying US Treasury bills
      The US Congress is planning on spending another $2T or so on a stimulus with our debt at $26.6T as I type.
      The next shoe to fall will be that the US Dollar will no longer be the coin of the realm for the globe.

      Bottom-line, the USA is out of control financially and socially. An election will not stop that only hurry the demise along.

      Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment.

      73 & God Bless

  2. Michael August 5, 2020 at 09:00

    Taxes my dear Watson, Taxes, That’s how all those Socialist-Democratic bribes, errr.. Promises get fulfilled.

    Robert Heinlein said it best TANSTAAFL There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch. They can have the FED create trillions out of thin air to support their vote buying sprees (COVID 19 “relief” where some 90% goes to Banks and Big Businesses) but somehow cannot stop taxing the productive members.

    Who is John Gault comes to mind. Where the productive tax donkeys get beaten to death giving the unproductive their bread and circuses.

    Did you happen to see that Cuban Restaurant Owner in FL standing up against the demands of BLM about how he HAD to (many demands) including buying his supplies from Black Owned Businesses and donating 15% of his gross profits to Black Lives Matter.

    Just daily taxes in a 3rd world country folks. Nothing to see here says CNN just move along.

    Right now the Mobsters are PROTECTED by Liberal Politicians. You cannot simply shoot them as tempting as that seems. The Police will not protect you from BLM-Antifa rioters but WILL put you in the Grey Hotel for assaulting them… “Hate Crimes” you know.

    The only realistic defense is disinformation-moving. Keep your assets hidden because it’s harder to tax things they don’t know about. Move to where liberals don’t hold sway but that option is shrinking fast as remote working is letting high paid liberals move to “Green Acres” MT and such bringing their “Values” and Liberal Attitudes with them creating again that hell hole they left.

    If you think it’s bad now wait until Pelosi’s recently dusted off Obama bill to eliminate cash for the “Safety” of pure electronic dollars. COVID you know, nasty germy paper. Then nothing will be past the social approval of the Government and it’s tax officers. If they disapprove of your purchase it is denied and your “Social Score” so well loved by the CCCP and the Socialist-Democrats-GOOGLE-Fakebook will be ahhhh “Adjusted”.

    The American Revolution came about Taxation with out representation. Are you being “Represented” like the sheep and two wolves voting for what for dinner?

    Sheep = taxpayers, the two wolves well you get the idea.

    As painful as it is for an old soldier to say the freedom window is closing fast. Some 89 days until the coronation of a Sock Puppet (and his CIA selected new president) due to mail in voter fraud UNLESS Barr and Co get those arrests and trials going for treason. The fight for our countries freedom is going on behind the scenes and I pray they have the balls to buck the terrorist threats of the Socialist-Democrats “We will BURN it all down” if you start arresting us… That is the REAL Message of Antifa -BLM and others are showing Trump and Co besieging a Federal Courthouse and marching black clad idiots around cities.

    And it pains me to be truly worried as is my friends we discuss this about going to Prison for backing our police because of “Hate Crimes” or such. Prison is a bad place to be when your family is trying to survive the chaos of a CIA Color Revolution.

    Praying for wisdom and for our Republic

    • johnyMac August 5, 2020 at 11:32

      Amen Michael. I agree 100%.

      I too am, “Praying for wisdom and for our Republic”.

      73 & God Bless

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