Fun Facts Wednesday – Looking at ‘The Flu’ 2010-19
As of today, the United States has experienced over 170,000 CCP Virus deaths. I was wondering how many of those 170,000 deaths were just plain influenza. The USA’s average influenza deaths over a nine-year period by year is 37,463. I wonder how many influenza deaths will be recorded by the CDC for 2019-20. I suspect none.
Year/Season | Deaths* |
2010-11 | 36,656 |
2011-12 | 12,447 |
2012-13 | 42,570 |
2013-14 | 37,930 |
2014-15 | 51,376 |
2015-16 | 22,705 |
2016-17 | 38,230 |
2017-18 | 61,099 |
2018-19 | 34,157 |
* = Stats from CDC – Past Seasons Estimated Influenza Disease Burden
Now let us speculate how many deaths this year are being attributed to the CCP Virus when in fact the individual’s death was caused by a car or motorcycle accident, massive heart attack, cancer, etc. I know for a fact that if a person dies for ‘X’ but shows Covin19 in their blood, the death certificate lists the death as CCP Virus. Why – Money and politics.
Just some fun facts on Wednesday to contemplate and hopefully share.
Freedom Through Self-Reliance ™
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Not just Influenza. Mystically the normal deaths for the demographic of people 70+ years and up (heart failure, pneumonia) are suddenly at near zero. We need to know how many additional deaths compared to normal rates due to COVID not just total deaths. A statistic with no definition is a useless number and that is mainly what is being reported.
Great point CJ06!
I wonder if we will ever know the true breakdown of deaths in 2020; cancer, influenza, heart failure, etc. By the time the CDC gets around to running the numbers and making a report public, I fear we will be in full civil war mode in specific locations. We all will have lost interest.
Thanks for reading and commenting Brother!
73 & God Bless
This is important. I have had two boomer friends/coworkers die of Covid. Of course, it’s a big deal, cause of “Covid’
With family acting like they lost a friend in 9/11. Not even kidding. Pathetic Non-sense. We were attacked, that much is clear, but have some damn humility. We are all equally victimized by this Chinese plague.
Of course, when Chinese Dope or Islamic Terrorism kills one of my friends, all I get is crickets and “It’ll be ok, not all of the enemy are like that, have you tried counseling?” My counseling has evolved into telling older people what a worthless society I have been handed every opportunity I get, and what failures they are raising a generation of soft, godless perverts who know nothing and stand for everything except “Nazis, America, and Racisms”.
If a 72 year old and a 79 year old dies. Is it really a big deal? Cause I’m pretty sure that’s what old people do. They fall apart and die. One day it will be my turn to get old, fall apart, and die. “Once A Man; Twice A Child” is the truth.
Boomers are rapidly turning into a walking joke of a generation whose demise won’t be mourned as a society after the “Great Western Reset of 2021”. And everyone in any generation raised by them, is simply a victim of their nonsense. Namely because they built this society for themselves to protect themselves. Which is sad because so many boomers fought against communism, and created all of these modern inventions we use. Building much of the infrastructure and systems we enjoy. They certainly worked hard. But at what cost? That work has all but been erased, decayed, or destroyed. Thanks for the bridges and roads that are falling apart… Enjoy your hard earned Audi paid with that S.S. check. FYI, the country is on fire and Communists occupy half the government.
They scared us into not having kids because “We’re not gonna help raise them”. Which clearly shows they understood the mathematics of raising a kid in today’s economy. They KNEW we couldn’t afford it 15 years ago. Plus, they didn’t want to be grandparents. That much is clear. None of my sisters are married or have kids. And that window closed years ago. My parent’s genetic lineage is left to me. Their daughters(Not my sisters anymore IMHO I don’t call or even talk to them) are such a lost cause I can show them the texts of the Koran, and Marx, and they still look at me and tell me I’M THE PROBLEM.
I love my family and friends who are old and retired. They are encyclopedias of knowledge and experience. But damn, what a bunch of know-it-all cowards. Plus, nearly all of what they were taught about science or social studies remains irrelevant in this day. I tried to explain to my parents once that vaccines are made using nano-technology. They couldn’t believe it, nor did they even know nano-tech was a real science. They believed that “Nano-Tech” was a “one-liner” plot device from Science Fiction movies. Dead serious.
Boomers will quote statistics from 50 years ago and call your modern sources “Unverifiable”. Cause Alex Jones dressed up like a frog once. Ridiculous Clown World nonsense 24/7. I especially love when they interrupt halfway through 3 sentences of a 10 sentence answer and it’s ALWAYS the predictable “CNN” designed retort straight from the mouth of Anderson Cooper. I HATE THAT.
God Bless the Generation who watched “Seinfeld” reruns for the last 20 years. They are SO helpful. Certainly they wouldn’t sell us to the Chinese or Islam. Cause Seinfeld is funny LOL. Once I told my father his geopolitical opinion was $%^&* worthless and if I needed some punchlines to a Seinfeld episode I’ll call him. That shut him up real quick. Cause he knew his son spent 10 years in GWOT and all he did was watch Seinfeld reruns the whole time. Not once did he study the enemy mind. NOT ONCE. Ever. I even bought books for him years ago. They have sat unopened on his desk until my mother said “get this hate literature out of here”. Literally happened.
The “Russian” hoax was again another device created because they “suffered” under the Cold War. This whole thing has been a Psy-Op targeted on the Boomers, who then enforce that rhetoric on the lower aged classes.
Thanks for giving me a childless, diverse and broken Soviet nightmare. I’m gonna really enjoy fixing what’s left…
FYI, I am not talking about God’s country. Just the guys and gals like me who were forced to grow up in these multi-cultural shitholes known as “Urban/Suburban Environments”. The modern day equivalent of a death camp or a gulag.
BTW, the stats for Cigarettes deaths, Heart Disease, and cancer kills about 1,000,000 people a year. So how will we ever know?
Let’s admit that they pulled of a gorgeous attack, and held the momentum. Every future military officer will study this attack as the PEAK of military action in human history. There will be no other equal. Smashing the “Atlantic Wall” will be relegated to the history books with Eisenhower’s Highway System, and the construction of the Internet compared to this event. A side note not even worth studying for the exam.
Our response will be the greatest guerrilla action in history. Europe, Latin America, Africa, and Asia is gonna pop off as soon as we do.
It will be written about in the way that “The shot heard round the world” was
“”The “Pew-Pew-Yeet Got Damn” heard round the world””
Trooper Out,
I’m going shooting range.
#$%^&* $%^
The boomers murdered America.
Johnny Paratrooper,
I am a boomer. Painting any group with a broad brush shows the people watching of the finger pointers insecurities.
73 & God Bless
[…] back at Fun Facts Wednesday – Looking at the ‘Flue’ 2010-19 article from several weeks ago, the ten year influenza average is 37,463 a year. The CDC reports […]