Fun Facts Wednesday – USA Debt Holders
As of this writing the United States National debt is $26,678,000,000,000 that’s (26,678 Trillion for you Biden supporters). Personally, I think our debt is scarier than Biden, AntiFa, BLM, or George Soros. For kicks and giggles let’s look at the top debt holders of our debt as of May, 2020 reported by Value Walk,
- 10 – Belgium $218 B
- 9 – Cayman Islands $219.4 B
- 8 – Switzerland $243.7 B
- 7 – Hong Kong $249.8 B
- 6 – Luxembourg $260.8 B
- 5 – Ireland $282.7 B
- 4 – Brazil $285.9 B
- 3 – United Kingdom $403.2 B
- 2 – China $1.092.3 T
- 1 – Japan $1.268.3 T
Then we have the US Government which owes $12.9 T of our debt; Specifically, Social Security, Office of Personnel Management’s civil service retirement & disability fund, the Department Of Defense military retirement fund, Medicare’s medical insurance trust funds, and the Federal Reserve. Remember when Social Security was supposed to be kept in a locked box?
Last, but most interesting is the largest buyers of gold since April has been the United States and EU’s Central bank. China and India have purchased virtually no gold since April. I suspect most of their revenue is going to purchase food for the upcoming new year thanks to floods, CCP Virus, and other natural events that retarded food production this year.
When the United States starts restricting food sales overseas what will debt holders of our debt do? The simplest thing is to dump the debt and get what you can for it or go to war. Either option will wreak havoc on an already volatile situation here in the United States.
Freedom Through Self-Reliance ™
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China may be buying food now, but they’ve been the largest gold purchaser over the past 6 or 8 years – with various central banks being net sellers.
Johnymac did my computer eat my morning’s reply that started with Proverbs 22:7 The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender. and ended with Proverbs 22:3 The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty. With references to Hurricane Laura?
Sorry if it was too long.
LOL Michael.
I checked trash and spam and it wan’t there. It’s them dang folks in Utah again.
Good quote from the good book Brother. Thanks for taking the time to post.
73 & God Bless