GoodYear Tire – BLM OK Trump Bad – With Update
It appears that Goodyear tire has taken a knee to the wok society specifically their 40,000 employees around the United States.
During a diversity training session for employees the training out lined what was zero tolerance.
Zero Tolerance
Acceptable | Unacceptable |
Black Lives Matter (BLM) | Blue Lives Matter |
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual | All lives Matter |
Transgender Pride (LGBT) | MAGA Attire |
Political Affiliated Slogans or Material |
As reported by Breitbart News;
“A report from WIBW says the “employee who took the photo of the slide, it was presented at the Topeka plant by an area manager and says the slide came from their corporate office out of Akron, Ohio.”
The employee, who wanted to remain anonymous over job concerns, provided a statement to WIBW:
‘If someone wants to wear a BLM shirt in here, then cool. I’m not going to get offended about it. But at the same time, if someone’s not going to be able to wear something that is politically based, even in the farthest stretch of the imagination, that’s discriminatory. If we’re talking about equality, then it needs to be equality. If not, it’s discrimination’.”
Goodyear spokeswoman Melissa Monaco, posted the following to the release of the above screen shot,
Well now, there you go another company that has gotten in line to the wok culture. Obviously, getting ready for The Great Reset coming to the world in 2021.
Freedom Through Self- reliance ™
Post Scriptum August 21, 2020 – Today, Goodyear announced that they are reversing part of their Zero Tolerance policy to allow employees to wear Blue Lives Matter clothing at work. Goodyear CEO and President Rich Kramer announced,
“I deeply regret the impression it has created and want to clarify Goodyear’s position,” Kramer said.
“First, to be clear, Goodyear does not endorse any political organization, party or candidate. We have a longstanding corporate policy that asks associates to refrain from workplace expressions in support of any candidate or political party.
“Second, Goodyear strongly supports our law enforcement partners and deeply appreciates all they do to put their lives on the line each and every day for our communities. We have proudly supplied tires to police and fire personnel for more than 100 years and that relationship is foundational to our company.
“We have clarified our policy to make it clear associates can express support for law enforcement through apparel at Goodyear facilities.”
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You know, I do not like this cancel culture we live in now. Everything is offensive now. So, if they want to go down that road, guess what Goodyear? Since you seem to have turned into a social worker type company, you must have forgotten that you really sell tires, not feelings. And what IS unacceptable to me is this BS virtue signaling patronization to your “associates”. Yes, you sell tires. You must have also forgotten about Capitalism, too, because others sell tires as well. And I will never buy a set from you again. Good luck selling your feelings. Cause you sold out any integrity you had left.
Goodyear is also the primary supplier for military light and heavy vehicle tires as well as aircraft tires. By them implementing this policy, the workers who’re building those tires are going to increasingly half-ass their jobs. Why work for a company that hates you?
Those in the know with Goodyear know they’re on the ropes as it is (just look at the stock quote before this statement).
Well said. Whoever came out with such drivel and anti-American twaddle, from within Goodyear, sounds like they/the person are simpletons to the highest degree possible. Pandering, INDEED! I personally hope they lose a billion dollars, at least, due to their hatred of police and the VERY SYSTEM that allowed them to amass a fortune, because of the LAW & ORDER that they so carelessly trivialize & now UNDERMINE!
I worked at a Good Year store in 2016, there was a company wide memo of a new no tolerance policy for offending trannies. Like if you offend some transgender somehow, you’re immediately fired. We actually had a regular customer who was a tranny. Mark or Marcie, depending on it’s mood that day. This was a big dude, like 6’5 220 or so, long red hair and D cups! It was bullshit having to deal with that weirdos mood swings and obvious psychological problems. Any other customer acting we would have told them to take their car and gtfo. But we couldn’t do that because it was a guy with tits.
Lovely bit of idiocracy we are witnessing in these days.Keeping ones wits intact is a very noble trait.
Strongly agree haha
I’ll be refitting my truck with Cooper tires this winter. All American made and no politicks.
I’m a huge fan of Cooper.
Cooper makes great tires.
I have regular Cooper economy tires on my 2WD daily driver.
I spent all summer going up and down Wyoming rock roads.
Tires are FINE. Nothing wrong with them.
I hope Trump directs GSA and all agencies to cut contracts with Hoodyear and phase out tire purchases for their fleets. I hadn’t thought of aircraft tires. Blacklist them as a lesson. Get Woke/Go Broke.
The thing I can’t understand about all this PC nonsense is every one of these companies is sacrificing an existing customer base for a demographic that doesn’t have the same level of money, doesn’t generally purchase their products, and won’t like them any better if they adopt their PC BS. Who was Gillette hoping to attract with their anti-man ads? Who was Hoodyear expecting to buy their product with this nonsense? With blacks making up about 12% and the homo crowd variously at <1%-5% of the population, where's the benefit of pandering to them if you alienate your existing customer base in the process?
“They”, publicly trading companies, are positioning themselves for the The Great Reset. 2021 will be the official beginning of the NWO – AKA Agenda21.
73 & God Bless
I want to see more red MAGA hats and Trump2020 shirts in the Universe, starting by all corporations worth trading stocks in the Free World. Wear MAGA wear Christian crosses wear you honest God given rights wear Metal
The update allowing “blue lives” gear shoots a hole in their prior statement that the initial slide was not politically motivated. If they truly believed they were acting in a politically neutral way in allowing blm, gay, and tranny gear, then they should have stood firm in their conviction. We know the real deal is that corporate HR departments are some of the biggest pit of vipers for “woke” and far left ideology in American society, and this policy was just a furtherance of their ideological goals.
Spot on.
“80 year old women who work in the HR departments are the some of the most powerful NWO operatives on earth” -Alex Jones