Kim Jong Un in a coma.
Media all over the world is starting to report that North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is in a coma, probably on his deathbed now, and that his sister, Kim Yo Jong, is in position to take over the failed socialist state.
Sorry, guys… The name of the next North Korean dictator is not going to be heavily distinguishable from the last three.
Some months back it was being reported that Kim Jong Un was in bad health and rumors were flying that he was on his deathbed at that time too. In my opinion, and based on my previous intelligence experience working in Area 1 in South Korea during the time of Kim Jong Il’s death, his health probably was very bad and he was possibly close to death at that point too. Prolonged, unexplained absences of major party leaders in the DPRK are usually meaningful from an intelligence analysis standpoint, even if they’re not particularly interesting to casual readers. His absence earlier this year was probably meaningful and health related based on what I was reading at that time, and the recent reports of another coma and another forthcoming dirt nap sound like they have more evidence to them this time than last time. He’s also known for having bad health habits anyway, and having the best medical care the DPRK has to offer probably isn’t going to help his chances much.
In other words, I think this is the real deal, or a prelude to it. One thing to note is that we knew Kim Jong Il was dead at least several days before the media was able to confirm it. The DPRK Politburo has met with nearly unprecedented frequency this year and shuffled around some of the top officials into a more economic focused front. It would appear that there is some anticipation of a leadership change. To my knowledge there is no succession plan set in stone, and Kim Yo Jong may be a stop-gap plan as much as a long term leadership. We’ve all seen though how temporary leaders can tend to consolidate power and entrench themselves. The pattern of nepotism in the DPRK government is likely to continue.
As far as Kim Yo Jong, she grew up in North Korea in privilege and was schooled in Switzerland. Of course. She’s had increasing public appearances over the past 18 months as well. Honestly, none of the personal information about her is significant or meaningful to you or me. Kim Jong Un’s brother was possibly the next man up before he was assassinated with a nerve agent in Kuala Lumpur. Un’s wife, Ri Sol Ju is the “first lady, but isn’t likely to take the leadership herself.
The official number two man is named Choe Ryong Hae, and he is quite influential in the DPRK. However, the number two official does not often take over. Ri Yong Ho was high ranking general in the Politburo during my time in Korea and some thought he may try seize some large amount of power after Kim Jong Un took over. That was not the case. He was removed from his post and executed. I personally do not expect Choe Ryong Hae to take over unless he already has the support of the Politburo.
It remains to be seen what kind of approach our government will have towards the North Koreans if the change happens. I know the US forces in Korea are on high alert now, as they typically are, and my old friends in the G2 at CRC and 210 Fires up at Camp Casey are probably running through some exercises as we speak.
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I was in ROK when the beloved leader Kim Ul Song died back in 94, was getting ready to PCS out of thete, and stationed at Youngsan. It got spicy when we knew our wakeup to their invasion could be artillery in the compound, but they didn’t have fuel to drive to Seoul to follow up with it.
I just ran into a guy at my local gunshop who got back from 16 months of a 12 month deployment on the DMZ(the one full of guns and bombs and mines… stupid name)
Sounds curiously(read as exactly) like stop-loss to me. But, that… that’s just crazy…
The Army would never do that to 11BangBro’s…
Never… not once not ever.
?Coma! Coma! Coma! Commieleon!?
^Sorry. I’m so sorry.
Damn….that’s a good one :)
I’m not convinced that he’s in coma. The media is parroting the report from a sole source. I’m wondering if this is just another North Korean attempt of gaining global attention. The Norks have traditionally made waves when other world wide events are occurring. In this case we have a global pandemic and in the U.S. the media focus is on national politics and the BLM unrest. I wouldn’t be surprised if Un turns up next week at some military event. But if he does take a dirt nap, I won’t shed any tears. My impression of his sister is that she’s very hard core. Notice that she doesn’t carry any excess poundage, unlike Un.
I think he’s been on ice for a while, and they can’t cover it up anymore.
He is probably dead because of all the usual dystopian nightmare society reasons.
However, you aren’t wrong to believe this falls into the same criteria as other North Korean attempts to gain global attention.
There is no doubt that if the world was a kindergarten class, North Korea is the kid who smells bad, steals food without asking, breaks everyones toys, and always has to be the center of attention by being the loudest kid in the class. Despite themselves not being interesting enough to maintain the status of “cool kid”. I also heard North Korea call the teacher “Mom” once. What a bunch of loser.
The interesting part is North Korea has been a Chinese Attack Dog for decades. Used for semi-deniable provocations to keep the world off balance. They have been too quiet for too long so I too think kim-jong-un has been on ice for a while as the Chinese figure out with the Nork Politburo who would be the next “Dear Leader” a nearly “Divine Person” in the eyes of the Party and the people.
Given that China would prefer Biden as President of the USA but the need for Nork New Leadership to SHOW their Power in provoking the US brings an odd situation. Do they use the New Leader to provoke Trump and make him look weak or do they show restraint as it might make Trump into a “War Leader” and their PAID FOR Sock Puppet will perhaps lose the election.
In my opinion if they restrain and Biden looks like a loser then they may provoke the USA while encouraging MOAR street troubles in our cities with selected false flag saboteur actions. Nothing like massive Antifa-BLM riots AND the EBT-Electric Grid crashes.
We live in interesting times as the Chinese curse says.
On the bright side–they make real nice AK-47’s in North Korea, and their army on parade day can goose-step like mother-fuckers, especially their military chicks carrying AK’s. But unlike their Russian counterparts, the NK women are all flat chested (due to malnourshment) and there is not that ‘bounce factor’ (you see in the Russian women)when they are marching.
You know an army is serious when they are trained for prolonged goose-stepping.
All hail our great leader Kim!!
Hopefully when the two Korea’s a reunited—they will demil all the NK AK’s and send more parts kits here to the states.
Here’s an example of NK women marching….