Leftist “Tin Foil Hat” Porn: Resistance sees military removing Trump from office

Coming from the Washington Examiner:

With 80 days left before the presidential election, a new and dangerous rhetoric has emerged from some corners of the Resistance. A number of President Trump’s most implacable critics are fantasizing about deploying the U.S. military to remove him from the White House on Jan. 20, 2021, based on their assumption that a.) he will lose the election, and b.) he will refuse to leave office on his own.

Recently, two retired Army officers speculated about deploying a brigade from the 82nd Airborne Division to overpower Trump’s “private army” that they believe the defeated president will use to try to cling to office. Another retired officer, a former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, imagined the military in battle with armed Trump supporters, the result being that “all bets are off as to how much blood might flow.” In addition, a group of former government officials, political operatives, and journalists concocted a scenario in which Trump actually won reelection but Democrat Joe Biden refused to accept the result in hopes that the military would side with him against the president.

Oh, I see. The 82nd Airborne will definitely do that. Okay. All jokes aside, where is this fear coming from aside from the minds of the hysterical left? As Byron York notes:

The speculation might have been less fevered had anyone actually noted how Trump has behaved in office. For example, what has Trump, as president, done when a judge tells him to stop doing something? He stops doing it. Starting with his travel ban and going on through his plan to end DACA and his move to impose new rules on asylum, his effort to revoke a reporter’s White House credential and his effort to detain families at the U.S.-Mexico border and his move to stop former national security adviser John Bolton’s book and his action to end sanctuary cities and his plan to impose a “public charge” test on immigrants and his multiple attempts to change various environmental policies and his plan to streamline the deportation process and his plan to liberalize energy restrictions and much, much more, Trump has done what judges tell him to do. No, he doesn’t deserve a medal for simply respecting the rule of law. But his conduct in office suggests he will not defy the legally certified result of an election.

He brings up an excellent point. What evidence is there to the contrary, besides rhetoric, that Trump would disregard the Rule of Law? Does he forego some courtesies and traditions? Sure. But I have yet to see him really buck the law. If anything, is used of litigation to shield him from numerous attacks on his taxes, foundation, etc show his reliance on the law. So who are these retired military officers?

Nevertheless, hysterical scenarios are coming from some sources in the Resistance — a phenomenon that is particularly troubling when it comes from men with ties to the military. Start with the two retired Army officers, Paul Yingling and John Nagl. Yingling is a retired lieutenant colonel with several combat tours, including serving as Gen. H.R. McMaster’s deputy in the first Iraq war. Nagl, also a retired lieutenant colonel, is currently headmaster of the Haverford School in Pennsylvania. This week, the two men published, in the mainstream publication Defense One, an article entitled, “‘…All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic’: An Open Letter to Gen. Milley.” The addressee is Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Relying on MSNBC-style talking points, the two argue that the president is facing “near certain electoral defeat” and after losing would face “not merely political ignominy, but also criminal charges.” Nagl and Yingling say an ex-President Trump will face prosecution by the Manhattan District Attorney and the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York for bank fraud, insurance fraud, and “many examples of self-dealing.” This, Yingling and Nagl allege, has made Trump a desperate man. And he has already begun taking desperate measures. “Given this dizzying array of threats not merely to his political prospects, but also his liberty and wealth,” they write, “Mr. Trump is following the playbook of dictators throughout history: he is building a private army answerable only to him.”

Where is this private army? Did I miss the recruitment posters? Oh, they are referring to the federal officers enforcing federal law. Hmm.

By “private army,” Nagl and Yingling appear to be referring to the president’s decision to send Department of Homeland Security officers to Portland, Oregon, to protect the federal courthouse there from rioters. “The members of this private army, often lacking police insignia or other identification, exist not to enforce the law but to intimidate the president’s political opponents,” Nagl and Yingling write.

That is where Milley comes in. Because Trump is a desperate man with a private army at his command, they argue, the Joint Chiefs chairman must order troops into the streets on Inauguration Day. “The clock will strike 12:01 PM, January 20, 2021, and Donald Trump will be sitting in the Oval Office,” Yingling and Nagl write. “The street protests will inevitably swell outside the White House, and the ranks of Trump’s private army will grow inside its grounds. The Speaker of the House will declare the Trump presidency at an end, and direct the Secret Service and Federal Marshals to remove Trump from the premises. These agents will realize that they are outmanned and outgunned by Trump’s private army, and the moment of decision will arrive. At this moment of constitutional crisis, only two options remain. Under the first, U.S. military forces escort the former president from the White House grounds. Trump’s little green men, so intimidating to lightly armed federal law enforcement agents, step aside and fade away, realizing they would not constitute a good morning’s work for a brigade of the 82nd Airborne. Under the second, the U.S. military remains inert while the Constitution dies. The succession of government is determined by extralegal violence between Trump’s private army and street protesters; Black Lives Matter Plaza becomes Tahrir Square.”

So, basically, Trump refuses to leave the office and his private army will have to square off against the 82nd Airborne. That would make a hell of a movie. all jokes aside, here is the truly troubling aspect to all of this (emphasis added):

What is one to make of such a hallucinatory vision? “It’s bananas,” said one Republican lawmaker who has been following the talk. But it is more than just crazy, although it is crazy. It is chilling that retired military men are discussing military intervention in the transfer of political power based on Maddow-esque theorizing about the president’s imagined motivations and actions.

The 82nd Airborne out of Fort Bragg

It is incredibly troubling indeed. Besides giving Leftists some Coup Porn (as the article is so aptly titled), why is this theorizing even occurring? What is the military being talked about in ANY regard with relation to the transfer of power. Indeed, one of the biggest differences between the United States of America and other nations is that, for 244 years, we have had a bloodless transition of power. That is not to say that there was not conflict (ATTN: Civil War), but rather that no one has used military force to seize power or maintain power.

There is, however, another scenario being played out by another officer, retired Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson (former Chief of Staff to General Colin Powell). While he talks about the problems with a Biden narrow victory (the belief being that a Biden blowout would make Trump leave with little fanfare), his bigger concern is actually with a Trump victory:

The big problem came when the experts at the Transition Integrity Project gamed out a clear Trump victory. In that scenario, as in the 2016 election, Trump lost the popular vote but won the Electoral College — meaning he won the presidency. But Biden and his Democratic supporters would not accept the election verdict. The transition period was wild. Biden pushed the Democratic governors of states Trump won to reject the president’s electors and substitute Biden electors instead. Democrats encouraged some states to secede from the United States to put pressure on Trump. Biden’s campaign made wild demands in exchange for conceding, such as statehood for Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico, and breaking up California to add new Democratic senators. A standoff ensued. Trump had without doubt won the presidency, but Democrats were willing to do virtually anything to keep the president from his second term. Finally, Inauguration Day came with the situation “unresolved.” The group’s report said: “It was unclear what the military would do in this situation.” The suggestion, never made explicit, was that Democrats would seek the military’s help in evicting the constitutionally elected president from the White House.

In June, Biden himself raised the possibility of the military removing Trump from office and praised retired generals and admirals who publicly condemned Trump’s handling of rioting around the country. Asked by Comedy Central’s Trevor Noah if he had considered the possibility of Trump losing and refusing to leave office, Biden quickly answered, “Yes, I have. And I was so damn proud — you have four chiefs of staff coming out and ripping the skin off of Trump. And you have so many rank-and-file military personnel saying, ‘Whoa, we’re not a military state. That is not who we are.’ I promise you, I am absolutely convinced they will escort him from the White House with great dispatch.”

I am going to go out on a limb and say that the military would not remove a constitutionally elected President. Sure, the Officers may order it so, but the rank and file would by and large ignore it. But the idea that the Left will reject Trump’s Electoral College win is almost a certainty, and would be the death knell for the Electoral College once the Left got back in power.

This article highlights something that we here at American Partisan have been talking about for a long time: it ain’t gonna get better. No matter who wins in November, there is going to be conflict and unrest. What are you doing to get prepared? Are you training? Are you buying supplies?

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page: http://bit.ly/BrushbeaterStore


  1. Anonymous August 14, 2020 at 13:44


  2. Johnny Paratrooper August 14, 2020 at 16:27

    “The 82nd will remove the president from office” said no-one who served in the 82nd Airborne ever in all of history…

    Wow. LMAO. Wow. The chain of command has truly failed itself. Clearly, I should have prepped as many straight-jackets as body bags for EPW/A&L.

    Just like when they ordered us to Syria and we said “No; Make Us.”
    Well, they made us print out all of our LES paperwork. Which read “Zeroes” straight down the paper.
    0 days of leave. 0 Pay. 0 Time in service. ZEROES ON THE WHOLE PAPER. Zero classes, or days in combat country.

    Right… ok. Remember when you gave us machine guns and said “Rangers lead the way”?

    Well, We did…

    Then, they briefed us about how we are mutinous and other such non-sense.
    Too which we replied… “The Syrian Rebels…They fly marxist and jihadi flags?”
    The leadership said “That’s way above your pay grade”

    Needless to say… We won that argument. ‘Cause the enlisted man is a man.

    Phase Two begins end of the month.
    This response letter to General Flynn’s warning order is pitiful at best.

  3. Matt Bracken August 14, 2020 at 16:32

    This is why the Left is fighting so hard for universal mass mail-in balloting. They know this will muddy the waters of any final result, and permit them to manufacture as many fake ballots as they need, and “find” them by the thousands for weeks after November 3. Then their slavishly loyal Marxist media will scream that every vote must count, and count, and count….until Biden is declared the victor.

    And if Trump resists the blatantly counterfeit mail-in ballot theft of the election, the Left thinks that their Marxist generals will send the 82nd to the White House to drag Trump out.

    Of such insane fever dreams are bloody civil wars instigated. As if life in America would just return to status quo ante after a military coup.
    In this situation, participating military units would not be operating in foreign lands thousands of miles from home, their families safe and secure.
    No, in this situation, the coup plotters and participants would be painting targets on themselves as traitors and domestic enemies. These traitorous generals will not be sending kill-capture orders from secure bunkers thousands of miles from their homeland. They live among us. We know who they are. They will never be out of reach.

    • Johnny Paratrooper August 14, 2020 at 19:09

      The 82nd Airborne is not going to violate the will of the people.
      Their unofficial motto is “I’m the 82nd and this is as far as the bastards are going”
      The 82nd is full of the most hardcore anti-communist, anti-islamist forces you have ever met.
      They don’t use words like “radical” islam, or “socialist” in the 82nd.
      The SF and the 82nd are brothers. We fly, die, and cry; together.
      60% of the SF is prior 82nd.
      It’s not gonna happen…

      I watched 300 GRF Paratroopers tell Obama to “GFY” when they ordered us to Syria. Lead by me, and about 20 NCO’s

      Will not happen. Ever.

      • americanlife702 August 15, 2020 at 15:42

        I didn’t know that happened with Obamao! Great job!!! Absolutely Outstanding! I wonder if you know my Cousin. He was Airborne. Not sure if the 82nd but I think it was. N Adams.

  4. Alan Burquist August 14, 2020 at 18:11

    The 400yd cold shot test.. 1 shot only, first shot of the day.. Freestyle, any weapon any position.. Target is a 1 gallon milk jug, filled with water and red food coloring.. When hit, they burst nicely! A couple years ago, I started taking screen snaps of Traitorous swine who I absolutely despise.. Hahaha, you would all most likely recognize them.. Crop the face pics to the correct proportions, resize and color print them out on full notebook size paper, so they are real life size! Glued them to the milk jugs..

    LOL, turned out to be rather popular with my shootin buddies..

    • Johnny Paratrooper August 14, 2020 at 19:20

      Another great target to use is coloring comic books from the dollar store. The characters are displayed in different sizes from different profiles. Pretty decent training for the new guys. I had dudes taking out entire pages full of storm troopers with half a mag.

  5. Anonymous August 14, 2020 at 20:44


  6. brunop August 14, 2020 at 23:26

    This is only another example of ‘projection’ by Commies, wherein they accuse the enemy of doing the VERY thing that they are doing. It’s the Commies who wouldn’t leave offie if they were elected ‘out’ by the voice of the people. Because they are smarter, remember?

    Too many examples to list, but you can start with “Colluding with Russia”, while HRC & the State Department were selling U.S. uranium to UraniumOne.

  7. Richard August 15, 2020 at 04:13

    If my LT told us we’re going to serve as cordon around WH to support a coup, me and my friends are gonna take charge of our platoon real quick. Plenty of us are not gonna support that messed up shit at all!

  8. Anonymous August 15, 2020 at 09:17


  9. Coldsteel1983 August 16, 2020 at 15:36

    “ The suggestion, never made explicit, was that Democrats would seek the military’s help in evicting the constitutionally elected president from the White House.”

    I believe that there is a pretty sizable number of senior and flag rank officers that would embrace that idea of it “were for the greater good”…

    Getting more than, say half the unit to go along with this insanity would also be pretty difficult.

    Throw in the masses of armed Americans that would likely converge on the District of Criminals and we would have a high octane brew in place for the initiation of our next CW.

    • NC Scout August 16, 2020 at 15:39

      I agree.

  10. cali August 16, 2020 at 16:32

    There is indeed a riff between the Pentagon’s Military Industrial Complex and the rest of the military like the Army. Remember that Flynn planned on auditing the Pentagon who after all employed and paid Stefan Halper who helped frame Flynn.
    I would recommend watching the movie/documentary on either Hulu or Netflix titled “Dirty Wars” and you can get a glimpse of the characters out of JSOC/Military industrial complex. There are two who are McRaven and McCrystal – both deep state members always assisting coups in other countries. Wesley Clark was another one.

    Remember NYT reporter Michael Hastings? He tried but failed to save his own life after he planned to write an expose about McCrystal and Brennan. He was on the run afraid due to the death threat he received. In the end his brand new Mercedes blew up after remote access speeding and running red lights. He never had a chance.

    So yes – the president is a danger to this Military Industrial Complex as he is ending all these needless and bogus wars. Knowing today that 9/11 was a FF and inside job we occupied and destroyed two countries sending many of our men and women to their deaths.
    This is a billion dollar industry ergo they want to keep that racket going so naturally a loss of re-election would be a welcome for these military men.
    So far president Trump has NOT started a war although repeated attempts to bait him into Iran and Syria fell flat.

    The democrats have no chance of winning and will lose by a landslide based on their refusal to represent their constituents in all the states with riots, looting, burning, murder and more. Ordering police to stand down or refuse to call the National Guard to assists as well as rejecting the offer of this president to help is all by design. We have been infiltrated and are fighting an insurgency: CCP, Iran, CAIR, Cartels and the ISIS trained Antifa have hijacked the BLM protests causing not only damages across cities and states but also fear among citizens living in these democratic run states.
    Having miscalculated the imported virus length calls for more violence in hope to keep everything locked down until the election. The media plays their part in this pushing the fear porn of the deep state Fauci, Gates and WHO et al gang on citizens while basically putting them on house arrests equipped with mandatory face masks.

    The virus will be declared over on 4 November – oe day after the election.
    It was never about the virus – it was always about the lection, power and control.

    Mike Flynn will have the last laugh about these scheisters whom not one came to his aid while being loudly declared a traitor by judge Sullivan and more. Not hearing from one of these officer speaking out in support of Flynn was telling!

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