Rand Paul Attacked By BLM – Video
Well now, it appears ‘peaceful protesters’ accosted Sen. Ron Paul and his wife on their way to the White House last night.
Rand Paul just got chased by a crowd back to his hotel, after leaving the White House from Trump’s Republican Party Nomination #DC #DCProtests pic.twitter.com/h1kPcZG1jh
— Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) August 28, 2020
Then we have RNC convention attendees accosted by peaceful protesters as they leave the event.
— Tim Carney (@TPCarney) August 28, 2020
a camera man was just chased out pic.twitter.com/GqTJRSG2ml
— Jordan Chamberlain (@jordylancaster) August 28, 2020
Remember, Joe Biden supports these peaceful protesters.
Freedom Through self-reliance ™
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[…] “Protesters could be heard shouting “No Justice No Peace” and “Say Her Name” before one appears to briefly clash with an officer, pushing him and his bike backward, sending the officer into Paul’s shoulder.” according to CBS News. We’ve got the video up, here. […]
Here’s a surprise for AP readers, Pennsylvania’s governor, the communist Tom Wolf, also loves him some BLM. He was recently photographed carrying a BLM Matters sign as he paraded down a street with fellow BLM’ers.
We are in deep dung in the FUSA !
Never despair my friend.
For they are locked in here with us.
Not the other way around.
“They are in front of us, behind us, and we are flanked on both sides by an enemy that outnumbers us 29:1.”
“They can’t get away from us now!” – Lewis B. “Chesty” Puller, USMC
“They’ve got us surrounded again, the poor bastards.” – Gen. Creighton Abrams
There is a spirit in this country that lives in the soul of every man, woman. and child.
They made a terrible, and tragic, miscalculation; As do many tyrants. Their first mistake was getting rid of our meritocracy. For if we still had a meritocracy, they would have the best, and brightest communists on their side. Instead, they chose to forgo the natural order of things, in favor of an artificial environment in which they thrive through the use of sedition and subversion.
That artificial environment is the only thing keeping them alive.
Remember that, and remember your training. And you will come back alive.
What’s once old is current again Hosea 8:7 “They have planted the wind and will harvest the whirlwind. The stalks of grain wither and produce nothing to eat. And even if there is any grain, foreigners will eat it.
Like my attempted comment about your debt article earlier this week the debt repayment is coming due, the Democrats are paying street army’s to riot “peacefully” in the streets and our Republic is in dire straits. The covert civil war between Trump and those that support him and those that wish to take total power and destroy all they cannot control is going HOT.
Pray for our leaders to deal properly with the Traitors in the Deep State-Socialist-Democrats-RHINOS soon or we will have Nothing to Eat as per Hosea 8:7
Paul was on Fox and Friends this morning. The mob scared the shit out of him. He mentioned at the end of the interview he thought most the mob was from out of town and that someone was paying them and both of those are illegal.
No shit Rand, now go find out who’s behind it. And don’t stop until you find Soros.
It certainly appears the commies are working out logistics. Something of interest; they are moving assets across the rural areas to get to the urban centers. Just short of air drops, that’s to our advantage. It’s just a matter of time before the good ole boys start interrupting this BS.
Yeah that was for sure somebody’s logistics operation. 9 people between a bus, a “bread truck” (I’ll assume that’s some kind of large, step van delivery style vehicle) and a minivan? Minivan is transport for that squad. Bus is troop transport. Bread truck is gear transport.
A couple of things come to mind:
1) That’s a fairly decent degree of planning and sophistication. Not exactly cheap, either.
2) “received a citizen tip” I wonder if there are some other sophisticated sorts around that deliberately monkey wrenched this operation, or if that’s a police report-ism for good cop instincts.
Using bicycles as expedient barricades is some good thinking. Bicycle helmets are also way better than nothing when heavy objects start flying. Neither count as “riot control gear”. I think I’d want some eyepro though.
First time I saw that technique deployed was in Cleveland 4 years ago at the RNC. CPD had lines of bike cops between convention goers and the scummy marxists. It was super effective- like a mobile barricade. Officers shoulder to shoulder with bike wheels interlocked was nearly impenetrable. Back then, the city officials actually wanted to protect the visitors- doesn’t appear to be the case this time in DC.