What Do You Want, Exactly? A Response, by Practical Man
A submitted response to the questions posed in “What Do You Want, Exactly?” – NCS
Hawken, your thoughts on the desirability of a coherent set of principles to guide the mobilization of patriotic defense against the ongoing insurrection is right on target. As you well know, sustained support from ordinary people is essential to building a productive society. That flows from clear principles to guide the interactions and priorities of the people. In short, a political manifesto that defines “who we are” and “what people like us do”. Think 10 Commandments. We are people who follow this God and the first 4 commandments define that relationship. The last 6 commandments define how we interact with one another; what people like us do (in a negative rights way because it lists things people like us don’t do).
As a practical matter, Americans are unlikely to support a theocratic philosophy. Many are religious, they just don’t want a government based on one particular religion. And for many good reasons. So, we need something else.
Your proposal of No Domination and it’s supporting 12 points are good ones. I applaud your effort, despite some of the Negative Nancy comments that border on a terminal case of Karen! “Let me speak to your manager because good enough isn’t perfect”.
Your approach skirts the boundaries of traditional Libertarianism, which is far different from the anarchist anything goes versions portrayed in popular media. There are only a few principles.
First, Voluntary Association. No one is forced to associate with or engage in business with anyone they choose not to. It’s a fundamental liberty that underpins everything else and eliminates the need for all mannner of redistribution or obligations for every citizen. Mutual Aid societies are great and encouraged, so long as everyone voluntarily agrees. Folks won’t want to associate with bad people, so they’re left out until they mend their ways and assimilate. Harsh, but practical. The idea extend to freedom of contract, etc., ensuring no one is obligated to engage in practices they disagree with but also ensuring if you don’t work then no one is going to feed you unless they choose to. It assures property rights lie with productive people and groups.
Second. No force except in self defense. This supports the voluntary rule of interaction. You can always defend yourself against aggression or claims on your property.
Third. No fraud. Fraudulent representations undermine the voluntary principle. Fraud Disputes are resolved through arbitration.
That’s about it. Adults do as they like and bear the consequences. It’s a system fit for a moral people, and designed to produce a moral people.
It’s not anarchy. There’s a need for government to do a few things that are best done uniformly and collectively.
– maintain a constabulary or military to protect the territory and the people from foreign incursion or organized insurrection. (Defense against force or fraud is necessary and good).
– establish laws to ensure property rights and courts adjudicate disputes. There is potential for trouble here because men are not angels and tend to use legal maneuvering for personal advancement. Still, it’s helpful to have a body of agrees procedures for conducting honest business and a way to punish those who won’t follow the simple principles of No Force,
no Fraud.
– Establish and maintain sound money to facilitate exchange. This really means no fiat currency that distorts the real value of economic activity. Precious metals work just fine until the too clever crowd starts engaging in fraudulent speculation.
It’s all fairly straightforward and consistent with our founding principles. These bumper stickers avoid the baggage and implications of just invoking the constitutional firms that have been distorted over the generations. No room for imposing obligation on one group by declaring rights for another group, etc etc.
Bracken points out that near term defensive requirement leave little time and attention for philosophy. That’s probably true for the physical force advocates. It’s also not sustainable. War fatigue is a real thing, even for hard core purists.
A dual track approach is always needed for a sustainable movement. The main effort can and does shift as new factors emerge and develop.
At bottom, a physical force approach is needed for defense. This may often be the main effort. It’s also resource intensive and literally taxes those not directly involved in defense. Physical force can never be the only effort because it eventually consumes itself like the Jacobins.
A Coherent political program is always necessary. One based on simple and broadly agreed principles is good. You’ve taken a great step toward crafting one that probably fits your AOR well. Thanks for sharing it.
None of this is intended as a lecture. Just a conversation of sorts and a way of saying that many other people have and are grappling with this beast. Keep working at it and don’t be discouraged by naysayers or folks that think the bullet and the bomb are the only solutions to a problem. Getting the philosophy right is essential to winning hearts and minds. Lord knows we mucked that up in recent wars and ended up with irrelevant programs that disappointed everyone. We can’t afford to makes those same mistakes in our own neighborhoods.
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I like your ideas…
I want Good neighbors. I don’t care about your sexual mores UNLESS they harm the innocent, they belong in the privacy of your bedroom to have NOTHING to do with politics or how people do business transactions. I don’t care what idiot drugs you choose to dump into your body UNLESS you harm innocents. I DO NOT Feel the need to pay for your treatment even Narcan for OD’s. Be a fool pay the price. DEALERS should be ID’ed given a fair trial, stripped of all their worth and SHOT in the public square. I’m sure civic minded souls would volunteer for clean up later. I want Professional Politicians to become extinct. No more buying voters and selling of our country to line he pockets of the donors that paid for that politician to get into office and have a professional career of the prostitution our country for their gain. One term and that’s the END of your Career. THEN People that really WANTED to do something Good for the Country could get selected for that duty.
I want the Constitution stripped of all the “Living Document” crap (It says WHAT it says) reinstated as Law of the Land. Prisons for slave labor must stop. Kamilla the soon to be next President (if the voter fraud Democrats have anything to say) was very willing to imprison young men for Weed to provide California’s slave prisons labor force. She is very willing to imprison ALL of us for her power madness. The Constitution as WRITTEN not re-written by Living Document BS would have forbade her even being in the running.
Indeed the insane monster of the Deep State would never occur with the sparse “Powers” given to the Federal Government.
Our forefathers literally put their Freedom, Lives, their Fortunes and the Sacred Honor on the line with very real British Prison Hulks in Boston and NY Harbors filled with people literally rotting away with out fair trial. They wrote those laws NOT over a weekend but YEARS of strong discussions by very learned and opinionated people to PROTECT their “Victory” from falling into the trap of tyranny. They had found 7 LONG YEARS to toss off a despot King. What did Ben Franklin say when asked after the final Constitutional Convention “Madam you have a Republic IF you can Keep it”.
This battle sad to say is above my paygrade. I will defend my family, my EMS (incudes police and fire department) and my community from the domestic terrorist foot soldiers of the Socialist-Democrats. Sad to say I have to be careful not to be arrested for harming such “Peaceful Protestors” as described filming in front of a burning Target and looting by the Traitor Media. I can easily be put into prison or killed striking at the leaves of this Poison Ivy plant CREATED by the Deep State Color Revolution against Trump and all that support him. The roots must be destroyed and that’s the job of Trump-Barr-and Durham and I am praying they get it done correctly so no weasels wiggle out to harm our Republic again.
Very good article. Thank you.
Seems like we have lots of Patriots, that are training to send
LOTS of rounds downrange, at targets that don’t mean Jack Shit!
IMO, it is MORE important, to train for sending LESS rounds
downrange, at targets that REALLY MATTER..
These Mobs of petty thugs on the street are just decoys.. They
could NEVER operate the way they are, without Legal/Political cover..
Those who provide that cover, are the Targets that really matter..
You know who I am talking about, the Closet Communist, Prostituted
Lawyers, Prosecutors, Judges, who are destroying our Justice System..
Those who prevent Police from doing their rightful duty to the public..
If you look back at history, to the death squads of South America..
THOSE were the targets that they eliminated.. Ones that MATTERED!
Well, I’ve said what no one else really wants to say! If we must take
the fall anyway, then lets make damn sure that our actions are EFFECTIVE!
It’s just the Truth, and I have been PNGed from other sites for saying it!
I hope not this time, I like this web community..
I see the enforcers to be as important as the leaders. They are one in the same. Different organs of a bacteria working together for the greater good of a godless parasite species.
Also, the core tenants of Marxism and Islam requires all the members to be leaders and enforcers of their own ideology.
Similar to the writings of our founders. “The men” they reference in their writings is us.
I’m with Johnny (big surprise, huh. We’re Drone Strike alumni)
Yes fewer rounds against critical targets are a good thing, but leaving too many capable adversaries in the field is a mistake.
We tried “cutting off the head” and when we did it in conjunction with attriting the mid-level and the logistic types we made headway.
The precepts in the piece above are good ones. I like three simple ideas. I’m not sure the Founders can be equalled much less surpassed, but maybe we do need a “Cliff’s Notes” version as well.
The Founders of our great nation were explorers, soldiers, philosophers, inventors, writers, leaders, and agrarians. The whole world knew our leaders were great men. This is unfolding again. Elon Musk, Alex Jones, Trump, Loomer, This website, Bracken, Infowars, Roger Stone, Flynn… it’s all the same thing. Joe Rogan, Gab, WRSA, all of it is OUR movement vs. theirs.
It’s all the same Events. Our history is repeating itself. This is the pattern that all Sea-change revolutions follow. One side is amazing, the other, not so much. One side inspires global Revolutionary action. The other reminds people why standing up, and fighting to the death, is the only choice.
Benjamin Franklin started over 100 clubs, and managed more than a few of them. One of those clubs turned into the U.S. Post Office. Trump leased the Old Post Office in DC. It’s Called Trump International at the Old Post Office. Trump is a lot like Ben Franklin. Everyone was friends with Ben Franklin. Same as Trump. I have even met Trump.
You think Trump Sleeps at the Whitehouse?
I worked on Trump International for 5 months.
I clapped for him when he visited the job after his announcement. Everyone did. I cried like I’d lost a friend in GWOT because I KNEW what has going to happen. I could feel it.
After that I went to a very special Law Firm…
Phase 2 coming soon… collaborators and traitors are being arrested now. That’s not QAnon stuff, but it is… I’m still not sure what’s going on. But everyone I know “Who knows” says, “It’s gonna be Ok, Just relax.”
One of the first targets the British hit when they burned down DC in the War of 1812 was the Patents Office. Another one of Franklin’s projects IIRC. Who knows what was lost, it was written to hold inventions as great as “The Library of Alexandria”. Probably a slight exaggeration.
Currently, Our institutions are not worth saving. But burning them down doesn’t make sense. With Covid lockdowns, the colleges are being turned into Super Max Prisons if you listen to Infowars too much. I love Infowars, but it sounds more like my college is being turned into a Forward Operating Base. During the Spanish Civil War, the Communists turned the Schools into Militant Camps. I don’t see the contact tracing as keeping people locked in, but keeping us locked out.
That man on camera doesn’t have a phone matching his location ID? He is enemy…
This will happen again. They are cloistering.
We will have to dig all of them out the hard way.
“They Follow A Very Predictable Pattern of Life”
-N.C. Scout
Get. Ready. Now.
I had fun at the shooting range today.
600 rounds, no malfunctions. Pure mag dumps Glock Amirite?
I’m writing a piece for this site. I hope you enjoy it.
It’s gonna motivate, and titillate.
I don’t wanna drop the piece till after the Republican National Convention.
Big Arrests coming. You can already see the lower guys making deals. I knew about this last month.
Ya’ll are gonna be so happy, and proud.
God Bless this Country. We truly are the best.
Also, Thanks for visiting my friends and family in Wyoming. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves.
We enjoyed your company so much. Those mountains get a little lonely.
We should do it again after the war.
Truly we shall, Brother; those who come through it. For those who don’t a raised glass and a kind word would be nice.
Range day tomorrow. Working from full gear which hasn’t been really worked in this country. Been “concealed” for a long time, now preparing to be overt when the time comes.
I have faith that good will prevail. It takes faith – and patience. Looking forward to traitors being frog-marched and given the fair trials they would deny to us. If those trials are fair, I look forward to them dying the traitors death.
Vaya con Dios, Brother
People keep asking, where is the response to the leftists rampaging in the streets?
I think most people of a conservative, right leaning libertarian bent recognize that meeting them in the streets gives them the propaganda victories they are seeking. See: Battle of Algiers and Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. The easiest way to lose is to engage on your enemy’s terms.
We are individualists, not collectivists. When action is taken it will likely be taken mostly as individuals, the smallest minority and the hardest cell to penetrate.
We will know that the other side has joined the fray when these events start occurring.
Hmmmm….so the men who stood on Lexington Green 19 April 1775 had better arguments, better options, than just sending balls center mass into the confiscating Lobsterbacks ?
The “Shot” heard round the world was literally shot.
They used mostly Shotgun pellets loaded in their weapons.
The British had been slowly taking away weapons from the Americans. One of those things confiscated wasn’t just weapons and powder, but the molds to make balls. They had to make “drop pellets” using molten lead dropped into water as they couldn’t find proper bullet molds. At one point in time during the American Revolution our soldiers had only 27 kegs of powder total in the entire east coast theater.
The pellets fired by a few men injured dozens of troops when they fired into the columns.
They also chased those lobster-coats down and harassed them the entire way back to Boston, which they controlled for a year or two prior to the incursion into disputed territory. The Americans ambushed, injured, and killed 272 men.
An ancestor answered the call on 19 April. A 24 year-old farmer with a wife and children. Can I do any less?
what are rules for engagement
what i mean is riots come to my neighborhood, all steal, burn, harm done today yet in my development. Nothing done by law. Do I have to wait till I am directly threatened or can I protect my neighbors too?