What Do You Want, Exactly? by Hawken
Valid questions. -NCS
If you ask a Communist what he wants, he can tell you:
- Global Revolution
- Dictatorship Of The Proletariat
- Socialization Of The Means Of Production
- The New Man
- A classless society
If you ask someone in the Patriot community what he wants, it’s really unusual to get a concise answer. “We want freedom” or, “We want to protect the Constitution” are the most common answers. In a world where simplification is usually a good thing, these answers are overly simplified and vague. They don’t address our problems completely, systematically or in enough detail. At the same time, the initial message, the plausible promise of the movement must be stated fully AND succinctly. So, I have come up with Twelve Key Points to answer the question, “What Do You Want?”
What we want;
- Equal Freedom; No domination
- The rule of law; not the rule of men or mobs.
- Self-government exercised by competent citizens.
- Accountable representative government limited by the rule of law
- End of corruption in all of its forms
- Peace among us and with the world
- Inalienable rights; All of our rights all of the time.
- Justice without injustice
- Universal values.; Human life, dignity, respect, happiness
- Vision, action, hope
- Sanity: a sane society based on reason and reasonableness
- Culture of honor
Twelve basic statements of principle which probably should be presented as thesis statements, all of which must be expanded on, but which encompass the most basic list of problems to be addressed.
Thanks for Reading;
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Brother Hawken, what I want, and I believe what all American Partisan supporters want, is One Nation Under God, Again. I believe all American Partisan supporters are Christian Nationalists (of all races) who love God, family and country. Our mortal enemies are the Atheist Globalists, who are communists, fascists, corporatists, scientific materialists and technocrats, all of whom are just useful idiots controlled by the Oligarchs and their international banksters. The Zionists and Muslims (aka communists with a pseudo-god) also hate us because we stand in their way of global control, too. Yes, we face seemingly insurmountable odds today, but I am reminded of my favorite childhood Bible story about Gideon and his 300 warriors. Somewhere amongst our American Partisan supporters we will find our modern day Gideon and his 300 warriors. God Bless us one and all, and God Bless the USA!
The problem with statement number 2, is men make laws. They interpret laws. A reading of the Soviet Constitution and an understanding of Soviet history shows us statement number 2 is a fatal flaw.
Replace it with REASON, which is what this country was truly founded on.
In Arizona, laws used to be based on “reasonable and prudent”. The courts changed the law to define reasonable and prudent to whatever the legislature said it was.
Frank is correct. It was The Age of Reason and the accepted primacy of the concept of Reason that led to the European Enlightenment featuring such works as John Locke’s “Treatise of Government” (Life, Liberty, and Property), the recognition of what rights are and why they are inalienable. Property rights are the basis of all true liberty, for one must have control over his own person, his own actions, and his own product (what he produces), in order to be free. Someone who produces while “others” decide how to dispose of what he produces is a slave. The ultimate expression of the philosophy of Reason was the American Revolution against Britain, A war started over the denial of property rights, and the American Nation and Constitution that followed that sought to preserve these ideals. The Founders thought that what they had built could possibly last for about 80 years or so and they were quite right. The end of the Age of Reason in the 1820’s and the rise of anti reason, emotionalist philosophies such a Transcendentalism in America and associated anti-American political movements led to the regional philosophical split and ultimately civil war in 1861, The southern states found that the people of the north were interpreting the meaning of the 1789 Constitution very differently than how it was intended when written. That Constitution had therefore failed to protect them from the evil of simple majority rule and they elected to leave and form a new nation with a new Constitution, The Confederate States Constitution was an improvement in many ways. It got rid of the vague and easily exploited preamble featuring the dreaded phrase “..Promote the general welfare” and established that any law enacted must pertain to a single subject only and that that subject must be expressed in the title. Sadly these improvements were overshadowed by language protecting the institution of chattel slavery. The point remains that despite its greatness, our Constitution has ultimately failed to protect us and becomes increasingly ignored with each passing day. Like the people of the south, we should lament that fact that it has come to this but not lose sight of what is most important, That the primacy of Reason should prevail in all affairs of mortal men and that we can establish a new Constitution to better protect our inalienable rights to Life, Liberty, and Property. Obviously we have a lot of work to do before we get to that point and it is clear the only way to secure our very survival is victory. Rest assured, our enemies hate Reason, they hate Life, and they certainly hate Liberty and intend to exterminate us. We have the monopoly of righteousness, not them as they like to pretend. Let us remember that when the hard work begins in earnest.
Just cause John Locke wrote some nice words, and is included in every political science 101 course doesn’t mean he had any effect on the world.
If you will recall, we( The Anglo-Saxon) settled” the debate about divine rights several hundred years ago. Nearly 1,000 if you come from the right pedigree. I have some Arab in me. My Arab blood learned about the divine right to rule Long before my German-Celtic blood every considered the notion.
Welcome to the party…
How’s Prince Harry and the Queen?
See how nothing changed?
Machiavellian politics IS politics. Everything else is new curtains, some paint, some trim, and a rug.
By the way, Americans are so funny when it comes to Zionists and Communists.
Israel was founded by Russian Communists with the help of “Zionists” like the Rothchilds.
Just because Zionists believe in god doesn’t make them automatically “Not Communists”
Muslims like Marx because his criticism of the Feudal system was accurate in Islamic societies. Feudal Christian society was an oath based system of loyalty. 100% voluntary, with the exception of some land locked slaves like Russia. The reason Marx failed in the west is because he incorrectly Analyzed Feudal systems and the relationship between men and women, employer and employee, and resources.
That wasn’t true for the rest of the world. And is why communism spread like a wild fire during the 20th century.
Technically speaking, this experiment will Fail
Ideologically because NONE of marx’s teachings apply to the west. Hell, we practically have them Marxism light and they still don’t get it…
These are the people who should have been locked in looney bins, but instead I have to live in clown world. Clown world is a self correctly course. Like a stable orbit.
Very well said. I especially agree with your comments on the importance of the protection of property. The founders understood that happiness and property were two sides of a coin. You cannot have one without the other. I also agree with our comments on the constitution for the Confederate States that addressed most of the weak elements of the original united States constitution.
I always, enjoy the comments by Johnny Paratrooper, which for the most part, provides a reality check on the unfavorable communist insurgency that we are currently in. Johnny Paratrooper points out that we are not going to get our rights back, and asking for them is the second mistake. In principle he is correct, although, being the contrarian optimist that I am, I am convinced that we will get them back when we fight for them.
The fact that this website exists, confirms that there are thousands, if not tens of thousands of Americans that are reaching their limit on their patience regarding the communist insurgency. These Americans have lost their jobs, their businesses, and their dignity all caused by the Brotherhood of Darkness and its puppets in the city, state and federal governments along with their other globalist corporations and foundations, using the CCP virus as the excuse for the destruction of main street. And while they are attempting to destroy our God given rights, they will fail because American Christian patriots are slowly beginning to stand-up to the puppets and their master. The momentum will only increase.
There will be a reaction. When? I do not know. The momentum is slowly building while Americans are seeing the destruction of their culture, and they do not like what they are seeing. Even six months ago most people would never admit that there is a communist insurgency in America, but now these people are openly talking about it. The tension continues to tighten, and as the tension increases, the greater the destructive force will be from the coming spring back.
As one famous analyst has stated ” when people lose everything, they lose it!”
Be prepared, be decisive.
A fine article and a much needed attempt toward clarifying what are usually statements of values and sentiment but without clear definitions. I think it’s unlikely all these things can be super clarified anyway; but the problems are towp: first, the devil is always in the details, But if you fail to operationalize values and precepts, you’re left with nothing but slogans, and that is what the left is master of.
Thanks for a concrete, specific way of effectively countering the basic, fatal mistake of those who want socialism/communism: their fundamental error in assessing human nature. The last 100 years have seen so many attempts at implementing different forms of socialism, and all have turned out tyrannically and badly in the end – because of that mistake.
This is indeed a good starting place.
You aren’t getting your rights back.
And asking for them was the second mistake.
The malls and schools in Democrat zones are never going to return to free carry of weapons, or the right to a redress of grievance.
Somethings I think that members of the right wing have never been the victim of a neighborhood gang, school bully, bad boss, or bad cop.
You simply aren’t going to negotiate of reason with them. They already negotiated and reasoned their way into you life.
I learned to stomp people’s teeth out of their head when I was 15. When I was 14 I learned you can win the battle, but they always continue the war.
Bullies don’t fade to black. They ambush you on the way to school and slash your tires.
Honestly, I just want to be left alone.