Who is running the Democrat asylum
Is anybody getting the feeling that the Democrat party wants to lose the election to Donald Trump? Let us look at the past several weeks as examples.
“If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,”
Now if Trump had said any of these three things it would have been covered on the MSM ad nauseam – “Orange Man Bad.”
Then we have the NY state Attorney General Letitia James suing to dissolve the NRA for inappropriate use of funds by leaders of the 501c corporation.
Whether you agree with the 164-page suit or not, does the Democrat party know about the tens of thousands of new firearm owners since March 1, of this year? Many of which are first time firearm owners and were shocked that they could not just walk out of a store with a gun in many states.
I have my radio alarm clock tuned to NPR to wake me up in the morning. The station reported Wednesday that Governor Cuomo was thinking of setting up traveler registration checkpoints on New York states border highlighting the states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Vermont. If you live in one of those states, you would be by forced by decree, to quarantine for 14-days if you remained in New York state. The exception would be if you can prove you work in New York state. “Show me your papers” sure comes to mind.
Last item that strikes me funny is the recently released police ‘body cam’ footage of the arrest of George Floyd. I will not comment on the footage other than it appears that the police were just doing their job complete with opening windows in the squad car for Floyd after hearing complains from him of not being able to breath. Also, listen to his girlfriend pleading with Floyd to “not resist”. Please keep in mind, Floyd had a large amount of fentanyl in his system as was revealed in his toxicology report. Remember, one of the symptoms of fentanyl is the closing down of ones respiratory system. Does “I can’t breath” now make sense?
Let me firmly place my tin foil hat on my rapidly balding dome…The police were overcharged. I suspect it was done so when the police were acquitted a new round of violence will occur across our fair country.
These are just a few examples that have occurred during a short span of time. The Democrat party is not stupid by any means. Why are they allowing these folks to step on their dicks? The only reason that I can point to is that there is a half a dozen or so factions running the asylum. It would be scary if they rallied under one goal before November 3, 2020. Just food for thought.
Freedom Through Self-Reliance ™
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This is a stretch of my imagination here, but I’ll throw it out anyways. What if the hardcore left wants the regular Democrats out of the way so they can take full control of their place in or two party system?
Badlands Rifleman, anything is possible. Your comment is not out of the circle of possibilities.
To be honest, I think the Orange Man winning benefits the Marxist cause more so than Biden, and the old Democrat party. What revolutionary wants to be rioting in the streets with a DEM in the White House. It bogs down their visions of utopia here in the USA.
73 & God Bless
That makes a lot of sense, but a dem in the house would make it easier for them to get away with their agenda, look at how patriots were treated under Obama for example. Bundy and gang didn’t commit an inkling of the felonies Antifa and BLM have committed yet they were persecuted as such. I do think it is strangely odd that as important as the last election was to the left, this one is almost a foot note.
I think they are prepared to move ahead with either outcome. Remember they burned and looted and vilified LBJ in 1967 and 68 despite his progressive agenda domestically. In hindsight, it is hard to distinguish any difference between a 1968 riot with LBJ in office and a 1970 riot with Nixon, Kent State excepted. We seem to place all of our hopes on a single election outcome and the enemy always plans on any possible outcome. I think we are getting better at addressing that shortcoming, but as recently as 2016, way too many people relaxed in the wake of that outcome when the correct action was to increase preparations.
“but as recently as 2016, way too many people relaxed in the wake of that outcome when the correct action was to increase preparations.”
This is exactly spot on. While most people I know were sound asleep and wasting money I was steadily getting ready. Now those people are sorry for their laziness.
Very true, especially about people relaxing once one battle has been won. If our side could ever set a long term goal and continue marching until they reached it we might have something to celebrate there. In my experience conservative Normie can’t fathom that he’s under attack and needs to return fire though.
Folks, one of the things that bothers me the most is OPERATION WARP SPEED the rushed intro of a vaccine that is dubious by all standards. Trump seems to be behind it to the max. I will not take a vaccine………..period. I do no trust the motives of Pharma combined with Gates philosophy of population control. Plus, believing as I do in the Christian Bible I see this vaccine as a mark especially if the communists get there wants in forcing everyone to have “documentation” of vaccination…. NOPE not goin’ there…. I got dressed up for this party nearly 40 years ago…….Just reaching the age where I don’t even care what the music is…..LET’S DANCE!
Oh COMMUTATUS I agree 100%.
We were at our vets not to long ago with one of our critters. She is like-minded on most issues with MrsMac and I. She asked me if we were planning on taking the CCP Virus vaccine when available. We replied “no” in unison. She explained at a very high level that the corona virus is basically a modified common rhino virus (head cold). She explained to us that to have a vaccine would be specific for that strain as there are so many versions of the rhino virus out there. To be specific to the CCP virus we would have to modify our genes. The gene modification would not necessarily affect us but generations yet to come. A gene modification could be generations from now a mark of the devil.
Good thoughts brother.
73 & God Bless
I believe warp speed was intended to rush the vaccine to trial, resulting in terrible side effects. Which were subsequently released to the public. And now we have a 17% acceptance polling.
If you think the military is gonna vaccinate you forcibly, you haven’t served recently. The Military is Alex Jones listeners sans the mouth breathers.
I believe both of you are correct.
Either way, they clearly have several different ops running at once, all of which march towards the same goals.
Alex Jones listeners? That would be a distinct improvement over the Green Machine as I knew it, and a serious shock.
I’ll trade hot lead injections for mandatory vaccination, seems fair to me.
Hi this foto of Biden in front of the white book shelves is surely fake? Have a look here at 00.25 https://twitter.com/intheMatrixxx/status/1284532065548079105 where you see someone else. Who is playing with these scenes? What is going on ?
What’s really concerning is the “Bar Fight Phenomenon” that I noticed as a bouncer, and subsequent noticed watching Cop Cam footage and other such events.
When people trash talk each other, they run out of things to say, and then resort to violence.
Eventually, even Biden will run out of brain juice. He just keeps getting worse, and looks to have aged 5 years this summer alone.
Also, the communists are real accelerationists.
^ Historically speaking…
Anyway, World War Barfight is coming to a street near you.
“” they clearly have several different ops running at once, all of which march towards the same goals.””
I would like to see a “Intell” type report on all this…covering from when Trump officialy won to…this day.
The media, the domestic terrorism, anti-gun, the “Court” BS of past and coming, racism, this kung-flu crap, the money trail for all this, cause there is!!
Damn i cant even think of it all…
It’s like being hit with a titlewave constantly.
Which i realize..is part of all this.
I knew it was gonna be bad…
But honestly, i never envisioned it this bad.
Yeah JB. Buy ammo even if it is 60¢ a round. I will bet ya’ that we will see $1.00 a round by November 3, 2020.
Gold has gone from ~$1,550 in January to ~$2,000 an ounce today and silver went from $12.00 in March to over $28.00 an ounce today. Why wouldn’t we see ammo rise similarly.
73 & God Bless
I think some of this is due to a real struggle occurring behind the scenes for control of the party. For now the Obama faction has relative control, sitting in the middle between the Clintonistas and the Bernie Bros, but discontent continues to simmer.
Personally, I see no signs that the left wants to deliberately hand the election to Trump. Most of the leftist news and commentary I’ve been reading is absolutely giddy with the idea that with the way things are currently going the Democrats could repeat the sweep election of 2007. They could be counting their chickens before they hatch, but I also think we are on a countdown to the controlled demolition of the markets sometime in late September or early October. There is a reason there is such fierce obstructionism over another stimulus bill – the Democrats want their entire wish list, or nothing at all, since a faltering economy is widely seen as a negative for Trump.
Regardless of who wins I don’t think it really changes the track the country is on so I’m only paying attention for intel gathering purposes. Still, a lot of what I see indicates the Democrats want to play for all the marbles this November, because the next time they take power I don’t think they intend to ever relinquish it. They are ready for the demographic domino to fall, like it did in CA; and the millennial products of our socialist (re)education system are ready for the Utopia they have been promised, and they are getting impatient.
Watch for Michelle Obama to be the dark horse VP pick. Biden serves two years and one day, and then Michelle can serve the rest of the term and still be eligible for two terms of her own. Obamas in the WH for 12 years. He didn’t get his “transformative change” a la Saul Alinsky accomplished last time around, he wasted his political capital on health care reform. I think he wants another go, and won’t be playing around this time.
All good comments Max none of which I can debate.
73 & God Bless