2021 – Americas Future
One night early this past winter found me sitting around a campfire with NC Scout, Jesse James, Patriotman, and Matt Bracken sipping a unmemorable Merlot except for the company. There was a lull in the conversation, so I asked Bracken, “How do you come up with the story line for your novels, short stories, and articles?” He responded with,
“I think up the most unbelievable scenario or series of scenarios and start there.”
It is amazing how many things Bracken has written about that have come to fruition. I suspect many more will in the near future.
In the spirit of Bracken’s imagination, I am going to put down here an outrageous prediction for the readers here at American Partisan to ponder, pick apart, or raise up the flagpole.
In the end, it really does not matter who is elected to be President. The result will be the same – The United States will cease to exist in its present form by the end of 2021. The only thing that will change between a Trump or Biden win will be the pace of the decline.
This is because of The Great Reset (TGR) being planned for 2021 and subsequent years into the future. If you have not heard about TGR, then read their Vision Statement below, outlined by Adrian Monck, Public Engagement official for World Economic Forum (WEF),
- “The Great Reset” will be the theme of a unique twin summit in January 2021, convened by the World Economic Forum.
- “The Great Reset” is a commitment to jointly and urgently build the foundations of our economic and social system for a more fair, sustainable and resilient future.
- It requires a new social contract centred on human dignity, social justice and where societal progress does not fall behind economic development.
- The global health crisis has laid bare longstanding ruptures in our economies and societies, and created a social crisis that urgently requires decent, meaningful jobs.
- The twin summit will be both in-person and virtual, connecting key global governmental and business leaders in Davos with a global multistakeholder network in 400 cities around the world for a forward-oriented dialogue driven by the younger generation.
- The announcement of the Great Reset is made by HRH The Prince of Wales and Klaus Schwab during a virtual meeting today at 14:30 Central European Summer Time and can be followed here
Some of the readership here at American Partisan may know this by its former name, Agenda 21.
The major challenge to the success of TGR is the United States – especially with Trump at the helm; less so with Biden as he will be controlled by his handlers in the background (handlers that have taken positions in the government, political and military over several decades). Regardless, taking the head off the snake will not be easy because of you, the average American citizen that does not tolerate being told what to do. So, how do they take you out of the equation? It starts with insurrection in the streets, followed by the collapsing of our economy. Then, the totalitarian hierarchies will control the populous, the great unwashed masses, with food.
Russia did it to the Ukrainians in 1932-33. It was called the holodom, or, in English, kill by starvation. Mao did it between 1959-62 and is known as The Great Famine. Other Marxist leaders have done likewise. My point being, this is how the New World Order – or now called the WEF – is going to accomplish the goal outlined above in their Vision Statement.
Scenario I
As we roll up to the November election, social unrest will continue with an increase in specific locations around the United States. Social unrest will be the usual rioting and looting, with some new twists like attacking police and outspoken conservatives – with more than rocks, ball bearings, and fireworks – in the streets and at their homes. Think of months of Kristallnacht versus what transpired in Germany over several days.
Then the big day comes, and Trump wins the 2020 Presidential election. Trump’s win is larger than people were led to believe by the Mainstream Media and so there is an outcry that the election was rigged. Biden and his handlers will not concede the election and the cry from BurnLootMurder and other buyamob.com folks will be “tilt, tilt, tilt.” I can hear the rattle of AR-15’s and Remington 700’s as I type.
Within days after the election strategically placed operatives around the country snap into action. Riots start in Progressively controlled cities to the likes we have never seen. The rioting overflows into suburbia and rioters are shot as people protect their businesses and homes. This action allows the full wrath of the left to start using the guns they now own against anybody who tries to stop them.
During this time, we see attacks on police stations and even National Guard installations around the country. This operation is a way to acquire more and heavier weaponry as well as to destabilize government control.
Looking at the business end at this time, the stock market tumbles, gold and silver go through the roof, if you can buy it at all. The power grid starts to be attacked. This is a powerful tool to control people, especially in the winter months. It is tough to heat a home, let alone cook, with no electricity for much of the population.
The US Great Famine begins.
With the calamity going on around the United States, the government is unable to pay the interest on the loans they have due mostly to diminishing tax revenue. China $1.25T, Japan $1.13T, and yes, our ourselves $12.9T which is made up of Social Security, several government retirement agencies, and the Federal Reserve. Since we cannot make the interest payments, several countries, especially ones already controlled by the WEF, sell their Treasury Bonds at a loss, which causes the petrol dollar to collapse.
The United States has several options. 1) Break into the countries gold reserves and start to slowly pay back the monies we owe; 2) Print more paper money; 3) Sell-off resources owned by the government to nations we owe money to (remember, the government owns 28% of the land in the United States, approximately $2.27 billion acres); 4) Start a war; 5) Do nothing (although this choice risks attack from opportunistic countries).
With the country now fighting among themselves for position and food, while the government sends out worthless checks – whether they be for social security, unemployment or other reasons – the folks in the ‘woke military’ that have been slowly filling the ranks of the officer corps accept an invitation for help from the WEF. Then, the blue helmeted soldiers start to disembark from ships in our busiest harbors on all three coasts – East, Gulf and West.
The Blue Helmets will join forces with our woke military and voila! The United States will cease to exist as we know it today. A land full of rich resources, ample deep harbors, and hungry people who are willing to do anything that the new regime asks them to do.
Think this is crazy? I invite you to just look at the political induced famines of the past.
Scenario II
Biden wins the Presidential election. Things calm down for a period until he is sworn into office on January 20, 2021. Not unlike when Barack Obama walked into the White House in 2009, Biden will have a Democrat House and Senate plus the fourth estate behind him.
By Memorial Day 2021 draconian legislation will have become law. Mandatory CCP Virus inoculations, mandatory CCP restrictions such as mask wearing, socializing, travel between states, to name some. How will the Biden government implement the new laws you ask? By controlling the food supply? Other methods?
Small armed resistance will spring up here and there, which will give reason enough to pass new gun laws and, of course, confiscation. This will result in an escalation of armed attacks on police officers carrying out gun confiscations and CCP Virus mandates.
By Labor Day 2021, a full-fledged open rebellion will be in full swing, with parts of the country controlled by patriots and others by Biden forces. I suspect that most of the areas of the country that produce food will be in the hands of the patriots; consequently, the cities and blue suburbia will be in full starvation rioting mode.
Non-Commission Officers will for the most part flee from the armed services, followed by their subordinates. This will leave the wok officer corps holding the proverbial bag.
With the trigger pullers and food in the red parts of the United States, Biden will have no choice but to ask his WEF handlers for help.
The Conclusion? It does not matter who wins the Presidency. The blue helmeted men and women will be coming here regardless. The question is – Do you want to fight them on your terms or theirs?
Freedom Through Self-Reliance ™
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Just now reading Enemies series from Matt Bracken so the timing is of your article is right on.
I would have loved to be a fly on a log at that campfire summit.
I was thinking the same thing considering how long ago the books were written and how current they seem. Was also wondering how he came up with the plots. So it seems from the authors mouth that he reached quite a bit. In the end life imitates art so to speak.
Keep up the good work.
Bless you all.
It was a very high honor to be invited to that campfire, and to American Partisan.
“During this time, we see attacks on police stations and even National Guard installations around the country. This operation is a way to acquire more and heavier weaponry as well as to destabilize government control.”
In 2010ish, All medium and heavy weapons were moved to separate locations and are no longer stored at, or available to, regular NG soldiers. Their location is classified, But I would suspect that they are guarded at the local Federal Installation.
Don’t ask me how I know because I signed Non-Disclosure Agreements and I won’t answer your question(s).
But I did hear once from some guy at the time and the place about the thing that “We don’t have to worry about that”
And the Police(Approved and vetted SWAT) are not going to abandon their Sniper Rifles, MP5’s, and Ferret launchers to mobs of communists. If anything, they will be using them… Believe me.
Everything else about this article is 100% plausible. Sure, some Machine Gun’s will go missing. But If I may refer you to that old Weaponsman article about stolen class 3 weapons and accessories, they steal about 5,000-10,000 a year anyway… It’s one of his last posts before his untimely passing.
How great would it be if “Weaponsman” dissected the Kenosha shooting? I would certainly read that.
He died several years ago.
I’m familiar. He was an excellent writer. And had the same dry sense of humor my SF grandfather had.
Very interesting JohnyMac. Things are happening fast these days. I don’t discount anything.
What are your thoughts on Communication restrictions such as Internet blackouts, Cell Phone outages and Government media control?
Would there be a decentralized clandestine group of HF communicators spreading the truth?
Infowars has established a pirate radio station based somewhere in Tennessee. I forget the AM transmission frequency.
Someone can fill those details in.
And yes, the left wing controlled systems will cut our comms. And systems like Gab will likely suffer from DDOS attacks that are borderline “Super Weapons” in terms of their effectiveness. To include this website, sadly.
“No-one is coming to save us, It is up to us” -Old Guerrilla/Commando Motto, and SEAL motto too I believe.
“You will find yourself deep behind enemy lines surrounded by hostile forces; In the absence of orders, you should find something that belongs to the enemy and destroy it” – Unofficial Airborne Infantry Motto.
Paratrooper… yes they/them will cut off comms. But I foresee that it will swing both ways FYI.
Do these ponces in silicone valley actually think they will emerge unscathed? That their server centers will survive? That their cushy campuses be untouched? That these MSM talking heads and Hollywood actors have a place in a bunker to hide.
I don’t think so.
Have you been to Silicon Valley or Palo Alto?Because I have.
Have you built a Data Center? I have.
Their security is cutting edge and top notch. And they are built in areas that are readily defended and nearly impossible to approach.
Google has 3 backup servers systems on modified Cargo ships that use cold sea water as cooling. They are quite far from the coast.
How on earth do we attack these positions with small arms?
If you, or anyone else, has a plan, I’m in. But we would need hundreds of soldiers, If not thousands. And the Casualties would be very, very heavy. We cannot take WW1/WW2 casualties. We already have enough problems with fertility rates.
Robotic systems are becoming standardized. And if they are anything like the system on the M1 Abrams MBT, I feel sorry for whoever initiates contact. They are gonna get blown away in 2 seconds. Literally.
The only way you are gonna convince militia to attack a position like this is if it’s a “game over” scenario for the NWO. That I would gladly sacrifice myself for. And the sooner the better. But we just aren’t there yet. Most of my family thinks this will pass and that we are going to just go back to normal. My dad doesn’t even know that cities across the country are burning. And he watches the news.
And just who (meaning sheepdogs) are they/them going to get to protect these places? ANTIFA using harsh language while waving butter knives? I wonder who the Hollywood elite and talking heads will be able to hire as protection services. Right now these types use well paid sheepdogs, but where will these loyalties turn to once RevCom antics start to explode. If this explodes at in the article I posted below from the Washington Post, these places and corporations will be completely dismantled (as in no stone atop each other).
One thought comes to mind; you don’t attack the hardened offshore location, you focus on the weaker links that connect these data centers to the internet. Focusing on the undersea cable links and termination hubs could possibly be a more realistic 1st pass approach to cripple capabilities.
Those backup Google ships: how long will they be viable when all their ports of call go Max Max? (Grid down, water down, food distro down.)
Or is their backup plan to wait for the ChiCom Navy, aka the PLAN?
The west coast seceding from the “Trumpist” USA and asking the ChiComs for assistance is a very real possibility, much more than any UN “blue helmet” scenarios of the past.
Don’t forget some General Sun Tzu in your planning as it pertains to heavy weapons, tanks/Brads, and robotic tanks:
“Attack your enemy where he is weak, not strong.”
They’re called ‘BSAs’ (Brigade Support Areas)…where heavy weapons/tanks/Brads get fed from.
Filled with clerks, mechanics, medics, quartermasters, fuel handlers…and their mountains of supplies/fuel.
Saw 2 dismounted OPFOR lay waste to one at ‘Polkatraz’/JRTC in the early ’90s.
They went to work around midnight and happily went about their business until dawn.
Killed or wounded about 90% of the BSA by the time we finished casualty assessment…rendered it combat ineffective.
For MOUT, multiple molotovs on engine air intakes grills and ‘doghouse’ optics will reduce their effectiveness.
If nothing else, tankers/Bradfolk gotta leave the vehicle sometime to pee/poop.
Plan accordingly when they pop the hatch.
“Do these ponces in silicone valley actually think they will emerge unscathed? That their server centers will survive? That their cushy campuses be untouched? That these MSM talking heads and Hollywood actors have a place in a bunker to hide. I don’t think so.”
Exactly. And don’t forget the schools and college campuses.
Also don’t forget the news media folks who have stoked the fire and the politicians, lawyers, and judges. Target rich environment ….
One of the greatest “miracles” created by those evil European colonist oppressors was and continues to be the 24/7 delivery of potable water in nearly unlimited amounts to almost every city across most of the globe, and probably 90% of Americans (excepting those on well water, and 95% of them need the electrical grid to lift it out of the ground to their taps).
If CW2 goes hot and dirty, and I expect it will, all bets are off, and that includes the simple and easy delivery of electricity, water, and food to tens of millions. And it may take years to figure out a working system that gets that infrastructure running again. In the meantime, millions may die.
My hope is that on the other side, anybody who preached Marxism/Communism/Leftism/Collectivism will be hunted down and hung.
And in future decades, teaching the “benefits” of international socialism (Communism) to children and young adults will be considered worse than teaching them Satanism, child sacrifice pedophilia or Hitlerian national socialism. Much worse.
We should have learned this by the 1950s, but the Communists are very strong, and their “free shit!” cult is very easily sold to useful idiots of every generation.
If the grid goes down so will normal comms – well yes and no.
I have a friend who is retired and as a hobby and to make a few extra bucks he services half the governmental and club repeaters in the state of Pennsylvania. I go along with him on occasion, once the snow has cleared, to keep him company while he services them.
There are three types of communication systems that share a typical mountain top pad. Private, governmental, and cell.
Private repeaters, many of which are owned by amateur radio clubs, for the most part do not have a generator attached. When the grid goes down so do, they.
Governmental repeaters on towers at times share the tower with a local club. The governmental repeaters typically have a generator and 30-days of fuel ready to kick in if needed. In my part of the country that is a 400 to 500- gallon propane tank. If a club is lucky enough to share a tower and shack space with a governmental repeater, they will have power as long as the governmental one has power.
I have visited tower locations with my friend, and it is not uncommon that the tower pad shares a cell tower too. Some of these towers have generators also but many do not. I would guess it is 50/50 around my AO. They like the governmental towers have the same generator setup and will last about 30-days.
The towers with a generator in my area are pretty much unacceptable by a propane truck in the winter though.
So, if the electric grid goes down let us say January 1, there would be spotty cell and repeater coverage if the comms were hooked up to a generator. February 1, they would sputter and then become quiet if the grid was not back up.
For all intents and purposes if the grid goes down so does your internet connection. Using FLdigi in theory you could still receive internet through a relay system from parts of the country/world that still may have internet/electricity, but it would be a laborious process. If the electric were still on and the internet was still up absolutely the government would control it. I believe the President has at his/her disposal the ability to do that. See https://www.cnet.com/news/obama-signs-order-outlining-emergency-internet-control/
Now to answer the heart of your question, HF ham radio would be your only communication source for distances, and VHF/UHF would be your local communication avenues when the grid goes down.
Keep in mind that VHF is “line of site”. On water at about the height of a man, that is 7-miles. You obviously can extend that range if antennas are higher and depending on type. Using a VHF simplex frequency, I can regularly QSO with a friend 60-miles away, with each of us using a yagi antenna horizontally polarized, and transmitting on SSB not FM. I am located at 1,400 feet above sea level and he is in the 1,000-foot range. If propagation is in my favor, I can QSO with other VHF stations using the setup I described as far away as the space shuttle. I love yagi antennas. Back to the task at hand. The farthest I have communicated not to the space shuttle was one night to a guy in southwest New Hampshire. But that is not the norm by any means.
Now in an urban setting UHF would work because the distances would be shorter, and UHF does not have the issues going through cement and steel buildings as VHF does. That is why many police forces use UHF in the cities.
I hope I answered your questions MTNBOY.
73 7 God Bless
Thanks JohnyMac for sharing your expertise.
Our club has two repeater sites, one of which has grid power and a small battery backup. Our other mountain top site has no grid power. I designed and built a solar system that is mounted on top of our small container, 8×12 feet. (I am retired from 30 years in Law Enforcement and I have a skill set in welding) Putting the panels up high, keeps them from being buried in the snow. Using six 175 watt panels, I have two panels facing East, two panels facing south, and two panels facing west. No matter where the sun is at in the sky, the system is making power. We have a good size battery bank, with a Outback MX60 MPPT charge controller. The system has been running flawless for several years.
I use the same design at our off grid ranch with solar arrays facing East, South East, South, South west and West. Its a large system about 12 kW, but living off grid full time for over a decade, its all about the short days of winter. You lose 45 degrees of sunlight on the shortest day of winter, that’s 22.5 degrees lost from the east and 22.5 degrees lost from the west. Plot it out on your compass sometime.
With 300 to 350 watt solar panels going for a little of $100.00 each, now is the time to buy. (www.santansolar.com)
My latest project is putting up a 65′ tower for my 270′ OCF Dipole antenna.
That is some great information right there.
It makes sense they share the same pad. Considering how hard permitting is, and the location is unique.
You know who else shares space? The DHS Fusion Centers, FBI, and some other law enforcement…
How do you spot a Secret Fusion Center? The antennai on the roof brother. You cannot miss that kinda equipment cause it is large and expensive, and there is like 6 of them up there.
I can’t help but think of my long short story “Alas, Brave New Babylon,” when I read about mountain top commo antennas.
Here is the short story read by a real pro, Michael Dukes. Somehow, after googling it, the link has survived every cancel purge.
Thank you to Backwoods Engineer. (A hint may be contained in his web name.)
Matt, any thoughts on the Metcalf Power Station shoot up but on a much larger scale? There were no suspects identified, no clues and no arrests. If this was a test, it was a good one. It seems like it is something the RevCom’s would do to create more Havoc in cities.
Matt, I completely forgot about your short story, “Alas, Brave New Babylon”. Thanks for reminding us all.
To read or listen to the audio version of the short story go here http://www.backwoodsengineer.com/2013/11/alas-brave-new-babylon-audioessay.html
73 & God Bless Brother
There are a few RF BBSs running. That might be something to think about. Of course DFing would be a problem at some point.
Next city to burn? Rochester .NY.
Another perp on pcp,This story just released Sept 2 and it happend in March? Protests, but no burning or looting yet.Not till the commies show up anyway.
In Scenario 1 I see them trying to assassinate the re-elected President. It is also possible they could go for that ahead of the election if the polling for Biden is bad enough. A President Pence would have to look hard at the Insurrection Act and either delaying the election for a few months or indefinite postponement pending an end to the insurrection. The enemy of course would go nuts. We are in open kinetic battle by Thanksgiving. It would likely be the last time many Americans see their families and sadly, very many of them will likely end that day estranged from their loved ones by virtue of which side they are on.
In Scenario 2 I see the new regime moving immediately to implement their agenda, including a decreed end to the 2nd Amendment, a brief turn in period, and a confiscation by force. It wont work of course and the depleted security forces will be looking around for some backup sooner rather than later. Like North Korea, perhaps feeding them will be a motivator to keep them from deserting.
In either case, I see the current enemy configuration of urban rioters being ground up in the early kinetic stage. it is not really task organized for serious resistance in a free play environment. An early move to the suburbs will accelerate that attrition and a move in force on the countryside should put an end to them. The unnatural nature of the Revcom alliance should also manifest itself in infighting in the urban areas that takes the enemy numbers down and depletes both resources and morale. I anticipate the blm faction of the enemy to devolve into a mere criminal mob and expect it will be beyond any reasonable means of command and control. They will be shot on sight by that point and will become hard pressed to resupply weapons and ammo at first and food soon after that. The remnants will find them selves isolated between a rock and a hard place in some unknown location without maps, transport, or communication, and surrounded by infuriated armed locals. I don’t expect there will be much sympathy or mercy coming from the people they set out to murder.. The college radicals making up the antifa ranks will likely reorganize into tactical formations built around the existing JBGC type groups acting as cadre. With some quick training, they will be better suited to go after the patriot factions, but they will also be had pressed to take and hold unfamiliar ground from armed and determined locals. Offensive military operations are a little harder to conduct than agitprop street riots. It is the bitter hard work of a fighting man and I estimate that not as many of them are up to the task as they suppose they are. We shall see. Imported Blue Helmets? It is certainly a possibility at any point after the kinetic kickoff. I don’t expect most outside nations would be too eager to get into the tangle in the early stages. While many would love to loot what they can from our ruins, that is easier said then done. I think many international scores will be getting settled while we are distracted by our own domestic agony and that should keep the rest of them busy for a while. Europe will be hard pressed to avoid becoming part of a new moslem caliphate. Sparing quality troops for a blue helmet quagmire in FUSA will probably not be an attractive prospect.
Food will be a weapon. I have noticed crops planted in places that have been uncultivated for years. Seeds and chicks vanished from Agway early and I think the country people “get it”. Relative self sufficiency will probably make the difference and while the enemy certainly has rural supporters, overall their numbers are derived from grid dependent urban types who I expect to fare poorly once the power goes out.
For the first time in my life, I see fields of wheat in Maryland. First time ever. I didn’t even know what a wheat field looked like until I drove cross country on 80 and 70 a couple years back. Our leaders are more than aware of what’s coming…
Thank you for confirming what I posted in another article on intelligence gathering from yesterday(or the day before). Baltimore residents are planting crops in their yards and preparing their green areas for crops. Considering that some of the gardens are one species, and some are another, I can only assume that entire neighborhoods are working together. That is what it looks like. Same as what I saw in Baghdad, Iraq and the surrounding orchards and crop fields. This is happening. Right now. You are correct sir.
They are also building greenhouses of different designs and materials around the colleges. During the Spanish Civil War, the communist forces turned the schools into military bases. This had many effects on the minds of the nationalist forces. They couldn’t mentally convince themselves to return fire at their own citizens cause they are kids and students, and the psychological effect could not be lifted until reports of mass executions in the surrounding area were taking place. Including the executions of entire police departments. Sound Familiar?
I see them preparing and cloning tactics from Al-Andalus Spain using Garrison Fortresses (Moorsish Soldiers, like the Nation of Islam, and Arabian Royalty from Qatar and Saudi are very clearly a copy of the Al-Mohads, Umayyad, and Almoravids) and the Spanish Republic(Who were the Communists and Anarchists) They called themselves Republicans…
At my college, the Moors get their drugs from the Arabs and the other tribe… They have very high quality uncut drugs. Don’t ask… Sorry. I needed to know. If you know what I mean…
Old Schools have very thick stone walls made from very strong stones. And in Baltimore, the windows on many government buildings are narrow, and have designs that would redirect incoming small arms fire. They have been planning this for decades…
Best of luck to all patriots across the nation. You are not alone. We are right here with you, every step of the way.
Same here in NYC. We are working in neighborhoods peopled by Hindus and other brownish types. Backyard, front-yard ,side-yard gardens – you name it .
These are all ‘happy thoughts’ in the article posted above.
And they all wind up with FREE-FOR victorious in the end BTW. We outnumber them by multiple factors. We have the numbers on our side. FREE-FOR possesses the vast majority of hard-minded, trained, armed individuals as opposed to the REV-COM/ANTIFA types who are barely disciplined, and minimally trained in all respects (except street thuggery). Just by watching the riot videos you can tell that there is a very small cadre of hard-core agitators herding them about like feral cats.
I think Scenario 1 is more likely, but without the dystopian economic stuff. Trump is a money man–and this is one of the main reasons why he was elected (#1 being illegal immigration). I could see all of this stuff happening under a Clinton or Biden administration, where these fools completely surrender the USA to international money cabals. But with Trump?!!
No. I don’t see it.
In fact he killed the TPP trade agreement which was literally worth hundreds of trillions of dollars into the pockets of the globalist money elites. And in doing so he began the process of bringing back the jobs to the USA. The fact that this trade agreement alone was shit-canned by Trump is the real reason why they are so desperately trying take him out of office.
It literally was worth more than the entire value of North America (everything in it BTW) over the course of a generation.
Think about these staggering sums of money.
If in fact there is a financial crisis here in the states–I think Trump would again stand up the protect this country and not let it fall into the hands of the globalist banking scum.
Scenario II, “ Biden wins the Presidential election. Things calm down for a period until he is sworn into office on January 20, 2021,” might actually be our side kicks things off immediately after a Biden “win” or after a lengthy legal battle has crowned somebody other than Trump. I do not see the silent majority being passive long enough for Team Biden to settle in, and I don’t see the Biden shock troops allowing Trump to take office under any legal process or electoral outcome. This is the end of peaceful transitions of power.
Disagree on the blue helmet invasion. The U.N. forces are cowards for the most part. And asking them to tame the most heavily armed population in history will cause them to wet themselves, make excuses and make incursions only into areas they will feel safe in, like Seattle.
I see us winning decisively, and quickly. and I see us rounding up the sleaze in Washington and executing them publicly pour encourager les autres. No trials, no bullshite. We control almost 90% of the land mass in this country as it is. This country is majority conservative, we’ve just had our votes stolen and our communities gerrymandered beyond recognition. Those on the middle of the road wishy washy fence will come over to our side as soon as the violence starts. Doubt me?, then ask yourself how many of your middle of the road or liberal friends have said they’ll be coming to your house if the SHTF.
If Biden wins, or whoever takes his place (I believe he’ll drop out before the election for health reasons and the libturd knight in shining armor will suddenly appear to save the country from itself), then most will begin a campaign of 100% non-compliance. The fed machine is not big enough to police the hollow dictat of Washington. They might clean the law abiding guns out of Maryland or California, but beyond that they’ll be committing suicide, and all the LEO’s I know agree with that statement. No one gets paid enough to be shot at.
The only tool the marxists have is chaos, and it’s wearing thin on a majority of the population. This cannot go on for too long, or even the middle of the road morons will wake up and start demanding more police and legal protection. After that it will be open season on the rioters, no bag limit.
Best of luck to you all out there, and avoid crowds. If you must, operate at a distance.
It’s true that UN forces can be cowardly. And the UN itself doesn’t not have many actual soldiers. They are mostly leaders and trainers, and combat advisors.
But the local national forces they conscript, are quite talented. They know the area, have connections to the regions they are in, and since they are typically drawn for regional forces, the good guys have a hard time pulling the trigger on their own people. Also, these conscripts are typically Voluntary. The reason I use the word “Conscript” is because the local economic situation lends itself to people being forced to serve to raise their standard of living. Mostly because the UN offers a paycheck, food, a rifle, and an armored truck.
We seem to forget there are nearly 63 million non-native, non-english speakers in this country. Only about 15-20 million are Latins…
I think the Latins will be on 50% on our side. They have a strong man “Machisimo” culture, so they will side with whoever is the strongest or most winning. Since this is like round 2-4 against Socialism and Communism for a lot of them.
It all depends on who’s making up the UN forces and what they’ve been promised in return for their service.
They want a bunch of fat chicks covered in tattoos, Fiat Currency, and some desolate desert in the midwest?
I mean… I’m almost inclined to allow this…
Kidding, we are def having ourselves a little showdown.
I worried most about them bringing really nice, cool people in, and giving them a better deal than the boomers offer people like myself. That is already evident on the streets of every major city. And it was quite effective.
Who else pays $200-300 a day for unskilled labor…. NOONE. That’s who. We are in quite the pickle, and that’s mostly economic. We have the firepower, training, and troops(And experience). The economy is the primary weakness.
What they’re promised, not what they’re getting ;)
Be careful out there Johnny, I wouldn’t want to see you get crushed by one of those tattooed ANTIFA Land Whales.
I don’t see the blue helmets employing local conscripts. They’ll bring in foreigners.
As to the question of our own military being used to kill our own citizens, as you noted about the Spanish Civil War, it will take a lot to make that happen. I think most would sneak home to be with their families and friends, and would provide the added bonus of bringing with them their issued kits as well a dearth of logistical intelligence and know how.
This will Balkanize the country a la Yugoslavia, with the hard core marxists assuming the role of Bosnians but without the international help. They will be obliterated.
I hope you are right. But I live in Baltimore/DC.
I don’t think they need to bring in foreigners. We already do that. They are already here.
Maybe though. Hopefully, they will be everyone’s problem at that point.
The correct answer, in all probability, is that they will likely throw everything at us. And put whoever is best in charge.
The American traitors will get plenty of “volunteers” by the battalion if they offer U.S. citizenship and 100 acres of land.
That’s the gist of the third novel in my Enemies series, “Foreign Enemies And Traitors.”
It won’t be “The U.N. invading the USA!” It will be American traitors inviting in “volunteers” with generous promises.
“Foreign Enemies And Traitors” book cover
Don’t worry about the U.N., worry about the “volunteers” that our West Coast and New York traitors would invite in to save them.
If you finish book three of the Skipper Kilgore adventures, and release it exclusively through Infowars, I will pay full price plus some “Save Infowars” $$$. As I am sure a great many people will.
You can always set it WAY into the future, like Admiral Kilgore future stuff.
I would include an “Novel History” persona of Samuel Smith’s flawless defense of Baltimore in there.
Kilgore could play “Samuel Smith” in Brazil.
Sounds fun to me…
I heard Infowars needs money and we need Infowars.
Seems like RevCom/Antifa are being primed and propagandized into the idea of Civil War should they not get their way…
“Civil War: Washington Post Threatens “Catastrophic” Violence If Biden Loses”
Yes they are. They’re actually telegraphing it either way.
Here’s the link to the Wa-Po Twitter clip….
“Operation Red Mirage”
The Chicoms are pissed that we haven’t been disarmed yet. They were promised it back when the Clintonistas were in power. Wearing blue helmets they could assemble a force to be reckoned with in our country. They will be limited to their fortified areas around the their holdings, such as solar power plants because of our weapons. Unless they release a race specific bio agent to do the work for them. There is a reason why they keep trying to push vaccines on us. What if the precursor is in that shot?
As for the reset, POTUS could set up a new economy and tell the bankers to stuff themselves. Look at the new bills, one half gold colored and the other half a banker note. What if Trump says tear them in half and we now have a gold backed system?
General Chi, China’s Defense Minister from 1993 to 2003 laid out his plan to ‘colonize’ the US.
And don’t ya know he wanted to use Bio-weapons… versus nukes.
I like you. You have a cool callsign.
Thumbs up in my book. This sounds fun. Let’s go with this plan.
How ’bout those death rates huh? I noticed that CNN added 30,000(or so) for no reason in the last few days.
Ha. Funny. They haven’t met the people I used to work for.
The comments are very entertaining. None of them will transpire. Get comfortable and watch the show as the badges play whack-a-mole with those who lose their cool and stand themselves out. This drama will go on for quite some time still.
11ballyyoucanb, thank you for your comment. Please take a moment and expand on your comment, transpire. “The comments are very entertaining. None of them will transpire.”
Thanks Bro.
73 and God Bless
As long as the majority of amurikans(on both sides) are receiving .gov $ there will be no effective or meaningful resistance against the current system. For the simple fact that most of them are in debt up to their asses and fear losing everything they don’t own… And that is why the .gov is printing and sending out trillion$ they don’t even have. It really separates those who are in control of their lives and the other 99% who are not- the indebted masses will not give up their “free chicken” in exchange for freedom.
To your point, https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/02/politics/cbo-us-debt-projected-to-overtake-gdp/index.html
Proverbs 22:7 – “The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower [is] servant to the lender.”
73 & God Bless
Proverbs 22:7 King James Bible
The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. Other translations say slave instead of servant! Servant or Slave ultimately its bondage…
Is this is a warning if so to others it could be a guide to use to make everyone a borrower to have us in bondage.
Some Maxims of Law to remember that they maybe operate under:
He who seeks the benefit must stand at the burden.
Every man is presumed to attend the natural and probable consequences of his own voluntary acts. This is a big deal with the SOB’s they want to induce us into slavery voluntarily!
The agreement of the parties makes the law of the contract.
The agreement of the parties overrides the law.
No injury is done by things long acquiesced in because long sufferance is construed as consent.
Well said LP. Thank you sir!
73 & God Bless
If things keep getting bad, who is going to come and collect on all that debt? Pretty soon we’re going to get to the point where if you can hold it, you own it.
As a person who has seen the Police/SpecOps/Army/NG crossover episode. I 100% agree that it will be entertaining.
My only contention is the inevitable… Boil over…
However, I gotta say… How about those official Covid-19 death numbers? Amirite?
One time momma said I could be anything… So I joined the 82nd and shoved a lot of rifles in A LOT of people’s faces.
Believe me… Tremendously fun when they earned it. I should have gone to the land of the Afghan. I regret that.
meh. I was in my first gunfight on the streets of Detroit at age 13, without the backing and support of the entire U.S. military. After that, the fun wore off and the seriousness took over. Shorter version: been there-done that..
How extensive will the “New Black Panthers” voter intimidation be this November? Especially in the areas that are being abandoned by the progressive mayors/governors to the mob now.
Scurvy, fair question but I do not have a clue.
You know, its up to the people to say, “go away.” With or without a baseball bats.
73 & God Bless
Based on previous history of groups like BLM, NOI, and TBP… I would guess they will only pose for photos in the areas they control. But this will still have a marketing value. And, quite possibly, a net return. Time will tell. Good question.
The real value is the people we warned years ago, and then they called us crazy.
We aren’t crazy anymore. That makes us look very, very good after the summer of rage.
It does them no good to attack or intimidate voters in communist dominated areas. You would be beating up your own people who are presumably voting your way. Going to a conservative town within a Democrat state would also be a waste of time since the Electoral College insures that those states electoral votes w.ill already be going to Biden. They would need to seek out conservative areas in contested states to have any impact
None. Fully decked out DHS will be guarding those locations.
BREAKING… ANTIFA terrorist who killed Patriot Prayer activist, killed by US Marshalls attempting to arrest him.
Thank you Shinmen Takezo, post going up on American Partisan at 0030 hrs ET this morning.
I second you “HURRAY” however, I suspect things will get a bit spicy in the PNW with this news.
73 & God Bless
I have linked all the above article and commentary to my list of correspondents with the following preface:
“My Messages Are Fewer……as is the list of recipients, but the content is increasingly crucial.
The following, including the very thoughtful discussion in comments, is absolutely required reading. I cannot emphasize that enough. Our own little “war gaming” of the coming events leading up to and following the election… you know, like the demonrats just did only with facts and reason. During which, by the way, they signaled openly their intention to refuse to accept a Trump victory and to raise every kind of hell in response. Your enemies are in the open about what they intend to do to you.
There is reason to believe that we will win… but only if we are willing to pay the price freedom from tyranny has always required. No one else is coming to save us. All we have is each other. Our enemies are deadly serious. Are you?
Please, for the love of family and country, read and think hard. Accept that there will be no return to normal and that you will be faced with the most difficult decisions and actions that you likely have never fully contemplated, whether you fight back or not. Let that sink in.
Steel your hearts, clear your minds of denial, doubt, fear and wishful thinking. Determine not to surrender to intimidation and aggression, but to make the bastards who have sold us out pay with their lives and those fools who serve them as well.
No way out but through. Please send to everyone with eyes to see and ears to hear.” (End quote)
Thanks for this content and this site, and than every single one of you for your courage, insight and determination.
Thank you for reading, commenting, and sharing with like-minded friends oughtsix!
73 & God Bless