Are the Wildfires out West a Coordinated Attack?
Courtesy of Law Enforcement today:
A series of wildfires in Washington, Oregon, and California are now being considered arson – and sources tell Law Enforcement Today that they may be part of a “coordinated attack”. Law enforcement throughout the west coast is reportedly being put on alert to look out for “opportunists” and those who may have more sinister motives. A number of arsonists are already in jail, and there a few on the run, we’re told. Federal law enforcement sources also tell Law Enforcement Today. that some of the people who started the fires may be connected in some way.
[…….]A federal law enforcement source shared with Law Enforcement Today that the feds are looking into whether the cases are linked together… and warn there could be more “attacks”. “We are reacting to a coordinated series of attempts to start fires anywhere and everywhere in Oregon. Public and Private lands, incorporated and unincorporated areas. By all indications so far in the preliminary stages of these investigations there is a coordinated effort on the part of these individuals to start fires in areas that are the least protected and most vulnerable then slowing working their way into more populated areas and neighborhoods. Please take this information as an advisory for you own account and welfare and please act in good faith with due diligence to plan accordingly for your own safety and the well being of your community.”
[…….]There are current concerns and allegations that many of these people who have started fires may be related to Antifa. However, these allegations have not be confirmed. Law enforcement sources throughout Oregon and California did confirm for us that investigations are underway to see if a number of these fires are tied together. We’ll be sure to keep you updated as new information becomes available.
While these are anonymous sources – and nothing has been confirmed on record – it is not out of the realm of possibility. Frankly, if you are willing to burn down businesses in a downtown area, what is to say you would not set the woods on fire? This could also be those for whom burning businesses down is too “hardcore” or for those who are too afraid of getting caught. There is a much lower threshold to convince yourself to set the forest on fire, where you can be more anonymous and the risk of getting caught is significantly lower.
If this story gets updated, we will keep you informed.
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Wildfires have been used for a while as a tool in the Southern border regions of the US. I was in Arizona near the “Horseshoe 2” and “Monument” fires in 2011. We knew that illegal border crossers (or the “coyotes” running them through the area) were starting fires near Fort Huachuca because we saw them several times in areas where fires started shortly after, and it had been initially reported by CBP. One of my instructors at Huachuca had been a CBP agent before and “had people”. The media decided it was local road construction crews using heavy equipment. They said the “bulldozer caused a spark” or something ridiculous like that.
Long story short, the lesson is that wildfires have a history of being started intentionally for nefarious uses out west, and as usual, be prepared to read between the lines of the MSM reporting. If they catch wind that AntiFa/BLM/RevCom is starting those fires, the next question they’ll ask is “What fires? There are no fires.” The stories will be harder to find. That’ll be the clue.
“ Nearly 85 percent* of wildland fires in the United States are caused by humans…”
Illegals start wildfires too bc of sheltering or cooking.
All vehicles are designed with spark arrestors.
Even you chainsaw for this exact reason.
And all the heavy equipment I’m aware of vents exhaust up, Not down into the dirt, where your exhaust would end up.
Burning out the area around your enclave makes sense.
And I have been saying for years that the American Redoubt is under constant threat from fires.
I wouldn’t fight a war on a tinder box.
I’m crazy, but not that crazy.
We live on a forested ranch in the Rockies and for a few years have been concerned about the possible use of wildfire as a terrorist weapon. A100,000 acre man made fire 20 miles from use was just contained thanks to a freak snow storm.
Our hunters and Fieldcraft students have been given instruction to be armed and bring any trespassing violators to ranch headquarters – at gunpoint if necessary security patrols on foot, horseback and drone have been previously implemented.
Not the best of times
Coyyote, thanks for the SITREP. Please keep us all here at American Partisan in the loop of what is going down around your AO.
God Bless Brother
Everyone is thinking the same thing, it’s the REVCOMS.. Antifa even stated openly that forest fires would be used as a tactic to attack the rural areas.. Well, here ya go!
My brother lives near Mt Hood, he is on Evacuation alert right now.. They have their big RV packed and are ready to come up here to our place.. Glad we installed an oversized septic system 15yrs ago.. This will make 3 RV’s, ours, our son’s, and now maybe my brother’s.. Lookin like an RV park around here.. Blocking my LOS to the tree line, dammit.. Gonna have to move cameras..
Our property is close to the Olympic National Forest boundary, we live among the big trees, wilderness all around us.. Everyone who lives around here sweats out every summer, because it gets so dry.. This year has been a bad one, even the wind is blowing hot.. I walk out into the woods, grab a handful of the grass tops, and crunch the seeds in my hand, then blow it.. Some of it hangs in the air like dust, that’s as bad as it gets.. The bed of fir needles on the ground is the same, crumbles to dust.. Literally explosively dry! The pitch is dripping out of the trees too..
All the gates are closed, no one is allowed in the woods, unless you live here.. All the fire danger signs are in the BLACK! Thermometer on the shop said 104deg yesterday, been that way for a week.. I need to go shooting, have a couple guns that I have made alterations on, need to be zeroed.. NO/GO right now, not even worth the risk.. Can’t even mow the lawn.. Everyone around here is sniffing the air for smoke, dreading the next Lightening storm.. And now we have F’n commie pyro freaks that want to burn everything down..
We are all praying for an early start to the monsoon.. Deer season starts next month..
Need some of that famous Olympic RAIN, badly!
Wow that sounds like you are in the middle of it. Do you own a tractor and can you cut a line around your property? As a 30 year veteran firefighter, there are lots of ways to prep your property. Good luck, at least you have a lot of extra hands for security, etc.
Yeah, most of the time this place is like paradise, even in summer.. Gets dangerous in August and September, until the rain starts.. Our house is a 100+yr old floor and a half farm house, renovated.. Metal roof on the house and shop, reduced our insurance considerably.. Trees are cut back, about 80yds to the treeline.. Clear to the front gate as well, usually green pasture/lawn is now brown.. We have timber rights on our back40, heavily wooded with Douglas Fir and Hemlock 150-200ft high, ready to harvest.. Our buried stashes are out in the woods too, we’d really hate to see it all burned.. What a nightmare that would be!
Forecast says 40% chance of showers on Tuesday..
God help us, please let it rain..
Witness account with photographic evidence. Elk Rock Oregon.
WSP: Brush fires along I-5 near Marysville were likely arson
Washington man arrested for starting fire in median of highway, police say
I lived in Reno Nevada a number of years ago and was friends with an older gentleman that had grown up in Nevada and worked for the NFS in the summers putting out range fires. He warned me that if I was out among the sagebrush and smelled smoke to get out quick as the fire can travel 30 mph. Which was faster than I could drive down the dirt roads I was on.
He also imparted I tidbit that has stick with me in that he said that if he had access to a D8 Cat he could stop almost any range fire by making fire breaks. He wasn’t a man to brag about his accomplishments and I think he was telling me this for future use. Now I pass along to those that night use his insight now.
One of the best things I did was take my S130/S190 for Wildland Firefighting. Such useful information in those classes. Plus, if you get your Red Card, you can be a support fire fighter and get paid to go out for a few weeks to help.
My son in law worked on Hot Shot Crews for over 10 years. Now he contracts as a saw guy. He just returned from the Santa Cruz fire and is saying that fire was definitely intentionally set. Along with most the fire below 4,000 feet. Lightening strikes are attributed to the fires above 4,000 feet. Of course not a mention of this from the media.
Funny, the only semi- conservative city in Oregon. Medford, Rogue valley. Just happens to burn down after a very narrow failed recall petition of Kate Brown? Started on the Bear Creek greenway, just below Ashland.( which survived) Keep in mind, Ashland is Berkley-North. The Greenway is a Kate Brown sponsored drug party/homeless camp that runs right through the most populated part of the Rogue valley. Several hundred businesses, mostly small. Have been wiped-out. To say nothing of the humanity.
Also set alight. Forests and small towns in the out-laying areas.
Wonder were all those conservatives are going to get their mail in ballots now? If the communist hide of a governor isn’t starting them. She certainly waits till there to large to do fight. Hell, the place is home base of Erickson air crane. (Fire fighting helo’s). I’ve seen them be on site in under an hour.
When I was a young man in No. Cal.. Air tankers would put out fires almost immediately. A tower spotted smoke, they were on it. And very few got out of control. What changed? Politics, money, power. all being run by a death cult.
Would large regional swaths of smoke and fire like this also be good cover for the movement of foreign SF elements or shipments of weapons? Obviously not in the direct area of the fires, but the visibility in the greater area and near the coast is basically non-existent.
To my amateur eyes it looks like an opportune time to move large amounts of items, supplies, people, etc. while hiding from drones, aircraft, or satellites under concealment.
Smoke and haze obscures visual detection from airborne and spaceborne platforms. Infrared, not so much. Radar, not at all. Clouds defeat both visual and infrared from above.
Maybe some of those chicom units reported in Canada
I live in the Sumner/Bonney Lake, Wa area and we are having our share of burning excitement. I received a FB post from a firefighter friend concerning the discovery in the Snohomish area of responding FD discovering wooden poles that had been partially or completely severed with chainsaw cuts. That’s a little more than copycat mischief. My vote is coordinated attacks screened by actions of losers. Antifa/blm got chased out of several small towns out here. I could see the arson tactic as a way to turn unified & resisting communities into refugees.
Hey T. Why has the poles been cut do you think. Fuel for the fire?
Take care up there Brother.
The surest sign that the REVCOM PEDOS are behind it, is the Portland FBI office saying they aren’t!
More “Grey Terror” that JR Nyquist and others have explained. It could be part of the Preparatory Period/Softening Up that is to come before war with the Chicoms and Russians. A book on the Russian Spetznaz from several years ago even detailed wildfires as a pre-war device.