WATCH: Fox News Shuts Down Newt Gingrich When He Blames GEORGE SOROS for the Violence and Rioting
File this under “Things that make you go HMMMMMMMM”:
Why did this invoke such a response from Fox News? Is it because they are afraid of a slander/libel suit from the powerful Leftist? Or has this talking point become toxic because it is true, and Fox News has a vested interest in keeping such knowledge away from public consumption? Sound off in the comments!
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Sounds like the lawyers came running into the control room to stop them from a getting sued. Or to not give voice to the “right wing nut jobs”…
You can’t be sued for conveying public record/knowledge that’s already been discussed. The reason no-one got sued making the Shadowgate documentary is because it’s public record/knowledge.
I suppose you could find a bunch of corrupt people to take the case and hear it, but you wouldn’t win.
Andrew Breitbart was a forward-thinking patriot who left his name on a “news” service. Try including the name “Soros” in any post at comments section and your comment will be deleted. Andrew must be spinning in his grave.
I know why they killed Andrew and Hastings. Shadowgate 2 coming soon…
Business as usual for Faux News.
That’s why OAN’s RSS feed is in our sidebar.
We are the news now. (Literally, we)
My new friends said that OANN is good. But is in the process of dealing with subversion and infiltration.
You can see the tired looks on the faces of a few of their field reporters. Apparently, sorting through fake news, counterintelligence, and disinformation can wear you down. Never done it professionally, with the exception of the current situation we are all personally experiencing, but I can only imagine. DC is an exhausting town considering the streets are empty by 2am. Not like NYC which is a 24 hour town.
I had a beer with some of the OANN staff at Trump International in DC once, purely by accident. I told them about the work I, and my crew, did on the hotel. They seemed genuinely engaged with the conversation, and were quite nice. I enjoy their coverage, unfortunately their video clips are used as enemy propaganda in my classes and all the good comrades have a good laugh together.
Shadowgate 2 drops soon. BTW. And there is going to be a 3rd, 4th, 5th edition. It’s a long, long story. Millie and Her husband said they would come on the show, but cannot discuss the arrest and charges. If you are interested, you have my email. And I will bounce pass their number. They said YES! when I asked. Though they had never heard of you.
We are hitting the ten yard line soon. We are gonna need all the Rangers. I suspect they(ABR) will start early, to get inside of the loop. Only time will tell.
BTW, The UV-5R can receive and play FM radio for about 9 hours straight on medium volume with the standard size battery and still have 2 bars. Very impressed, I was jamming out. Thank you for the recommendation. I own 12 now. Jailbreaking them and my DMRs this weekend using Chirp with my dudes. The color codes and time for the DMRs is radical man. Reminds me of the Harris Radios my leaders had in the Litter Box. Radios are cool, way more technical then boring old firearms. My friends and I love our new toys. We are rigging them into our kits, and researching DX tech now. Have you written any articles on good gear for DX? I’m gonna take a look, and loot, after this comment. Might be time to dust those articles off. We have less than 40 days by my guess. Ya’ll are the best. Love this website.
I have. I teach a course where it goes into deep detail. I will not disclose those techniques on the web.
Understandable. I’ll ask a friend. We can make a trade of some skills for some skills.
FAUX News. Absolutely.
Who does one trust anymore ?
FAUX News. Absolutely.
Who does one trust anymore ?
OAN. It’s in the sidebar for a reason.
Right wing protects the left wing. Maybe it’s just one big club and we’re not in it.
If the left wing didn’t have the right wing, this thing wouldn’t have gotten off the ground.
According to BG Robert Spalding, who told me to “Do Pushups” once, the CCP already stole all the money invested in China. So FOX Business has been lying to us for a LONG time. Covering for Soros, who tried to crash the HK Dollar once(IIRC), probably works for China.
No way, dude. Do some homework on Soros sometime. Watch the interview where he talks about helping the Nazis loot the Jews in Hungary. He was a Jew, himself, posing as a Christian participating in the looting of Jews’ property for the Germans. Watch some excerpts from the famous 60 Minutes profile. And hear from a separate interview how it was his happiest time of his life. This is a man who does not believe in God in any form and does not believe in morality, by his own admission. Is it any surprise he is willing to pull the strings on various social movements and try to wreck entire nations for his own profit?
If this was true, Israel would have Mossad pick him up yesterday. Which they can, and could do. I don’t believe everything I hear from known liars, thieves, and murderers. Soros is protected communist royalty in my opinion, and the communist international and syndicated anarchists allow him to run riot on us.
Soros is a capitalist. He does what’s good for business.
Pointing to him as the lone source of issues highlights how devoid of critical thinking many really are.
They don’t even mask it with “technical difficulties” anymore. On a positive note, Kamala’s little visit to south florida did not go so well a couple days ago. She went to the wrong neighborhoods.
Maybe one of the women on Outnumbered has a husband working for him?? I don’t know…but I saw it live, and it was very strange.
He spoke the truth and still no one wants to hear it. Fox News is part of the problem too. They are what you call controlled opposition
Fox News is now controlled by Rupert Murdoch’s leftist sons. Expect less “fair and balanced” from Fox News.
Soros, the Ghoul and his sons.. Captains of Chaos Worldwide!
Only thought I have for them, is a question.. Why are they still alive????
After the war starts, gotta be sure to get them, before they scurry off to
their Chicom friends for protection!
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” Voltaire
This confirmed what we already knew: Fox News is a Rupert Murdoch-owned, controlled opposition sell-out…
Very uncomfortable silence there before the “ we don’t need to bring George Soros into this…”. Probably the producer screaming into their earpiece…
Jeff B.
Beck goes into detail about the scum behind what is coming–and Sorros is included.
I suggest this video go as a ‘pinned’ feature here–Beck lays it out completely.
FYI–if Beck is shitting his pants and coming out with a 1 hour video (actually more) on an emergency basis–ya’ll better straighten up your shit ASAP.
My only criticism about Beck’s video is he only suggest you start to “intensely pray.”
He does not offer any advice on preparation or push back, nor get ready to wage a counter revolution.
In my opinion this is what must be planned for NOW and prepared for NOW.
A COUNTER REVOLUTION will not be won in ballot boxes, nor in the courts, nor in the media.
Glenn Beck is a huckster.
I encourage you to watch the video.
Nothing he speaks of is really new but pieced together shows the organized fashion of the Democrats plan.
He may play into fear by the production value (fear sells of course) but the info taken away is useful.
Agreed. Glenn Beck is another conservative conman. He figured out how to exploit well-meaning, but easily manipulated, conservative patriots, and all but monetized his own shadow. He would sell you his shadow and his bodily excretions, if he thought you would buy them. Some folks might.
The only conservatives I truly trust to mean what they say are the ones who put their thoughts out free of charge online. Patreon or online ads, I understand. Everyone else is a huckster.
Beck tells you to pray, because he can’t afford to actually get involved for real. Just like Limbaugh- when starts to get too real, it’s just entertainment.
I just posted a comment, but I want to add one thing-
I used to listen to Art Bell. One night, many years ago now, he mentioned how every show host gets to a certain point where they’re big enough, successful enough, the feds come to have a little chat with them. He said he wasn’t allowed to go into details, but essentially, they tell you what you can and can not say. So perhaps that is why you can never expect anyone in media to tell you the truth about anything. It might make sense that’s why everything is just entertainment when folks start getting serious.
I also remember under Klinton when the feds started visiting churches to co-opt preachers, too. Their explanation was they wanted to sign on preachers to help get out important govt messages to the public.
The Soros Meme is the same thing we were warned about in the book “1984”, the movie is half decent adaptation. Emanual Goldstein isn’t in charge of anything. It’s just a fake name to cover for a fake movement to get people in trouble. And a cursory look on the internet makes it seem real. Also, Scout is correct(Again), Glenn Beck, his stupid bowtie, his stupid suit that doesn’t fit, and his stupid glasses can take a hike. He looks like a character from “The Hungry Games” and moves like one too. Literally nothing Glenn Beck says is useful, helpful, or drives the ball towards the end zone. No one man is running this show. Books like “Unrestricted Warfare” by those two Chinese Colonels mention Soros by name, but only in passing, and only because they would like to copy his tactics and techniques.
I have bad news. Everyone who is famous, or on the internet… is there to distract and disinform us. “Total War” means total war; And NOTHING else. No-one is coming to save us, it is up to us.
Thanks! For a long time I’ve been wondering how to conceptualize events, e.g. are ‘we’ trying to conserve the way things are, or at least a part of it; are we in some involuted way part of a ‘revolution’ as patriots in your own country; but I think you’ve got it – the left is so far down the path with more to come, it looks like we will have the role you speak of. Thanks again – thoughts will now have greater clarity.
Did you hear the desperation in the second commentator’s voice? Outright fear is definitely at work in their organization; maybe the word has gone out that staff can be fired, or maybe it’s even more personal – e.g. Antifa will pay a visit, or worse.
Is Progressive Insurance and Geico part of the Soros empire. If they are and they are sponsors of Fox, there is your answer. However I looked into major shareholders and did not see Soros there. I wonder if it is the threat of a lawsuit that prompted Fox to interrupt the broadcast. Dig into the net and you will find many tentacles there.
this one has a ton of footnotes, FWIW.