Wednesday WODs
Original Post:
In keeping with the spirit of the AP Fitness Challenge, I decided to post a Workout of the Day (WOD) every Wednesday to give you, the readers, a challenge to complete. I will be doing them beforehand and posting my results with the WOD. These WODs are not original, new or super secret. You can find lists and lists on the internet and adapt them to what equipment you have – or even if you have no equipment at all. I personally love the book Cross Training 101: Build the Ultimate Athletic Physique, which is where many of the WODs are coming from (I may modify some slightly to make them more relevant to our purposes).
Of course, modify the exercise as needed (i.e. if you cannot run, walk; if you cannot do a push up, do a modified pushup with your knees down OR a wall push up, etc)
Let’s first go over some basic types of WODs:
- As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP) – Within a certain time constraint, complete as many rounds of exercises as possible
- Every Minute on the Minute (EMOM) – Within a certain time constraint, complete the exercise(s) at the beginning of every minute
- For Time – Complete the workout in the quickest time possible and record your time
- Tabata – Style of interval training where you exercise for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds for a total of 8 rounds
- To Failure – Doing reps until you physically cannot do another one
- Pyramid Set – Increasing the number of reps incrementally and then working back down from the peak (i.e. 1-2-3-2-1)
For Time: The BlackJack
- 20 Push-Ups, 1 Sit-Up
- 19 Push-Ups, 2 Sit-Ups
- 18 Push-Ups, 3 Sit-Ups
Continue this pattern until…
- 2 Push-Ups, 19 Sit-Ups
- 1 Push Up, 20 Sit-Ups
Shout out to WODWell for this workout:
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this needs to go on the main….