We are the GOP…and We Hate You

Defending Democracy Together has spent $11.5 million on independent expenditures opposing Trump or backing Democratic nominee Joe Biden. Organized as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit and thus not required to disclose its donors, it’s the top spending “dark money” group of the 2020 election cycle so far.

Through its project Republican Voters Against Trump, the nonprofit runs an onslaught of unconventional ads featuring Republicans who plan to vote against Trump in November. In addition to paying for TV ads and billboards in swing states, Defending Democracy Together has spent nearly $5.2 million on online ads aiming to spur Republicans to vote for Biden. 

It also has a Republican Voters Against Trump super PAC that has spent $4.2 million to influence the presidential race. The PAC ads feature opinions from Republicans who say they regret voting for Trump in 2016. It also ran a Spanish-language ad comparing Trump to foreign dictators. That group is expected to reveal its donors before Election Day, but like other super PACs it could dodge true disclosure by reporting its allied nonprofit as its only donor…

Defending Democracy Together is run by Bill Kristol, a prominent Republican Trump critic who ran the conservative Weekly Standard magazine. Kristol’s new website, The Bulwark, is a project of the 501(c)(3) Defending Democracy Institute and is one of few conservative news sites that has a reputation of being harshly critical of Trump. 

Read more at opensecrets.org

The numbers speak for themselves, and the Never Trump Movement has finally removed the fig leaf of ‘country over party.’ I am tempted to call them traitors, particularly the sneering, soulless, intellectual dilettante Bill Kristol. Yet the entire concept of traitor implies some sort of betrayal of an existing credo and an organization you owe a duty to. Kristol and his fellow carbon-based life forms…the title of human is beyond their reach…have no such credo or organization. I discovered at a young age listening to the conversations between the booths and in the corners of CPAC that a large contingent of the GOP is made up of parasites, not people. The only guiding principle, if you can call it such, was to preserve and enlarge the colony of grifters stealing from the blue collar rubes and suburbanites they hated. The Never Trumpers cannot betray anything because they do not believe in anything. I almost feel sorry for people like Kristol, it has to be a tortured existence. Imagine scrambling from one host to the next, no low too low, no line that will not be crossed, a political drug addict in a back alley doing the unspeakable for just one more taste of donor money…a positively grotesque, inhuman life. While it is perfectly possible and maybe even correct to pity such a thing, it is of utmost importance that we make sure this political cancer is not allowed to metastasize and infect the next generation.

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About the Author: Jesse James

The Millennial your professor warned you about. Incontrovertibly opposed to neoliberalism and post-modernism, including their roots, on a theological, philosophical, economic and political basis. My curriculum vitae spans chemistry, biology, law, and western jurisprudence. Juris Doctorate. Recovering libertarian and ivory tower resident. Reluctant monarchist because I read too much history, and watched CSPAN one too many times. Christian in the vein of Augustine and the Five Solas, advocate for patriarchy, western and Christian tradition, and the nuclear family. Avid hunter, fisherman and outdoorsman. Described as a ‘food snob.’ Lover of old bourbon and old books. Happily married to my favorite redhead…my helpmeet and the one that makes it all worth it. I live in Virginia but will always be a Texan.


  1. Truth-in-Tension October 13, 2020 at 18:36

    Perfect description of the GOP open borders, international socialists. Their role is to appear to be pro American conservative patriots, however, they are hardcore big government, pro war, anti free market, UN globalists.

    • MN Steel October 13, 2020 at 20:58

      I’ve always preferred “rootless cosmopolitans” but would go with Wayne LaPerrier for once with “tidal wave of new European socialists”as backup…

  2. Anonymous October 13, 2020 at 19:44


  3. Brad October 13, 2020 at 20:00

    Globalist/US Chamber pond scum who made a lot of money on the backs of American Manufacturers as their work was shipped off to China. I know, I am one. And the better Trumps “Magic Wand” works the less money they make. I’m convinced the Rona was intentionally unleashed to combat the Trump agenda. Perpetrated by the DNC, The Globalists, and China.

  4. Curious Passerby October 13, 2020 at 20:17

    Repubes suck. I volunteered with them in the past and the infighting and backstabbing and the backroom deals to keep well-meaning patriotic outsiders out made it suck. Not that I’m a dummycrat, but the neocons and the country club good ol’ boys make the repubes suck.
    They’re awful because they’ll do anything to try and appeal to dems in the hope somehow they’ll accept them. Even after being repeatedly smacked and insulted by the dems, they keep going back like an abuse victim hoping this time it will be different. They also suck because they’re not willing to fight hard to win. Trump’s shown them how to win and they’re going to run as far from him as possible. They would rather lose gracefully than fight hard.

    I hate voting for the repubes. They’re the worst party, except for all the rest. I just don’t see anything in the repubes that appeals or stirs my support. They’re amazing at pulling defeat from the jaws of victory. Being a repube is being used to failure and expecting to lose, even when they somehow win. I’m tired of feeling like I’m a sucker for the repubes’ abuse and I’m not going to come back to be abused again. I voted for Trump with joy. Trump is the first repube I can think of who actually seems to want to win. He kind of makes the rest of them look bad for his willingness to fight. It’s funny to watch the dummycrats freak out over an opponent who actually tries to win and plays their game better than they do. This year, I’ll vote for him again, but after Trump, unless the repubes can clone him, I doubt I’ll ever vote in a national election again. Assuming we have one. When they try to return to business as usual and run milktoast weenies who want to lose gracefully and bounce in and out of think tanks as a career, I’ll quit voting in the nationals.

    The repubes are so good at losing, I’m tempted to believe they’re controlled opposition. How else can you explain them winning control of the government and not taking advantage of it to accomplish anything? The dummycrats might be wrong, but they fight hard to be wrong.

    BTW- I had a coworker whose brother-in-law was setting himself up to run for office as a repube in VA. In case you don’t know about candidates, the entire public face is a sham. He described how the guy set himself up for a year or so ahead of time before he ever officially ran to have all the correct appearances, causes, and commodities. It’s like that Will Ferrel movie, The Campaign. He had to buy the correct cars (SUV and Hybrid), go to the correct church, join the NRA, get a dog, and so on. He explained how the guy built himself a fake life before running so he would have all the entries on the list checked off. Don’t fall for anything they tell you about the candidate’s personal life. Remember how George Bush Sr. got a lifetime NRA membership and dumped it as soon as he won?

    Also- never trust anyone who pretends to be on the right if they’re selling you stuff. All those talking heads and Fox News contributor types are just salesmen. Glenn Beck was an alcoholic drug addict morning zoo radio show guy who reinvented himself as an authentic patriotic conservative who could cry at the drop of a hat and literally sold everything he could. Rush Limbaugh has always been quick to tell true believers it was purely entertainment when it got too real. Michael Savage was a life-long liberal who left a career of writing books nobody read to cut a demo tape of him ranting and raving about conservative ideals he had never held and sent it off to radio stations until someone offered him a show. I could go on and on. Other than conservatives doing it on Patreon in their spare time or on youtube or whatever, if they’re selling you something, don’t believe it. Nobody is DDOSING the lamestream conservaterds like they are this site. They’re going to be hardcore in public and hanging out with BIll Maher once the lights turn off. American Conservatism is the Tea Party Movement. Remember them? They started out as actual angry patriots and within 6 months they were coopted by the mainstream repube faux conservatives and being sucked dry for funding campaigns and selling more Tshirts, books, newsletters, etc. They were hijacked by the same neocon country club posers the patriots had fled to join the Tea Party Movement in the first place.

  5. Johnny Paratrooper October 13, 2020 at 21:13

    I lived in D.C. for 4 years.
    All the GOP, and their staff, have Russian and Ukrainian mistresses.
    Or they are closet homos with wives and kids.
    They are Communist Simps and Cucks. Period.
    They will argue with you about ANYTHING pro-American or America first.
    If you get annoyed, or visibly frustrated, they threaten to call the cops on you.

  6. James Carpenter aka "Felix" October 13, 2020 at 22:22

    Unless they are able to disappear, abandon their previous life routines completely, I see no reason why the 308 rule wouldn’t suffice for remedy and recompense should it come to that. 400 yards is a wide perimeter surrounding the movements and habits for many of the “smaller” fish to monitor and mitigate against on a sustained basis. What would the expected yardage be for a bigger fish, oh say, like McChrystal be?
    Lists were made in American Revolutionary days (both side). Given the difficulty of escaping the modern Eye of Sauron, everyone here should bet they are already on a list themselves.

  7. Anonymous October 14, 2020 at 09:43


  8. americanlife702 October 14, 2020 at 12:03

    There sure are a lot of Dual Citizens in power in this country. That needs to end. Either you’re American or not. Look at the names I can pull off the top of my head from the democrat party. Blumenthal, Shiff, Shumer, Feinstein. I know I’m missing some. The thing is, Republicans have a large share too, Kushner being a huge case in point. In media we’ll have Ben Shapiro and Bill Maher, ostensibly right and left wing voices that shape the narrow confines of what is and isn’t acceptable political solutions or speech. They are so over represented in media, and government that it wouod take months of research just to name them all.
    On “Conservatism”, what has been conserved? The political discourse and the actions taken are so far to the left that rather than America First, we basically have every other country in the world first, their citizens First before Americans, their citizens who immigrate here getting a free ride while Americans are forced to pay for our own displacement by foreigners under threat of a SWAT Team.
    The Law Enforcement is basically aimed straight at Americans only as should be apparent to anyone who’s not an NPC.
    We need REAL Nationalism here. It’s no accident that to speak of real Nationalism you will be called an Anti Semite, a White Supremacist, Racist, Bigot etc. Those labels must be like water off a ducks back because they’re just Communist revolutionary tactics. I’ve seen Black Patriots labeled as White Supremacist as well as others who are not even White.
    A Nation, apparently until the 1960s or so was a PEOPLE, Usually an ethnic group except in the case of these United states. Now it is just lines on a map, GDP and the “New Americans”. This is happening all over Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. All at the same time.

    • NC Scout October 14, 2020 at 12:11

      “On “Conservatism”, what has been conserved?”

      This is the critical question. Folks should start to question the underlying basis of authority, then law, and only then they’ll have a more coherent answer. Conservatism, Inc. is not a coherent answer, because that crowd and those following them don’t even understand the question.

      • americanlife702 October 14, 2020 at 12:58

        Nick Fuentes here describes it pretty well. This may seem a bit off topic at first but I don’t think it is. This kid should be on TV for everyone to watch or not, but America First is so out of the question that he can’t even be on YouTube anymore. https://www.bitchute.com/video/bESSZCGhEv5a/

  9. Jose October 14, 2020 at 15:30

    Just so you know, in case you are unaware, the Neocons (the Kristol, Wolfowitz, Kagan, Bolton, Perle crew) are decedents of the Trotsky school of thought. Just search for his father, Irving Kristol. This is a known fact.

    On another note, Spanish language political adds infuriate me. I just don’t get it. Only citizens can vote and the official language here is American (English). Spanish, Korean, Somali, etc. political adds should be illegal. I grew up speaking Spanish in my home, but when my parents arrived in the early 60s they learned the language. They now speak it fluently to the point it is the language they now speak at home. They assimilated. They don’t think of themselves as Cubans. They are proud Americans. Why? Because all paperwork, driver’s license exams, etc. were in American (English); therefore, the had an incentive to learn. Now you can take government administered exams in Creole (Hatien), Spanish, & English. California has even more languages. How do you expect people to assimilate? This may not be fully related to this article, but if you want to begin fixing this country we MUST eliminate the language “loophole”. With no common language there is not “American Nation”:

  10. Karl Dahl October 14, 2020 at 18:24

    The game in November:

    The media will call the election for Biden on election night. They will suppress every story contrary to this. Social media will do the same – Twitter, Facebook, Google search.

    The GOPe will go along with it.

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